Source code for pysys.utils.threadutils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2018 M.B.Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Contains the L{BackgroundThread} class.

import sys, os
import threading
import logging
import time
import traceback
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.internal.initlogging import pysysLogHandler

__all__ = ['BackgroundThread']

[docs]class BackgroundThread(object): """ PySys wrapper for a background thread that can receive requests to stop, and can send log output to the same place as the test's logging. To create a background thread in your test, use `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.startBackgroundThread`. :ivar str The name specified for this thread when it was created. :ivar int ~.joinTimeoutSecs: The default timeout that will be used for joining this thread. If not explicitly set this will be L{TIMEOUTS}C{['WaitForProcessStop']}. :ivar Exception ~.exception: The exception object raised by the thread if it has terminated with an error, or None if not. """ def __init__(self, owner, name, target, kwargsForTarget): assert name, 'Thread name must always be specified' self.log = logging.getLogger('pysys.thread.%s'%name) # name without the owner prefix = name self.owner = owner # a BaseTest self.__parentLogHandlers = pysysLogHandler.getLogHandlersForCurrentThread() assert self.__parentLogHandlers, self.__parentLogHandlers self.__target = target self.stopping = threading.Event() self.joinTimeoutSecs = TIMEOUTS['WaitForProcessStop'] self.exception = None kwargs = dict(kwargsForTarget) if kwargsForTarget is not None else {} kwargs['stopping'] = self.stopping kwargs['log'] = self.log self.thread = threading.Thread(name='%s.%s'%(str(owner), name), target=self.__run, kwargs=kwargs) self.thread.daemon = True # add an undocumented alias matching threading.Thread's self.is_alive = self.isAlive self.__outcomeReported = False self.__kbdrInterrupt = None'Starting background thread %s'%self) def __repr__(self): return 'BackgroundThread[%s]' def __str__(self): return # without owner identifier
[docs] def isAlive(self): """ :return: True if this thread is still running. :rtype: bool """ return self.thread.is_alive()
def __run(self, **kwargs): try: # inherit log handlers from parent, whatever they are pysysLogHandler.setLogHandlersForCurrentThread(self.__parentLogHandlers) self.log.debug('%r starting'%self) self.__target(**kwargs) self.log.debug('%r completed successfully'%self) except Exception as ex: if self.stopping.is_set():'Background thread %s raised an exception while being stopped (ignoring) - %s: %s'%(self, ex.__class__.__name__, ex)) return # this is probably the only place we can really get and show the stack trace self.log.exception('Background thread %s failed - '%self) # set this so we can report the BLOCKED outcome self.exception = ex finally: pysysLogHandler.flush() pysysLogHandler.setLogHandlersForCurrentThread([])
[docs] def stop(self): """ Requests the thread to stop by setting the `stopping` event which the thread ought to be checking regularly. This method returns immediately; if you wish to wait for the thread to terminate, call L{join} afterwards. Calling this repeatedly has no effect. :return: This instance, in case you wish to do fluent method chaining. :rtype: L{BackgroundThread} """ self.log.debug('Stop() requested for background thread %s', self) self.stopping.set() return self
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None, abortOnError=False): """ Wait until this thread terminates, and adds a TIMEDOUT or BLOCKED outcome to the owner test if it times out or raises an exception. If you wish to request the thread to terminate rather than waiting for it to reach the end of its target function on its own, call L{stop} before joining the thread. If a join times out, the thread is automatically requested to stop as soon as possible. Note that if the thread raises an Exception after it was requested to stop this is logged but does not result in a failure outcome, since failures during cleanup are usually to be expected. :param timeout: The time in seconds to wait. Usually this should be left at the default value of None which uses a default timeout of L{constants.TIMEOUTS}C{['WaitForProcessStop']}. Note that unlike Python's `Thread.join` method, infinite timeouts are not supported. :param abortOnError: Set to True if you wish this method to immediately abort with an exception if the background thread times out or raises an Exception. The default is False, which adds the failure outcome but does not raise an exception. """ outcomereported = self.__outcomeReported self.__outcomeReported = True # only do this once if not timeout: timeout = self.joinTimeoutSecs assert self.joinTimeoutSecs > 0, self.joinTimeoutSecs if self.thread.is_alive() or (not outcomereported): # only log it the first time'Joining background thread %s'%self) starttime = time.time() # don't call thread.join for the entire time, since on windows that # leaves no opportunity to detect keyboard interrupts if self.__kbdrInterrupt: raise self.__kbdrInterrupt # avoid repeatedly joining same thread while self.thread.is_alive() and time.time()-starttime < timeout: try: self.thread.join(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: # pragma: no cover self.__kbdrInterrupt = ex raise timetaken = time.time()-starttime if self.thread.is_alive(): if not outcomereported: self.owner.addOutcome(TIMEDOUT, 'Background thread %s is still running after waiting for allocated timeout period (%d secs)'%( self, timeout), abortOnError=abortOnError) try: self.log.warning('Stack of hanging thread %s: \n%s', str(self), ''.join(traceback.format_stack(sys._current_frames()[self.thread.ident]))) except Exception as ex: self.log.debug('Failed to get stack of hanging thread: %s: %s', ex.__class__.__name__, ex) self.stop() # ensure it stops as quickly as possible elif self.exception is not None: if not outcomereported: self.owner.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Background thread %s failed with %s: %s'%( self, self.exception.__class__.__name__, self.exception), abortOnError=abortOnError) elif timetaken >10: # alert user only if it took a long time'Joined background thread %s in %0.1f seconds', self, timetaken)