Capital Markets Adapters 10.11 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.11 | UBS Fx2B FIX Adapter | Secure Tunnel
Secure Tunnel
UBS connection requires secure tunnel to be running. The IAF should connect to the stunnel host (for example, localhost).
Use the following stunnel configuration file:
; File Name: stunnel_OOO.conf
; Title: Stunnel configuration for UBS IB FX FIX B2B
; Environment: OOO

; Socket parameters tuning
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = l:SO_KEEPALIVE=1
socket = r:SO_KEEPALIVE=1

; Security level
verify = 2

; Path to key and certificate files
cert = %SSL_CERTIFICATES_DIRECTORY%\btobxpte0229.pem
key = %SSL_CERTIFICATES_DIRECTORY%\btobxpte0229.key

; Uncomment for troubleshooting purposes
debug = 7

; Log file path
output = %STUNNEL_LOG_DIRECTORY%\stunnel.log

client = yes

accept = 2500
connect =