What's new in 10.11 release
Apama Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 is the successor of Apama Capital Markets Adapters 10.7. There is no version 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10.
Apama Base FIX Adapter
Apama Capital Markets Adapters uses Java 11 as runtime.
BM+F Bovespa UMDF Adapter
BM+F Bovespa UMDF adapter now supports configuring
MulticastInterface for each of the active-passive feeds (primary and secondary).
Xerces library has been upgraded to version 3.2.3.
FXall TCPI Server Adapter
FXall TCPI Server Adapter has been upgraded to use FXall TCPI library v4.2.0.1 for Java 11 compatibility. You must download the latest version of this library to use with its deployments.
kdb+ Adapter
The kdb+ adapter has been upgraded to use the latest
c.java driver.
Reuters MAPI Adapter
Reuters MAPI Adapter has been upgraded to use RFA Java library v8.2.1.L1 for Java 11 compatibility.
Reuters RFA Adapter
Reuters RFA Adapter has been upgraded to use RFA Java library v8.2.1.L1 for Java 11 compatibility.
EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter
EBS Spot Ai FIX Adapter has been upgraded and certified to support EBS Direct 2.0 platform.