Source code for pysys.writer.outcomes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2022 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Writers that record test outcomes to a variety of file formats. 


__all__ = [
	"TextResultsWriter", "XMLResultsWriter", "CSVResultsWriter", "JUnitXMLResultsWriter","JSONResultsWriter",

import time, stat, logging, sys, io
import zipfile
import locale
import shutil
import shlex
from urllib.parse import urlunparse
import json

from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.writer.api import *
from pysys.utils.logutils import ColorLogFormatter, stripANSIEscapeCodes, stdoutPrint
from pysys.utils.fileutils import mkdir, deletedir, toLongPathSafe, fromLongPathSafe, pathexists
from pysys.utils.pycompat import openfile
from pysys.exceptions import UserError

from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.writer')

class flushfile(): 
	"""Utility class to flush on each write operation - for internal use only.  
	:meta private:
	def __init__(self, fp): 
		"""Create an instance of the class. 
		:param fp: The file object
		self.fp = fp
	def write(self, msg):
		"""Perform a write to the file object.
		:param msg: The string message to write. 
		if self.fp is not None:
	def seek(self, index):
		"""Perform a seek on the file objet.
		if self.fp is not None:
	def close(self):
		"""Close the file objet.
		if self.fp is not None: self.fp.close()

[docs]class JSONResultsWriter(BaseRecordResultsWriter): """Writer to log a summary of the test results to a single JSON file, along with ``runDetails`` from the runner. The following fields are always included for each test result: - testId: the test id, including ``~mode`` suffix if it has modes defined. - outcome: the outcome string e.g. "NOT VERIFIED". - outcomeReason: the string explaining the reason for the outcome, or empty if not available. - startTime: the time the test started, in ``%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S`` format and in the local timezone. - durationSecs: how long the test executed for (or ``None``/``null`` if unknown). - testDir: the path to this test under the ``testRootDir``, using forward slashes. - testFile: the path (typically relative to testDir, using forward slashes) of the main file containing the test's logic, e.g. ````, ```` etc. This is usually, but not always, a Python file. If applicable, some tests/runs may have additional fields such as ``cycle``, ``title`` and ``outputDir``. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ includeTitle = True """ By default the title of each test is included in the output. To save disk space you can set this to False if it is not needed. """ includeNonFailureOutcomes = '*' """ In addition to failure outcomes, any outcomes listed here (as comma-separated display names, e.g. ``"NOT VERIFIED, INSPECT"``) will be included. To include all non-failure outcomes, set this to the special value ``"*"``. To save disk space and record only failure outcomes, you may set this to an empty string. """ outputDir = None """ The directory to write the logfile, if an absolute path is not specified. The default is the working directory. Project ``${...}`` properties can be used in the path. """ def __init__(self, logfile, **kwargs): super().__init__(logfile, **kwargs) # substitute into the filename template self.logfile = time.strftime(logfile, time.localtime(time.time())) self.fp = None def setup(self, **kwargs): self.runner = kwargs['runner'] # NB: this method is also called by ConsoleFailureAnnotationsWriter self.includeNonFailureOutcomes = [str(o) for o in OUTCOMES] if self.includeNonFailureOutcomes=='*' else [o.strip().upper() for o in self.includeNonFailureOutcomes.split(',') if o.strip()] for o in self.includeNonFailureOutcomes: if not any(o == str(outcome) for outcome in OUTCOMES): raise UserError('Unknown outcome display name "%s" in includeNonFailureOutcomes'%o) self.logfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.outputDir or kwargs['runner'].output+'/..', self.logfile)) mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.logfile)) self.resultsWritten = 0 self.cycles = self.runner.cycles if self.fp is None: # this condition allows a subclass to write to something other than a .json file self.fp =, "w", encoding='utf-8') self.fp.write('{"runDetails": ') json.dump(self.runner.runDetails, self.fp) self.fp.write(', "results":[\n') self.fp.flush() def cleanup(self, **kwargs): if not self.fp: return self.fp.write('\n]}\n') self.fp.close() self.fp = None with, encoding='utf-8') as fp: json.load(fp) # sanity check that valid JSON was generated by this JSONResultsWriter
[docs] def createTestResultDict(self, testObj, **kwargs): """ Creates the dict that will be output for each test result. @returns: The dict, or ``None`` if this result should not be included/ """ testDir = fromLongPathSafe(testObj.descriptor.testDir) if testDir.startswith(self.runner.project.testRootDir): testDir = testDir[len(self.runner.project.testRootDir)+1:] data = { 'testId':, # includes mode suffix 'outcome': str(testObj.getOutcome()), 'outcomeReason': testObj.getOutcomeReason(), 'startTime': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime( kwargs.get('testStart', time.time()) )), 'durationSecs': kwargs.get("testTime", -1), 'testDir': testDir.replace('\\', '/'), 'testFile': testObj.descriptor._getTestFile().replace('\\','/'), } if self.cycles > 1: data['cycle'] = kwargs["cycle"]+1 if testObj.descriptor.output != 'Output': data['outputDir'] = testObj.descriptor.output.replace('\\', '/') if self.includeTitle: data['title'] = testObj.descriptor.title return data
def processResult(self, testObj, **kwargs): outcome = testObj.getOutcome() if not (outcome.isFailure() or str(outcome) in self.includeNonFailureOutcomes): return data = self.createTestResultDict(testObj, **kwargs) if not data: return if self.resultsWritten > 0: self.fp.write(',\n') self.resultsWritten += 1 json.dump(data, self.fp) self.fp.flush()
[docs]class TextResultsWriter(BaseRecordResultsWriter): """Writer to log a summary of the results to a logfile in .txt format. """ outputDir = None """ The directory to write the logfile, if an absolute path is not specified. The default is the working directory. Project ``${...}`` properties can be used in the path. """ def __init__(self, logfile, **kwargs): # substitute into the filename template self.logfile = time.strftime(logfile, time.localtime(time.time())) self.cycle = -1 self.fp = None def setup(self, **kwargs): # Creates the file handle to the logfile and logs initial details of the date, # platform and test host. self.logfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.outputDir or kwargs['runner'].output+'/..', self.logfile)) self.fp = flushfile(openfile(self.logfile, "w", encoding='utf-8')) self.fp.write('DATE: %s\n' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%Z)', time.localtime(time.time())) )) self.fp.write('PLATFORM: %s\n' % (PLATFORM)) self.fp.write('TEST HOST: %s\n' % (HOSTNAME)) self.fp.write('\n') for k, v in kwargs['runner'].runDetails.items(): if k in {'startTime', 'hostname'}: continue # don't duplicate the above self.fp.write("%-20s%s\n"%(k+': ', v)) def cleanup(self, **kwargs): # Flushes and closes the file handle to the logfile. if self.fp: self.fp.write('\n\n\n') self.fp.close() self.fp = None def processResult(self, testObj, **kwargs): # Writes the test id and outcome to the logfile. if "cycle" in kwargs: if self.cycle != kwargs["cycle"]: self.cycle = kwargs["cycle"] self.fp.write('\n[Cycle %d]:\n'%(self.cycle+1)) self.fp.write("%s: %s\n" % (testObj.getOutcome(),
[docs]class XMLResultsWriter(BaseRecordResultsWriter): """Writer to log results to logfile in a single XML file. The class creates a DOM document to represent the test output results and writes the DOM to the logfile using toprettyxml(). The outputDir, stylesheet, useFileURL attributes of the class can be overridden in the PySys project file using the nested <property> tag on the <writer> tag. :ivar str ~.outputDir: Path to output directory to write the test summary files :ivar str ~.stylesheet: Path to the XSL stylesheet :ivar str ~.useFileURL: Indicates if full file URLs are to be used for local resource references """ outputDir = None stylesheet = DEFAULT_STYLESHEET useFileURL = "false" def __init__(self, logfile, **kwargs): # substitute into the filename template self.logfile = time.strftime(logfile, time.localtime(time.time())) self.cycle = -1 self.numResults = 0 self.fp = None def setup(self, **kwargs): # Creates the DOM for the test output summary and writes to logfile. self.numTests = kwargs["numTests"] if "numTests" in kwargs else 0 self.logfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.outputDir or kwargs['runner'].output+'/..', self.logfile)) self.fp =, "wb") impl = getDOMImplementation() self.document = impl.createDocument(None, "pysyslog", None) if self.stylesheet: stylesheet = self.document.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "href=\"%s\" type=\"text/xsl\"" % (self.stylesheet)) self.document.insertBefore(stylesheet, self.document.childNodes[0]) # create the root and add in the status, number of tests and number completed self.rootElement = self.document.documentElement self.statusAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("status") self.statusAttribute.value="running" self.rootElement.setAttributeNode(self.statusAttribute) self.completedAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("completed") self.completedAttribute.value="%s/%s" % (self.numResults, self.numTests) self.rootElement.setAttributeNode(self.completedAttribute) # add the data node element = self.document.createElement("timestamp") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))) self.rootElement.appendChild(element) # add the platform node element = self.document.createElement("platform") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(PLATFORM)) self.rootElement.appendChild(element) # add the test host node element = self.document.createElement("host") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(HOSTNAME)) self.rootElement.appendChild(element) # add the test host node element = self.document.createElement("root") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(self.__pathToURL(kwargs['runner'].project.root))) self.rootElement.appendChild(element) # add the extra params nodes element = self.document.createElement("xargs") if "xargs" in kwargs: for key in list(kwargs["xargs"].keys()): childelement = self.document.createElement("xarg") nameAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("name") valueAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("value") nameAttribute.value=key valueAttribute.value=kwargs["xargs"][key].__str__() childelement.setAttributeNode(nameAttribute) childelement.setAttributeNode(valueAttribute) element.appendChild(childelement) self.rootElement.appendChild(element) # write the file out self._writeXMLDocument() def cleanup(self, **kwargs): # Updates the test run status in the DOM, and re-writes to logfile. if self.fp: self.statusAttribute.value="complete" self._writeXMLDocument() self.fp.close() self.fp = None def processResult(self, testObj, **kwargs): # Adds the results node to the DOM and re-writes to logfile. if "cycle" in kwargs: if self.cycle != kwargs["cycle"]: self.cycle = kwargs["cycle"] self.__createResultsNode() # create the results entry resultElement = self.document.createElement("result") nameAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("id") outcomeAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("outcome") outcomeAttribute.value=str(testObj.getOutcome()) resultElement.setAttributeNode(nameAttribute) resultElement.setAttributeNode(outcomeAttribute) element = self.document.createElement("outcomeReason") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode( testObj.getOutcomeReason() )) resultElement.appendChild(element) element = self.document.createElement("timestamp") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())))) resultElement.appendChild(element) element = self.document.createElement("descriptor") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(self.__pathToURL(testObj.descriptor.file))) resultElement.appendChild(element) element = self.document.createElement("output") element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(self.__pathToURL(testObj.output))) resultElement.appendChild(element) self.resultsElement.appendChild(resultElement) # update the count of completed tests self.numResults = self.numResults + 1 self.completedAttribute.value="%s/%s" % (self.numResults, self.numTests) self._writeXMLDocument() def _writeXMLDocument(self): if self.fp: self.fp.write(self._serializeXMLDocumentToBytes(self.document)) self.fp.flush() def _serializeXMLDocumentToBytes(self, document): return replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(document.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding='utf-8', newl=os.linesep).decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8') def __createResultsNode(self): self.resultsElement = self.document.createElement("results") cycleAttribute = self.document.createAttribute("cycle") cycleAttribute.value="%d"%(self.cycle+1) self.resultsElement.setAttributeNode(cycleAttribute) self.rootElement.appendChild(self.resultsElement) def __pathToURL(self, path): try: if self.useFileURL==True or (self.useFileURL.lower() == "false"): return path except Exception: return path else: return urlunparse(["file", HOSTNAME, path.replace("\\", "/"), "","",""])
[docs]class JUnitXMLResultsWriter(BaseRecordResultsWriter): """Writer to log test results in the widely-used Apache Ant JUnit XML format (one output file per test per cycle). If you need to integrate with any CI provider that doesn't have built-in support (e.g. Jenkins) this standard output format will usually be the easiest way to do it. The output directory is published as with category name "JUnitXMLResultsDir". """ outputDir = None """ The directory to write the XML files to, as an absolute path, or relative to the testRootDir. Project ``${...}`` properties can be used in the path. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.cycle = -1 def setup(self, **kwargs): # Creates the output directory for the writing of the test summary files. self.outputDir = os.path.normpath((os.path.join(kwargs['runner'].project.root, 'target','pysys-reports') if not self.outputDir else os.path.join(kwargs['runner'].output+'/..', self.outputDir))) deletedir(self.outputDir) mkdir(self.outputDir) self.cycles = kwargs.pop('cycles', 0) def processResult(self, testObj, **kwargs): # Creates a test summary file in the Apache Ant JUnit XML format. outcome = testObj.getOutcome() if "cycle" in kwargs: if self.cycle != kwargs["cycle"]: self.cycle = kwargs["cycle"] impl = getDOMImplementation() document = impl.createDocument(None, 'testsuite', None) rootElement = document.documentElement attr1 = document.createAttribute('name') attr1.value = attr2 = document.createAttribute('tests') attr2.value='1' attr3 = document.createAttribute('failures') attr3.value = '%d'%int(outcome.isFailure()) attr4 = document.createAttribute('skipped') attr4.value = '%d'%int(outcome == SKIPPED) attr5 = document.createAttribute('time') attr5.value = '%s'%kwargs['testTime'] rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr1) rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr2) rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr3) rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr4) rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr5) attr = document.createAttribute('timestamp') attr.value = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) # use UTC/GMT like Ant does rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr) # add the testcase information testcase = document.createElement('testcase') attr1 = document.createAttribute('classname') attr1.value = testObj.descriptor.classname attr2 = document.createAttribute('name') attr2.value = testcase.setAttributeNode(attr1) testcase.setAttributeNode(attr2) # add in failure information if the test has failed if (outcome.isFailure() or outcome == SKIPPED): failure = document.createElement('skipped' if outcome==SKIPPED else 'failure') attr = document.createAttribute('message') attr.value = '%s%s'%(outcome, (': %s'%testObj.getOutcomeReason()) if testObj.getOutcomeReason() else '') failure.setAttributeNode(attr) if outcome != SKIPPED: attr = document.createAttribute('type') # would be an exception class in a JUnit test attr.value = str(testObj.getOutcome()) failure.setAttributeNode(attr) stdout = document.createElement('system-out') runLogOutput = stripANSIEscapeCodes(kwargs.get('runLogOutput','')) # always unicode characters runLogOutput = runLogOutput.replace('\r','').replace('\n', os.linesep) stdout.appendChild(document.createTextNode(runLogOutput)) testcase.appendChild(failure) testcase.appendChild(stdout) rootElement.appendChild(testcase) # write out the test result self._writeXMLDocument(document, testObj, **kwargs) def _writeXMLDocument(self, document, testObj, **kwargs): with, ('TEST-%s.%s.xml'%(, self.cycle+1)) if self.cycles > 1 else ('TEST-%s.xml'%(, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(self._serializeXMLDocumentToBytes(document)) def _serializeXMLDocumentToBytes(self, document): return replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(document.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding='utf-8', newl=os.linesep).decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8') def cleanup(self, **kwargs): self.runner.publishArtifact(self.outputDir, 'JUnitXMLResultsDir')
[docs]class CSVResultsWriter(BaseRecordResultsWriter): """Writer to log results to logfile in CSV format. Writing of the test summary file defaults to the working directory. This can be be over-ridden in the PySys project file using the nested <property> tag on the <writer> tag. The CSV column output is in the form:: id, title, cycle, startTime, duration, outcome """ outputDir = None def __init__(self, logfile, **kwargs): # substitute into the filename template self.logfile = time.strftime(logfile, time.localtime(time.time())) self.fp = None def setup(self, **kwargs): # Creates the file handle to the logfile and logs initial details of the date, # platform and test host. self.logfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.outputDir or kwargs['runner'].output+'/..', self.logfile)) self.fp = flushfile(openfile(self.logfile, "w", encoding='utf-8')) self.fp.write('id, title, cycle, startTime, duration, outcome\n') def cleanup(self, **kwargs): # Flushes and closes the file handle to the logfile. if self.fp: self.fp.write('\n\n\n') self.fp.close() self.fp = None def processResult(self, testObj, **kwargs): # Writes the test id and outcome to the logfile. testStart = kwargs["testStart"] if "testStart" in kwargs else time.time() testTime = kwargs["testTime"] if "testTime" in kwargs else 0 cycle = (kwargs["cycle"]+1) if "cycle" in kwargs else 0 csv = [] csv.append( csv.append('\"%s\"'%testObj.descriptor.title) csv.append(str(cycle)) csv.append((time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(testStart)))) csv.append(str(testTime)) csv.append(str(testObj.getOutcome())) self.fp.write('%s \n' % ','.join(csv))