Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.11 | Reuters MAPI Adapter | RFA and MAPI-FIX
Market data from the Matching service is provided via a Point to Point server (P2PS) which is accessible via the reuters foundation API (RFA). The Matching service requires all users to be first authenticated via the Matching FIX interface before they can successfully connect to P2PS. The FIX login response provides the requesting authentication token which can then be used to login to the P2PS via the RFA. The authorization is renewed by the Matching Host each time the user logs into the FIX interface.
RFA MAPI user need to send a login request, com.apama.rfa.mapi.Login("RFA_MAPI","User1",{}) the username mentioned here should be same as FIX username used in session login or 35=A message.
MAPI internally requests FIX for authentication token using, com.apama.fix.mapi.RequestRFAToken("ReutersRFATransport","User1","567",{})
The token is routed from FIX using com.apama.fix.mapi.ResponseRFAToken("ReutersRFATransport","User1","567", "APAMA-123-456-789",{})
End user need not worry about com.apama.fix.mapi.RequestRFAToken and com.apama.fix.mapi.ResponseRFAToken. Monitor will take care of this routing.
In ReutersMAPI.xml.dist file, “@ADAPTERS_JARDIR@” and “@RFA_JARDIR@” are referring to the same location that is, “$(APAMA_HOME)\Apama\adapters\lib”

<classpath path="@ADAPTERS_JARDIR@/ReutersRFATransport.jar" />
<classpath path="@ADAPTERS_JARDIR@/ReutersRFACodec.jar" />
<classpath path="@RFA_JARDIR@/RFA/8.0.0.L2/rfa.jar" />
<!-- <jvm-option>-Xmx1024m</jvm-option> -->