Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::list_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING > | Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::map_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING, PAIR > | Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::metadata_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING, PAIR > | Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::AbstractChainManager< TRANSPORT > | Base class for transport chain manager plug-ins |
CAP_EventCodec | AP_EventCodec |
CAP_EventCodec_Functions | AP_EventCodec_Functions |
CAP_EventCodecProperties | AP_EventCodecProperties |
CAP_EventCodecProperty | AP_EventCodecProperty |
CAP_EventCodecStatus | AP_EventCodecStatus |
CAP_EventDecoder | AP_EventDecoder |
CAP_EventDecoder_Functions | AP_EventDecoder_Functions |
CAP_EventEncoder | AP_EventEncoder |
CAP_EventEncoder_Functions | AP_EventEncoder_Functions |
CAP_EventTransport | AP_EventTransport |
CAP_EventTransport_Functions | AP_EventTransport_Functions |
CAP_EventTransportProperties | AP_EventTransportProperties |
CAP_EventTransportProperty | AP_EventTransportProperty |
CAP_EventTransportStatus | AP_EventTransportStatus |
CAP_NormalisedEvent | AP_NormalisedEvent |
CAP_NormalisedEvent_Functions | AP_NormalisedEvent_Functions |
CAP_NormalisedEventIterator | AP_NormalisedEventIterator |
CAP_NormalisedEventIterator_Functions | AP_NormalisedEventIterator_Functions |
CAP_SemanticMapper | AP_SemanticMapper |
CAP_SemanticMapper_Functions | AP_SemanticMapper_Functions |
CAP_TimestampSet | AP_TimestampSet |
CAP_TimestampSet_Functions | AP_TimestampSet_Functions |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::buffer_t | A class that holds an untyped byte buffer |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::Chain< TRANSPORT > | Represents a dynamic chain instance, created using ChainManagerHost.createChain |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::ChainManagerConstructorParameters | A container for parameters passed to the constructor of a dynamic chain manager |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::ChainManagerHost< TRANSPORT > | API provided to Chain Managers for callbacks into the host, and for operations such as creating chains and registering channel lifecycle listeners |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::ChannelLifecycleListener | API for Chain Manager to listen for changes in channel subscriptions within the correlator |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::const_visitor< DERIVED, RV > | Helper class for writing visitors to apply to data_t |
Ccom::apama::epl::CorrelatorInterface | An interface to the correlator which lets plug-ins call methods on the host |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::custom_t< T > | A wrapper type for holding arbitrary objects inside a data_t |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::data_t | A variant type which can be one of the following: |
Ccom::apama::engine::EngineConnection | EngineConnection encapsulates the information related to a connection between two Apama messaging components |
Ccom::apama::engine::EngineInfo | Information about the monitors and types currently in an engine |
Ccom::apama::engine::EngineStatus | EngineStatus represents the operational status of the Engine |
Ccom::apama::epl::EPLPlugin< DERIVED > | Derive from this class to define a Correlator EPL plug-in |
Ccom::apama::event::Event | An Event object represents an event instance |
▼Ccom::apama::event::EventConsumer | An EventConsumer can connect to the Engine through an EventSupplier and register to receive events |
Ccom::apama::engine::EngineManagement | The Engine Management class acts as the interface to the Engine, and allows operations to be carried out on it |
Ccom::apama::event::DisconnectableEventConsumer | Derived class from EventConsumer which implements the disconnect API |
Ccom::apama::epl::EventHandler | An interface for subscribing to events and receiving them in the plug-in |
Ccom::apama::epl::EventHandlerSubscription | This type is returned from CorrelatorInterface::registerEventHandler and can be used to add and remove channels to the subscription for this event handler |
Ccom::apama::event::EventSupplier | An EventSupplier represents the resources created by the Engine to service a connection to an external sink of events |
▼Cstd::exception | STL class |
Ccom::apama::EngineException | An EngineException (or instance of a derived class) is thrown by methods in this library if any problems are encountered |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::HostSide | An interface to the next component (plugin or host) towards the host |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractCodec | Base class for codec plug-ins |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractSimpleCodec | Base class that simplifies implementation of codec plug-ins that deal only with individual messages not batches, and ignore messages with null payloads |
CIAF_TimestampConfig | IAF_TimestampConfig |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::list_t | A list class which implements many of the functions on std::vector |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::Logger | Class for writing to the system logger |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::map_t | A map class which implements many of the functions on std::map |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::metadata_t | A map class which implements many of the functions on std::map |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::MapExtractor | Provides a compile-time type-safe way to extract values from a map_t, with user-friendly error messages identifying the map and key within the map if any item is missing |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::Message | A container for an payload and associated metadata |
Ccom::apama::epl::MethodData< DERIVED > | Data structure used for declaring methods in the initialize function (EPLPlugin) to be exported to EPL |
Ccom::apama::engine::MonitorScript | A MonitorScript object encapsulates an EPL code fragment, containing package, event and monitor definitions to be injected into an Engine |
▼Ccom::apama::engine::NameInfo | Base class for a named object (i.e |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedAggregateInfo | Information about an aggregate function returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedContextInfo | Information about a context returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedEventTypeInfo | Information about a event type returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedJavaApplicationInfo | Information about a java application returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedMonitorInfo | Information about a monitor returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedPluginReceiverInfo | Information about a receiver returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedReceiverInfo | Information about a receiver returned by an engine inspection |
Ccom::apama::engine::NamedTimerInfo | Information about a timer type returned by an engine inspection |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::Plugin | Base of the inheritance tree for Connectivity plugins |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractCodec | Base class for codec plug-ins |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractTransport | Base class for transport plug-ins |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractSimpleTransport | Base class that simplifies implementation of transport plug-ins that deal only with individual messages not batches, and ignore messages with null payloads |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::PluginConfiguration | A plug-in configuration |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::PluginConstructorParameters | A base interface for parameters passed to the constructor of transport or codec plug-ins |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::PluginConstructorParameters::CodecConstructorParameters | A container for parameters passed to the constructor of a codec plug-in |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::PluginConstructorParameters::TransportConstructorParameters | A container for parameters passed to the constructor of a transport plug-in |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::ManagedTransportConstructorParameters | A container for parameters passed to the constructor of a managed transport (i.e |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::PluginHost | Interface to support miscellaneous requests from a particular plug-in to the host system |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::SAG_LOCK_GUARD | A simple RAII wrapper for SAG_MUTEX_T that locks the specified mutex in its constructor, and guarantees that it will be unlocked when this object goes out of scope unless it has been unlocked already by that point |
Csag_underlying_decimal_t | Decimals are implemented with an underlying 64bit int conforming to IEEE 754 decimal 64 |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::StatusReporter::StatusItem | A class that can be used to efficiently update the value associated with a single status key |
Ccom::apama::engine::EngineStatus::StatusIterator | A class used for the iterating through all status items |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::StatusReporter | A class allowing a plug-in to report status values to the host |
Ccom::apama::epl::ThreadEndedHandler | An interface for receiving notifications of threads being destroyed |
▼Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::TransportSide | An interface to the next component (plugin or host) towards the transport |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractCodec | Base class for codec plug-ins |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::AbstractTransport | Base class for transport plug-ins |
▼Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::chainmanagers::ChainDefinition | A dynamic chain definition, providing the configuration for each plug-in in a chain |
Ccom::softwareag::connectivity::visitor< DERIVED, RV > | Helper class for writing visitors to apply to data_t |