Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.11 | Capital Markets Foundation | Legacy Finance Interfaces | The actors in com.apama.oms | The events in com.apama.oms
The events in com.apama.oms
Order operations, or events, include those necessary to create, amend, and cancel orders. The OrderManagerSupport.mon in the Legacy Finance Support Bundle contains com.apama.oms protocol definitions for the following events:
*NewOrder: sent from a publisher to submit an order to a receiver.
*AmendOrder: sent from a publisher to the receiver as a request to amend an order.
*CancelOrder sent from a publisher to the receiver as a request that an order be canceled.
*OrderUpdate sent from a receiver to the publisher to notify of any change to the state of an order.
Orders contain a composite destination key, which will determine where they are sent. The key includes a service identifier, a market identifier and an exchange identifier. Not all destination details are present in all events as primary fields, so the extra parameters SERVICE_NAME, Market and Exchange must be added to a number of the events in the protocol.