Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.11 | Apama Base FIX Adapter | IAF FIX adapter | FIX MDA Transport
FIX MDA Transport
Transport properties
Transport properties configuration
Latency measurement
Client authentication
The FIX IAF transport links with the QuickFIX library to provide connectivity, session management, and event handling to and from a FIX system. It is possible to run several transports within a single IAF process and thereby run several FIX clients and/or servers simultaneously.
The following IAF Transport configuration properties have been added in 5.0 to support interaction of the FIX adapter with MDA, as well as to provide various customization to the FIX adapter:
*IAF_CHANNEL. As the MDA sources are self-registering components, you must provide the IAF channel as a Transport property to make the correlator components aware of the adapter's presence.
*CorrelatorHBTimeout. The timeout interval after which the connection to the correlator can be considered as stale.
*AdapterConfiguration. The adapter configuration details required by the FIX adapter while registering a source with MDA. This is used to provide the list capabilities supported by that particular FIX session, and the details about the module providing that capability. For the supported configuration options, refer to the file FIXTransport-BaseFIXLibrary.xml that is shipped with the adapter.