Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.11 | Capital Markets Foundation | Analytics | Using the position service framework | Creating and using position service interfaces | Managing the position service framework
Managing the position service framework
The PSInterface object provides actions that let your application obtain the Id for the position service interface you are using and delete position service interface instances:
*getSubMgrId() - This action returns the unique identifier for the position service interface object you are using.
*deleteInterface() - This action removes any subscriptions and deletes the position service interface object. You must specify a callback action to be executed when the delete request is complete.
The following code extract provides an example of deleting a position service interface object:
// This action is called to clean up:
action cleanup() {

// Alternatively, delete the old one, and create a new one.
psIface.deleteInterface( cbDeleted );

// This action is called in response to the deleteInterface() request:
action cbDeleted( boolean success, string msg ) {
// Check if the delete was successful, or log an error:
if( not success ) then {
log "Delete Failed!! "+msg to ERROR;