Session configuration
EBS FIX Session can be configured with the following optional configuration parameters
The channel to emit upstream events to. It defaults to FIX.
It should not be “FIX” and it should be different from “SERVICEID” if mentioned. All new/amend/cancel orders must use this service id rather than the usual “SERVICEID”. It defaults to “EBS-FIX”.
It should not be “FIX” and it should be different from “SERVICEID” if mentioned. It allows customization of clOrdId for orders. Specifying a value here will allow the EBS service to override the default behavior of order id generation in the QFIX service. It defaults to “EBS-FIX”.
Setting it to “true” enables the rounding of price to symbol PIP for Orders. It defaults to “false”.
Maximum user logon retry count. It defaults to 2.
Sample configuration event:
com.apama.fix.ebs.SessionConfiguration(“Connection Name”,
The above configuration is equivalent to com.apama.fix.ebs.SessionConfiguration(“Connection Name”, {})