Source code for pysys.mappers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2022 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Mapper filter or transform lines of input, for use with methods such as `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy` 
and `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertGrep`. 

This package contains several pre-defined mappers:

.. autosummary::

In addition to the above, you can create custom mappers, which are usually callables (functions, lambdas, or classes 
with a ``__call__()`` method) that return the transformed copy of each incoming line. 

For advanced cases you can provide a generator function that accepts a line iterator as input and yields the mapped 
lines; this allows for stateful transformation and avoids the limitation of having a 1:1 (or 1:0) relationship between 
input and output lines. 

All lines passed to/from mappers end with a ``\\n`` character (on all platforms), except for the last line of the 
file which will only have the ``\\n`` if the file ends with a blank line. 
Mappers must always preserve the final ``\\n`` of each line (if present). 

.. versionadded:: 1.6.0

import logging
import re
import inspect
from pysys.utils.pycompat import isstring

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.mappers')

[docs]class RegexReplace(object): """ Mapper that transforms lines by replacing all character sequences matching the specified regular expression. For example:: self.copy('myfile.txt', 'myfile-processed.txt', mappers=[RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')]) :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to search for. :param str replacement: The string to replace it with. This can contain backslash references to groups in the regex; see ``re.sub()`` in the Python documentation for more information. >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00.') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234.') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=20200715T192234Z.\\n') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.\\n' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=123.') 'Test string x=<number>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=-12.45e+10.') 'Test string x=<number>.' """ DATETIME_REGEX = '(%s)'%'|'.join([ '([0-9]{1,4}[/-][0-9]{1,2}[/-][0-9]{2,4}[ T]?)?[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]+|Z|[+-][0-9][0-9](:[0-9][0-9])?)?', '[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}(Z|[+-][0-9][0-9]:)?', ]) """A regular expression that can be used to match timestamps in ISO 8601 format and other common alternatives such as: "2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00", "5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234", "20200715T192234Z" """ NUMBER_REGEX = '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' """A regular expression that can be used to match integer or floating point numbers. This could be used in a mapper to replace all numbers with with "<number>" to remove ids that would make diff-ing files more difficult, if you only care about validating the non-numeric text. """ def __init__(self, regex, replacement): self.__str = 'RegexReplace(%s, %s)'%(regex, replacement) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex self.repl = replacement def __call__(self, line): return self.regex.sub(self.repl, line) def __repr__(self): return self.__str
def _createRegexMatchFunction(regex): # Internal helper, not public API, do not use regex = re.compile(regex) def matchFunction(line, *optional): return, line) is not None return matchFunction
[docs]class IncludeLinesBetween(object): """ Mapper that filters out all lines except those within a range of expressions. This is useful when a log file contains lots of data you don't care about, in addition to some multi-line sequences that you want to extract (with `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy`) ready for `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertDiff`. As this mapper is stateful, do not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads). The following parameters can be either a callable/lambda that accepts an input line and returns a boolean, or a regular expression string to search for in the specified line. :param str|callable[str]->bool startAt: If it matches then the current line and subsequent lines are included (not filtered out). If not specified, lines from the start of the file onwards are matched. :param str|callable[str]->bool startAfter: If it matches then the subsequent lines are included (not filtered out). If not specified, lines from the start of the file onwards are matched. :param str|callable[str]->bool stopAfter: If it matches then lines after the current one are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Includes the stop line. :param str|callable[str]->bool stopBefore: If it matches then this line and lines after it are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Excludes the stop line. >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return '|'.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line+'\\n' for line in input.replace('<tab>', chr(9)).split('|')], [mapper]))) >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween('start.*', 'stopafter.*'), 'a|start line|b|c|stopafter line|d|start line2|e').replace('\\n','') 'start line|b|c|stopafter line|start line2|e' >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween(startAt='start.*'), 'a|start line|b|c').replace('\\n','') 'start line|b|c' >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween(startAfter='start.*'), 'a|start line|b|c').replace('\\n','') 'b|c' >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween(startAt=lambda l: l.startswith('start')), 'a|start line|b|c').replace('\\n','') 'start line|b|c' >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween(stopAfter='stopafter.*'), 'a|stopafter|b|c').replace('\\n','') 'a|stopafter' >>> _mapperUnitTest( IncludeLinesBetween(stopBefore='stopbefore.*'), 'a|b|stopbefore|c') 'a\\n|b\\n' .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added startAfter """ def __init__(self, startAt=None, stopAfter=None, startAfter=None, stopBefore=None): self.__str = 'IncludeLinesBetween(%s)'%', '.join('%s=%s'%(k, repr(v)) for (k,v) in { 'startAt':startAt, 'startAfter':startAfter, 'stopAfter':stopAfter, 'stopBefore':stopBefore, }.items() if v is not None) if startAt is not None and not callable(startAt): self.startAt = _createRegexMatchFunction(startAt) else: self.startAt = startAt if startAfter is not None and not callable(startAfter): self.startAfter = _createRegexMatchFunction(startAfter) else: self.startAfter = startAfter if stopAfter is not None and not callable(stopAfter): self.stopAfter = _createRegexMatchFunction(stopAfter) else: self.stopAfter = stopAfter or (lambda line: False) if stopBefore is not None and not callable(stopBefore): self.stopBefore = _createRegexMatchFunction(stopBefore) else: self.stopBefore = stopBefore or (lambda line: False) self.__including = self.startAt is None and self.startAfter is None def __repr__(self): return self.__str def fileStarted(self, srcPath, destPath, srcFile, destFile): # reset every time we start a new file self.__including = self.startAt is None and self.startAfter is None def __call__(self, line): if self.__including: if self.stopAfter(line): self.__including = False if self.stopBefore(line): self.__including = False return None return line else: if self.startAt is not None and self.startAt(line): self.__including = True return line if self.startAfter is not None and self.startAfter(line): self.__including = True return None return None
[docs]class JoinLines(object): """ Mapper that joins/concatenates consecutive related lines together into a single line. Useful for combining error or stack trace lines together for easier grepping and for more meaingful test failure reasons. There are static factory methods on this class to create pre-configured instances for common languages e.g. `JoinLines.JavaStackTrace`, `JoinLines.PythonTraceback`, or you can create your own. See `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertGrep` for an example. As this mapper is stateful, do not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads). The following parameters can be either a callable/lambda that accepts an input line and returns a boolean, or a regular expression string to search for in the specified line. Note that a lambda with a simple string operation such as ``startswith(...)`` is usually a lot more efficient than a regular expression. Typically you would use startAt and just one of continueWhile/stopAfter/stopBefore. :param str|callable[str]->bool startAt: If it matches then the current line then subsequent lines are joined into one. Can be a regular expression or a function with argument ``line``. :param str|callable[str,list[str]]->bool continueWhile: After joining has started, then all consecutive lines matching this will be included in the current join, and it will be stopped as soon as a non-matching line is found. Can be a regular expression or a function with arguments ``(line, buffer)`` where ``buffer`` is the list of previous lines accumulated from the current startAt match. :param str|callable[str,list[str]]->bool stopAfter: After joining has started, if this matches then this is the last line to be included in the current join. Includes the stop line. Can be a regular expression or a function with arguments ``(line, buffer)`` where ``buffer`` is the list of previous lines accumulated from the current startAt match. :param str|callable[str,list[str]]->bool stopBefore: After joining has started, if this matches, then the preceding line is the last line to be included in the current join. Excludes the stop line. Can be a regular expression or a function with arguments ``(line, buffer)`` where ``buffer`` is the list of previous lines accumulated from the current startAt match. :param callable[list[str]]->str combiner: A function that combines the joined lines from a given sequence into a single line. The implementation is `defaultCombiner`. >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return ''.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line+'\\n' for line in input.replace('<tab>', chr(9)).split('|')], [mapper]))).replace('\\n','|') >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines(startAt='startat.*', stopAfter='stopafter.*'), 'a| startat START| stack1| stack2 | stopafter STOP | d|startat2| e | f ') 'a|startat START / stack1 / stack2 / stopafter STOP| d|startat2 / e / f|' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines(startAt='startat.*', continueWhile='stack.*'), 'startat START| stack1| stack2 | stopbefore NEXT LINE|d|startat2|stopbefore2') 'startat START / stack1 / stack2| stopbefore NEXT LINE|d|startat2|stopbefore2|' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines(startAt='startat.*', stopAfter='stopafter.*'), 'a| startat START| stack1| | stack2 | stopafter STOP |d|startat2| stopafter e | f ') 'a|startat START / stack1 / stack2 / stopafter STOP|d|startat2 / stopafter e| f |' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines(startAt='startat.*', stopBefore='stopbefore.*'), 'startat START| stack1| stack2 | stopbefore NEXT LINE|d|startat2|stopbefore2') 'startat START / stack1 / stack2| stopbefore NEXT LINE|d|startat2|stopbefore2|' .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ def __init__(self, startAt=None, continueWhile=None, stopAfter=None, stopBefore=None, combiner=None): assert startAt is not None if combiner is None: combiner = self.defaultCombiner self.__str = 'JoinLines(%s)'%', '.join('%s=%s'%(k, repr(v)) for (k,v) in { 'startAt':startAt, 'continueWhile':continueWhile, 'stopAfter':stopAfter, 'stopBefore':stopBefore, 'combiner':combiner, }.items() if v is not None) if not callable(startAt): startAt = _createRegexMatchFunction(startAt) if stopAfter is not None and not callable(stopAfter): stopAfter = _createRegexMatchFunction(stopAfter) else: stopAfter = stopAfter or (lambda line, buffer: False) if stopBefore is not None and not callable(stopBefore): stopBefore = _createRegexMatchFunction(stopBefore) else: stopBefore = stopBefore or (lambda line, buffer: False) if continueWhile is not None and not callable(continueWhile): continueWhile = _createRegexMatchFunction(continueWhile) # allow continueWhile to be None def lineEndingSafeCombiner(lines): if len(lines) == 1: return lines[0] # don't apply combiner if we aren't joining multiple lines l = combiner(lines) if not l.endswith('\n'): l += '\n' # don't rely on user remembering to not strip newlines in their combiner return l def generatorFunction(it): buffer = [] # buffered lines for l in it: if len(buffer) > 0: if stopAfter(l, buffer): yield lineEndingSafeCombiner(buffer+[l]) buffer = [] continue elif stopBefore(l, buffer) or (continueWhile is not None and not continueWhile(l, buffer)): yield lineEndingSafeCombiner(buffer) buffer = [] # don't "continue", i.e. drop down to the logic below else: buffer.append(l) continue if startAt(l): buffer.append(l) else: yield l # end for loop if buffer: yield lineEndingSafeCombiner(buffer) self.__generatorFunction = generatorFunction def __repr__(self): return __str def __call__(self, iterator): for x in self.__generatorFunction(iterator): yield x
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultCombiner(lines): """ The default "combiner" function used by `JoinLines`, which joins the lines with the delimiter ``" / "`` after stripping leading/trailing whitespace and blank lines. If you want different behaviour, create your own function with this signature and pass it in as the ``combiner=`` argument. :param list[str] lines: The lines to be joined. :returns: A single string representing all of these lines. """ return ' / '.join(l.strip() for l in lines if l.strip())
[docs] @staticmethod def PythonTraceback(): """ Mapper that joins the lines of a typical Python traceback (starting ``Traceback (most recent call last):``) into a single line, for easier grepping and self-contained test outcome failure reasons. The combiner is configured to put the actual exception class and message (which is the most important information) at the start of the joined line rather than at the end (after the traceback). >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return '|'.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line for line in input.replace('|','\\n|').replace('<tab>',chr(9)).split('|')], [mapper]))).replace('\\n','') >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.PythonTraceback(), 'a|Traceback (most recent call last):| File "~/", line 1195, in __call__| def __call__(self): myfunction()| File "~/", line 11, in myfunction | raise KeyError ("foo bar")|KeyError: "foo bar"|Normal operation is resumed') 'a|KeyError: "foo bar" / Traceback (most recent call last): / File "~/", line 1195, in __call__ / def __call__(self): myfunction() / File "~/", line 11, in myfunction / raise KeyError ("foo bar")|Normal operation is resumed' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.PythonTraceback(), 'a|Traceback (most recent call last):| File "~/", line 1195, in __call__| def __call__(self): myfunction()| File "~/", line 11, in myfunction | raise KeyError ("foo bar")|AssertionError|Normal operation is resumed') 'a|AssertionError / Traceback (most recent call last): / File "~/", line 1195, in __call__ / def __call__(self): myfunction() / File "~/", line 11, in myfunction / raise KeyError ("foo bar")|Normal operation is resumed' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.PythonTraceback(), 'a|Traceback (most recent call last):| File "~/", line 1195, in __call__| def __call__(self): myfunction()| File "~/", line 11, in myfunction | raise KeyError ("foo bar")||KeyError: "foo bar"|Normal operation is resumed') 'a|KeyError: "foo bar" / Traceback (most recent call last): / File "~/", line 1195, in __call__ / def __call__(self): myfunction() / File "~/", line 11, in myfunction / raise KeyError ("foo bar")|Normal operation is resumed' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.PythonTraceback(), 'a|Traceback (most recent call last):| File "~/", line 1195, in __call__| def __call__(self): myfunction()| File "~/", line 11, in myfunction |<tab>raise KeyError ("foo bar")||KeyError: "foo bar"|OtherError: baz|Normal operation is resumed') 'a|KeyError: "foo bar" / Traceback (most recent call last): / File "~/", line 1195, in __call__ / def __call__(self): myfunction() / File "~/", line 11, in myfunction / raise KeyError ("foo bar")|OtherError: baz|Normal operation is resumed' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.PythonTraceback(), 'a|Traceback (most recent call last):| File "~/", line 1195, in __call__| def __call__(self): myfunction()| File "~/", line 11, in myfunction | raise KeyError ("foo bar")|Normal operation is resumed') 'a|Traceback (most recent call last): / File "~/", line 1195, in __call__ / def __call__(self): myfunction() / File "~/", line 11, in myfunction / raise KeyError ("foo bar")|Normal operation is resumed' """ def maybeReorder(lines): if not lines[-1].startswith((' ', '\t', '\n')): return [lines[-1]]+lines[0:-1] # move the exception name to the beginning, if we can return lines return JoinLines( startAt=lambda l: l.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):'), # Stop when the indenting stops, but also match the first non-indented line that starts with a Python exception class (and a preceding blank) continueWhile=lambda l, buffer: l.startswith((' ', '\t', '\n')) or (len(buffer)>0 and (buffer[-1].startswith((' ', '\t', '\n')) and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9._]+(: |Exception|Error)', l))), # Put the actual exception first (since end of message may get truncated) combiner=lambda lines: JoinLines.defaultCombiner(maybeReorder(lines)) )
[docs] @staticmethod def JavaStackTrace(combiner=None, errorLogLineRegex='(ERROR|FATAL) '): """ Mapper that joins the lines of a typical Java(R) stack trace (from stderr or a log file) into a single line, for easier grepping and self-contained test outcome failure reasons. :param callable[list[str]]->str combiner: See `JoinLines`. :param str errorLogLineRegex: A regular expression used to match log lines which could (optionally) be followed by a stack trace. >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return '|'.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line for line in input.replace('<tab>', chr(9)).split('|')], [mapper]))).replace('\\n','') >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.JavaStackTrace(), 'java.lang.AssertionError: Invalid state|<tab>at|Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeError: Oh dear |<tab>at org.myorg.TestMyClass2|Normal operation has resumed ') 'java.lang.AssertionError: Invalid state / at / Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeError: Oh dear / at org.myorg.TestMyClass2|Normal operation has resumed ' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.JavaStackTrace(), '2021-05-25 ERROR [Thread1] The operation failed|java.lang.AssertionError: Invalid state|<tab>at|Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeError: Oh dear |<tab>at org.myorg.TestMyClass2|2021-05-25 ERROR [Thread1] Another error|2021-05-25 INFO [Thread1] normal operation') '2021-05-25 ERROR [Thread1] The operation failed / java.lang.AssertionError: Invalid state / at / Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeError: Oh dear / at org.myorg.TestMyClass2|2021-05-25 ERROR [Thread1] Another error|2021-05-25 INFO [Thread1] normal operation' >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.JavaStackTrace(), 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Main exception|<tab>at scratch.ExceptionTest.main(') 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Main exception / at scratch.ExceptionTest.main(' """ return JoinLines( # Both stderr lines that begin with an exception class, and log lines containing ERROR or FATAL startAt='('+errorLogLineRegex+'|^[a-zA-Z.]+(Error|Exception): |Exception in thread )', # Stop when the indenting stops continueWhile=r'(^[a-zA-Z.]+(Error|Exception): |\t*Caused by: |\t*Suppressed: |\t+at |\t+[.][.][.] )', combiner=combiner, )
[docs] @staticmethod def AntBuildFailure(): """ Mapper that joins the lines of an ant's stderr BUILD FAILED output to actually include the failure message(s), for easier grepping and self-contained test outcome failure reasons. As this mapper is stateful, do not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads). >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return '|'.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line for line in input.split('|')], [mapper]))).replace('\\n','') >>> _mapperUnitTest( JoinLines.AntBuildFailure(), 'BUILD FAILED|~/build.xml:13: Unknown attribute [dodgyattribute]||Total time: 0 seconds') 'BUILD FAILED / ~/build.xml:13: Unknown attribute [dodgyattribute]||Total time: 0 seconds' """ return JoinLines( startAt=lambda l: l.startswith('BUILD FAILED'), # Continue until we get a blank line continueWhile=lambda l, _: len(l.strip())>0, )
[docs]def SortLines(key=None): """ Mapper that sorts all lines. Note that unlike most mappers this will read the entire input into memory to perform the sort, so only use this when you know the file size isn't enormous. As this mapper is stateful, do not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads). .. versionadded:: 2.0 :param callable[str]->str key: A callable that returns the sort key to use for each line, in case you want something other than the default lexicographic sorting. >>> def _mapperUnitTest(mapper, input): return '|'.join(x for x in (applyMappers([line+'' for line in input.split('|')], [mapper]))) >>> _mapperUnitTest( SortLines(), 'a|z|A|B|aa|c').replace('\\n', '') 'A|B|a|aa|c|z' >>> _mapperUnitTest( SortLines( key=lambda s: int(s) ), '100|1|10|22|2').replace('\\n', '') '1|2|10|22|100' >>> _mapperUnitTest( SortLines(), 'a\\n|c\\n|b') 'a\\n|b\\n|c\\n' """ def mapperGenerator(it): for l in sorted(it, key=key): if not l.endswith('\n'): l += '\n' # need uniform newlines in output since it's possible there aren't uniform newlines in input (if file doesn't end in a newline) yield l return mapperGenerator
[docs]class IncludeLinesMatching(object): """ Mapper that filters lines by including only lines matching the specified regular expression. :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to match (this is a match not a search, so use ``.*`` at the beginning if you want to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using ``(expr1|expr2)`` syntax. >>> IncludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar\\n') 'Foo bar\\n' >>> IncludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar\\n') is None True """ def __init__(self, regex): self.__str = 'IncludeLinesMatching(%s)'%(regex) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex def __call__(self, line): return None if self.regex.match(line) is None else line def __repr__(self): return self.__str
[docs]class ExcludeLinesMatching(object): """ Mapper that filters lines by excluding/ignoring lines matching the specified regular expression. :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to match (use ``.*`` at the beginning to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using ``(expr1|expr2)`` syntax. >>> ExcludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar') is None True >>> ExcludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar') 'Foo bar' """ def __init__(self, regex): self.__str = 'ExcludeLinesMatching(%s)'%(regex) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex def __call__(self, line): return None if self.regex.match(line) is not None else line def __repr__(self): return self.__str
[docs]def applyMappers(iterator, mappers): """ A generator function that applies zero or more mappers to each line from an iterator and yields each fully mapped line. If a mapper function returns None for a line that line is dropped. :param Iterable[str] iterator: An iterable such as a file object that yields lines to be mapped. Trailing newline characters are preserved, but not passed to the mappers. :type mappers: List[callable[str]->str or callable[iterator]->Generator[str,None,None] ] :param mappers: A list of filter functions that will be used to pre-process each line from the file (returning None if the line is to be filtered out). For advanced cases where stateful mappings are needed, instead of a function to filter individual lines, you can provide a generator function which accepts an iterable of all input lines from each file and yields output lines (including potentially some additional lines). Mappers must always preserve the final ``\\n`` of each line (if present). Do not share mapper instances across multiple tests or threads as this can cause race conditions. As a convenience to make conditionalization easier, any ``None`` items in the mappers list are simply ignored. :rtype: Iterable[str] .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ if len(mappers)==0: # optimize for common case of zero mappers yield from iterator # strip out any noop (None) mappers if None in mappers: mappers = [m for m in mappers if m] # isgeneratorfunction handles both function generators, and functor classes with a __call__ method that's a generator def isgeneratorfunction(m): return inspect.isgeneratorfunction(m) or inspect.isgeneratorfunction(m.__call__) # if there are any generator functions we need to be recursive if any(isgeneratorfunction(m) for m in mappers): m = mappers[0] if not isgeneratorfunction(m): # then make it be one, so it's all uniform originalMapperFunction = m def generatorFunctionForSimpleMapper(it): for originalline in it: l = originalMapperFunction(originalline) if l is not None: # Mappers must be written to preserve line endings, otherwise the lines passed to the next mapper may not be correctly interpreted assert l.endswith('\n') or not originalline.endswith('\n'), 'Mappers must not remove newline characters: %s'%originalMapperFunction yield l m = generatorFunctionForSimpleMapper yield from applyMappers(m(iterator), mappers[1:]) else: # simple, fast implementation for the non-generators case for originalline in iterator: l = originalline for mapper in mappers: l = mapper(l) if l is None: break if l is not None: # Mappers must be written to preserve line endings, otherwise the lines passed to the next mapper may not be correctly interpreted assert l.endswith('\n') or not originalline.endswith('\n'), 'Mappers must not add/remove newline characters but one of these mappers has: %s'%mappers yield l