Source code for pysys.perf.api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2022 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

API for creating new performance reporters (for manipulating performance run files outside the framework).


import collections, threading, time, math, sys, os
import io
import logging
import json
import glob

from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.utils.fileutils import mkdir, toLongPathSafe
from pysys.utils.pycompat import *

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.perfreporter')

[docs]class PerformanceUnit(object): """Class which identifies the unit in which a performance result is measured. Every unit encodes whether big numbers are better or worse (which can be used to calculate the improvement or regression when results are compared), e.g. better for throughput numbers, worse for time taken or latency numbers. For consistency, we recommend using the pre-defined units where possible. For throughput numbers or rates, that means using PER_SECOND. For latency measurements that means using SECONDS if long time periods of several seconds are expected, or NANO_SECONDS (=10**-9 seconds) if sub-second time periods are expected (since humans generally find numbers such as 1,234,000 ns easier to skim-read and compare than fractional numbers like 0.001234). :param str name: The name of the unit . Should be short, for example "/s". :param bool biggerIsBetter: Indicates whether larger values are good (e.g. rate/TPS/throughput) or bad (latency/memory). """ def __init__(self, name, biggerIsBetter): assert biggerIsBetter in [False, True], biggerIsBetter = name.strip() assert self.biggerIsBetter = biggerIsBetter def __str__(self): return
PerformanceUnit.SECONDS = PerformanceUnit('s', False) PerformanceUnit.NANO_SECONDS = PerformanceUnit('ns', False) # 10**-9 seconds PerformanceUnit.PER_SECOND = PerformanceUnit('/s', True)
[docs]class BasePerformanceReporter: """API base class for creating a reporter that handles or stores performance results for later analysis. Each performance result consists of a value, a result key (which must be unique across all test cases and modes, and also stable across different runs), and a unit (which also encodes whether bigger values are better or worse). Each test can report any number of performance results. Performance reporter implementations are required to be thread-safe. Project configuration of performance reporters is through the PySys project XML file using the ``<performance-reporter>`` tag. Multiple reporters may be configured and their individual properties set through the nested ``<property>`` tag or XML attributes. Properties are set as Python attributes on the instance just after construction, with automatic conversion of type to match the default value if specified as a static attribute on the class. If no reporters are explicitly configured, default reporters will be added. :ivar pysys.config.project.Project ~.project: The project configuration instance. :ivar str testoutdir: The output directory used for this test run (equal to `runner.outsubdir`), an identifying string which often contains the platform, or when there are multiple test runs on the same machine may be used to distinguish between them. This is usually a relative path but may be an absolute path. :ivar runner: A reference to the runner. .. version added:: 2.1 """ def __init__(self, project, summaryfile, testoutdir, runner, **kwargs): self.runner = runner assert not kwargs, kwargs.keys() # **kwargs allows constructor to be extended in future if needed; give error if any unexpected args are passed self.testoutdir = os.path.basename(testoutdir) self.summaryfile = summaryfile self.project = project self.hostname = HOSTNAME.lower().split('.')[0] if self.runner is not None: # just in case we're constructing it for standalone execution in the compare script self.runStartTime = self.runner.startTime self._lock = threading.RLock() # anything listed here can be passed using just a string literal self.unitAliases = { 's':PerformanceUnit.SECONDS, 'ns':PerformanceUnit.NANO_SECONDS, '/s': PerformanceUnit.PER_SECOND }
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): """ Called before any tests begin to prepare the performance writer for use, once the runner is setup, and any project configuration properties for this performance reporter have been assigned to this instance. Usually there is no reason to override the constructor, and any initialization can be done in this method. .. version added:: 2.1 """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def getRunDetails(self, testobj=None, **kwargs): """Return an dictionary of information about this test run (e.g. hostname, start time, etc). Overriding this method is discouraged; customization of the run details should usually be performed by changing the ``runner.runDetails`` dictionary from the `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.setup()` method. :param testobj: the test case instance registering the value .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added testobj parameter, for advanced cases where you want to to provide different ``runDetails`` based on some feature of the test object or mode. """ return collections.OrderedDict(self.runner.runDetails)
[docs] @staticmethod def valueToDisplayString(value): """Pretty-print an integer or float value to a moderate number of significant figures. The method additionally adds a "," grouping for large numbers. Subclasses may customize this if desired, including by reimplementing as a non-static method. :param value: the value to be displayed, which must be a numeric type. """ if value > 1000: return '{0:,}'.format(int(value)) else: valtostr = '%0.4g' % value if 'e' in valtostr: valtostr = '%f'%value return valtostr
[docs] def getRunSummaryFile(self, testobj, **kwargs): """Return the fully substituted location of the file to which summary performance results will be written. This may include the following substitutions: ``@OUTDIR@`` (=``${outDirName}``, the basename of the output directory for this run, e.g. "linux"), ``@HOSTNAME@``, ``@DATE@``, ``@TIME@``, and ``@TESTID@``. The default is given by `DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE`. If the specified file does not exist it will be created; it is possible to use multiple summary files from the same run. The path will be resolved relative to the pysys project root directory unless an absolute path is specified. :param testobj: the test case instance registering the value """ summaryfile = self.summaryfile or self.summaryFile or self.DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE # properties are already expanded if set in project config, but needs doing explicitly in case default value was used summaryfile = self.runner.project.expandProperties(summaryfile) summaryfile = summaryfile\ .replace('@OUTDIR@', os.path.basename(self.testoutdir)) \ .replace('@HOSTNAME@', self.hostname) \ .replace('@DATE@', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(self.runStartTime))) \ .replace('@TIME@', time.strftime('%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(self.runStartTime))) \ .replace('@TESTID@', assert summaryfile, repr(getRunSummaryFile) # must not be empty summaryfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.runner.output+'/..', summaryfile)) return summaryfile
[docs] def reportResult(self, testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=None, resultDetails=None): """Report a performance result, with an associated unique key that identifies it. This method must be implemented by performance reporters. However do not ever call it directly - always use `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.reportPerformanceResult` which performs some critical input validations before calling all the registered reporters. :param testobj: the test case instance registering the value. Use ```` to get the ``testId``. :param int|float value: the value to be reported. This may be an int or a float. :param str resultKey: a unique string that fully identifies what was measured. :param PerformanceUnit unit: identifies the unit the value is measured in. :param float toleranceStdDevs: indicates how many standard deviations away from the mean for a regression. :param dict[str,obj] resultDetails: A dictionary of detailed information that should be recorded together with the result. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def cleanup(self): """Called when PySys has finished executing tests. This is where any file footer and other I/O finalization can be written to the end of performance log files, and is also a good time to do any required aggregation, printing of summaries or artifact publishing. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod def tryDeserializePerformanceFile(self, path): """ Advanced method which allows performance reporters to deserialize the files they write to allow them to be used as comparison baselines. Most reporters do not need to worry about this method. If you do implement it, return an instance of PerformanceRunData, or None if you do not support this file type, for example because the extension does not match. It is best to declare this as a static method if possible. :rtype: PerformanceRunData """ return None # pragma: no cover
[docs]class PerformanceRunData: """ Holds performance data for a single test run, consisting of runDetails and a list of performance results covering one or more cycles. :ivar str name: The name, typically a filename. :ivar dict[str,str] ~.runDetails: A dictionary containing (string key, string value) information about the whole test run, for example operating system and hostname. :ivar list[dict] ~.results: A list where each item is a dictionary containing information about a given result. The current keys are: resultKey, testId, value, unit, biggerIsBetter, toleranceStdDevs, samples, stdDev, resultDetails. """ def __init__(self, name, runDetails, results): = name self.runDetails = runDetails self.results = results def __maybequote(self, s): return '"%s"' % s if isstring(s) else s def __str__(self): return 'PerformanceRunData< %d results; runDetails: %s>'%(len(self.results), ', '.join([('%s=%s'%(k, self.__maybequote(self.runDetails[k]))) for k in self.runDetails])) def __repr__(self): return 'PerformanceRunData<runDetails: %s%s\n>'%(', '.join([('%s="%s"'%(k, self.runDetails[k])) for k in self.runDetails]), ''.join([('\n - %s'%(', '.join([('%s=%s'%(k, self.__maybequote(r.get(k, r.get('resultDetails',{}).get(k,None))))) for k in list(r.keys())+list(r.get('resultDetails',{}).keys()) if k!='resultDetails']))) for r in self.results]))
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate(runs): """Aggregate a list of multiple runs and/or cycles into a single performance run data object with a single entry for each unique resultKey with the value given as a mean of all the observed samples. :param list[PerformanceRunData] files: the list of run objects to aggregate. :rtype PerformanceRunData: """ if isinstance(runs, PerformanceRunData): runs = [runs] details = {} # values are lists of unique run detail values from input files results = {} for f in runs: if not f.results: continue # don't even include the rundetails if there are no results for r in f.results: if r['resultKey'] not in results: results[r['resultKey']] = collections.OrderedDict(r) # make it a deep copy results[r['resultKey']]['resultDetails'] = collections.OrderedDict( results[r['resultKey']].get('resultDetails', {})) else: e = results[r['resultKey']] # existing result which we will merge the new data into # calculate new mean and stddev combinedmean = (e['value']*e['samples'] + r['value']*r['samples']) / (e['samples']+r['samples']) # nb: do this carefully to avoid subtracting large numbers from each other # also we calculate the SAMPLE standard deviation (i.e. using the bessel-corrected unbiased estimate) e['stdDev'] = math.sqrt( ((e['samples']-1)*(e['stdDev']**2) +(r['samples']-1)*(r['stdDev']**2) +e['samples']*( (e['value']-combinedmean) ** 2 ) +r['samples']*( (r['value']-combinedmean) ** 2 ) ) / (e['samples'] + r['samples'] - 1) ) e['value'] = combinedmean e['samples'] += r['samples'] e['resultDetails'] = r.get('resultDetails', {}) # just use latest; shouldn't vary for k in f.runDetails: if k not in details: details[k] = [] if f.runDetails[k] not in details[k]: details[k].append(f.runDetails[k]) return PerformanceRunData( ', '.join( or '?' for run in runs), {k: '; '.join(sorted(details[k])) for k in details}, sorted(list(results.values()), key=lambda r: r['resultKey']) )
[docs]class CSVPerformanceFile(PerformanceRunData): """Holds performance data for a single test run in a CSV performance file. If this file contains aggregated results the number of "samples" may be greater than 1 and the "value" will specify the mean result. :ivar dict[str,obj] ~.runDetails: A dictionary containing (string key, string value) information about the whole test run. :ivar list[dict] ~.results: A list where each item is a dictionary containing information about a given result, containing values for each of the keys in L{COLUMNS}, for example 'resultKey', 'value', etc. :ivar str ~.RUN_DETAILS: The constant prefix identifying information about the whole test run :ivar str ~.RESULT_DETAILS: The constant prefix identifying detailed information about a given result :ivar list[str] ~.COLUMNS: Constant list of the columns in the performance output :param str contents: A string containing the contents of the file to be parsed (can be empty) :rtype: CSVPerformanceFile """ COLUMNS = ['resultKey','testId','value','unit','biggerIsBetter','toleranceStdDevs','samples','stdDev'] RUN_DETAILS = '#runDetails:#' RESULT_DETAILS = '#resultDetails:#'
[docs] @staticmethod def aggregate(files): """Aggregate a list of performance file objects into a single CSVPerformanceFile object. Takes a list of one or more CSVPerformanceFile objects and returns a single aggregated CSVPerformanceFile with a single row for each resultKey (with the "value" set to the mean if there are multiple results with that key, and the stdDev also set appropriately). This method is now deprecated in favour of `PerformanceRunData.aggregate`. :param list[CSVPerformanceFile] files: the list of performance file objects to aggregate. """ if isinstance(files, CSVPerformanceFile): files = [files] agg = PerformanceRunData.aggregate([f for f in files]) result = CSVPerformanceFile('', result.results = agg.results result.runDetails = agg.runDetails return result
[docs] @staticmethod def load(src): """ Read the runDetails and results from the specified .csv file on disk. :param str src: The path to read. :returns: A new `CSVPerformanceFile` instance. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return CSVPerformanceFile(, name=src)
[docs] def dump(self, dest): """ Dump the runDetails and results from this object to a CSV at the specified location. Any existing file is overwritten. :param str dest: The destination path or file handle to write to. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ if isinstance(dest, str): with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: return self.dump(f) dest.write(self.makeCSVHeaderLine(self.runDetails)) for v in self.results: dest.write(self.toCSVLine(v)+'\n')
@staticmethod def makeCSVHeaderLine(runDetails): return '# '+CSVPerformanceFile.toCSVLine(CSVPerformanceFile.COLUMNS+[CSVPerformanceFile.RUN_DETAILS, runDetails])+'\n'
[docs] @staticmethod def toCSVLine(values): """Convert a list or dictionary of input values into a CSV string. Note that no new line character is return in the CSV string. The input values can either be a list (any nested dictionaries are expanded into KEY=VALUE entries), or a dictionary (or OrderedDict) whose keys will be added in the same order as COLUMNS. :param values: the input list or dictionary """ if isinstance(values, list): items = [] for v in values: if isinstance(v, dict): for k in v: items.append('%s=%s'%(k.replace('=','-').strip(), str(v[k]).replace('=','-').strip())) else: items.append(v) return ','.join([v.replace(',', ';').replace('"', '_').strip() for v in items]) elif isinstance(values, dict): l = [] for k in CSVPerformanceFile.COLUMNS: l.append(str(values.get(k,''))) if values.get('resultDetails', None): l.append(CSVPerformanceFile.RESULT_DETAILS) for k in values['resultDetails']: l.append('%s=%s'%(k, values['resultDetails'][k])) return CSVPerformanceFile.toCSVLine(l) else: raise Exception('Unsupported input type: %s'%values.__class__.__name__) # pragma: no cover
def __init__(self, contents, name=None): super().__init__(name, None, []) header = None self.results = [] self.runDetails = None for l in contents.split('\n'): l = l.strip() if not l: continue try: if not header: header = [] assert l.startswith('#') for h in l.strip().split(','): h = h.strip() if h== self.RUN_DETAILS: self.runDetails = collections.OrderedDict() elif self.runDetails != None: h = h.split('=', 1) self.runDetails[h[0].strip()] = h[1].strip() else: h = h.strip('#').strip() if h: header.append(h) elif l.startswith('#'): continue else: row = l.split(',') r = collections.OrderedDict() for i in range(len(header)): if i >= len(row): raise Exception('Missing value for column "%s"'%header[i]) # pragma: no cover else: val = row[i].strip() if header[i] in ['value', 'toleranceStdDevs', 'stdDev']: val = float(val or '0') elif header[i] in ['samples']: val = int(val or '0') elif header[i] in ['biggerIsBetter']: val = True if val.lower()=='true' else False r[header[i]] = val resultDetails = None result = collections.OrderedDict() for i in range(0, len(row)): row[i] = row[i].strip() if row[i] == self.RESULT_DETAILS: resultDetails = collections.OrderedDict() elif resultDetails != None: d = row[i].split('=',1) resultDetails[d[0].strip()] = d[1].strip() if resultDetails == None: resultDetails = collections.OrderedDict() r['resultDetails'] = resultDetails self.results.append(r) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover raise Exception('Cannot parse performance line - %s (%s): "%s"'%(e, e.__class__.__name__, l)) if self.runDetails == None: self.runDetails = collections.OrderedDict()