Source code for pysys.launcher.console_make

# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2022 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Implements `` make`` to create new testcases. 

from __future__ import print_function
import os.path, stat, getopt, logging, traceback, sys
import json
import importlib
import glob
import shutil

from pysys import log

from pysys import __version__
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.launcher import createDescriptors
from pysys.config.project import Project
from pysys.exceptions import UserError
from pysys.utils.pycompat import openfile
from pysys.utils.fileutils import toLongPathSafe, pathexists, mkdir

[docs]class DefaultTestMaker(object): """ The default implementation of `` make``, which creates tests and other assets using templates configurable on a per-directory basis using ``<maker-template>`` configuration in ``pysysdirconfig.xml`` (and project) files. See :doc:`/pysys/TestDescriptors` for information about how to configure templates. A subclass can be specified in the project if further customization is required using:: <maker classname="myorg.MyTestMaker"/> """ __PYSYS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = [ { 'name': 'pysys-default-test', 'description': 'a default empty PySys test', 'isTest':True, 'copy': [ '${pysysTemplatesDir}/default-test/*', ], 'mkdir': None, # means create the defaults - Input/Output/Reference 'replace':[], # empty means use defaults }, ] def __init__(self, name="make", **kwargs): = name self.parentDir = os.getcwd() self.project = Project.getInstance() self.skipValidation = False def getTemplates(self): project = self.project projectroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(project.projectFile)) dir = self.parentDir DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR = 'pysysdirconfig.xml' if not project.projectFile or not dir.startswith(projectroot): log.debug('Project file does not exist under "%s" so processing of %s files is disabled', dir, DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR) return None from pysys.config.descriptor import _XMLDescriptorParser # uses a non-public API, so please don't copy this into your own test maker # load any descriptors between the project dir up to (AND including) the dir we'll be walking searchdirsuffix = dir[len(projectroot)+1:].split(os.sep) if len(dir)>len(projectroot) else [] DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = _XMLDescriptorParser.DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR def expandAndValidateTemplate(t, defaults): source = t.get('source', '<unknown source>') if defaults is None: defaults = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR if t['name'].lower().replace('_','').replace(' ','') != t['name']: raise UserError( # enforce this to make them easy to type on cmd line, and consistent "Invalid template name \"%s\" - must be lowercase and use hyphens not underscores/spaces for separating words, in \"%s\""%(t['name'], source)) source = t.get('source', None) if t['mkdir'] is None: t['mkdir'] = [ defaults.output, defaults.reference ] if defaults.input not in ['!Input_dir_if_present_else_testDir!', '!INPUT_DIR_IF_PRESENT_ELSE_TEST_DIR!']: t['mkdir'].append(defaults.input) t['testOutputDir'] = defaults.output t['copy'] = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source) if source else '', project.expandProperties(x).strip())) for x in t['copy']] copy = [] for c in t['copy']: globbed = glob.glob(c) if not globbed: raise UserError('Cannot find any file or directory "%s" in maker template "%s" of "%s"'%(c, t['name'], source)) copy.extend(globbed) t['copy'] = copy t['replace'] = [(r1, project.expandProperties(r2)) for (r1,r2) in t['replace']] for r1, r2 in t['replace']: try: re.compile(r1) except Exception as ex: raise UserError('Invalid replacement regular expression "%s" in maker template "%s" of "%s": %s'%(r1, t['name'], source, ex)) return t # start with the built-ins and project templates = [expandAndValidateTemplate(t, project._defaultDirConfig) for t in self.__PYSYS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES] if project._defaultDirConfig: templates = [expandAndValidateTemplate(t, project._defaultDirConfig) for t in project._defaultDirConfig._makeTestTemplates]+templates parentDirDefaults = None for i in range(len(searchdirsuffix)+1): # up to AND including dir if i == 0: currentdir = projectroot else: currentdir = projectroot+os.sep+os.sep.join(searchdirsuffix[:i]) if pathexists(currentdir+os.sep+DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR): parentDirDefaults = _XMLDescriptorParser.parse(currentdir+os.sep+DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR, parentDirDefaults=parentDirDefaults, istest=False, project=project) newtemplates = [expandAndValidateTemplate(t, parentDirDefaults) for t in parentDirDefaults._makeTestTemplates] log.debug('Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s', currentdir, parentDirDefaults) # Add in existing templates from higher levels, but de-dup'd, giving priority to the latest defined template, and also putting the latest ones at the top of the list # for increased prominence for deftmpl in templates: if not any(tmpl['name'] == deftmpl['name'] for tmpl in newtemplates): newtemplates.append(deftmpl) templates = newtemplates log.debug('Loaded templates: \n%s', json.dumps(templates, indent=' ')) return templates supportedArgs = ('ht:s', ['help', 'template=', 'skipValidation']) def printOptions(self, **kwargs): ####### | _PYSYS_SCRIPT_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if '__main__' not in sys.argv[0] else '' print("\nUsage: %s %s [options]* [TEST_DIR_NAME]" % (_PYSYS_SCRIPT_NAME, print(" where [option] includes:") print(" -t | --template=NAME use the named template (default is to use the first)") if self.__class__ != DefaultTestMaker: # we know there is no validation anyway in this class, so only show this option for subclasses print(" -s | --skipValidation skip the usual (typically remote) validation of the proposed test id") print(" -h | --help print this message") def printAvailableTemplates(self): templates = self.getTemplates() if templates: print("") print("Available templates - and what they produce:") maxLength = max(len(t['name']) for t in templates) for t in templates: print(f" {t['name']:<{maxLength}} - {t['description']}") print("") print(" (more customized templates for new tests in this project/directory can be configured using pysysdirconfig)")
[docs] def printUsage(self, **kwargs): """ Print help info and exit. """ ####### | print("\nPySys System Test Framework (version %s): Makes PySys tests using configurable templates" % __version__) self.printOptions() print("") print("TEST_DIR_NAME is the test directory to be created, which should consist of letters, numbers and underscores, ") print("e.g. MyApp_perf_001 ('numeric' style) or InvalidFooBarProducesError ('test that XXX' long string style).") print("") print("If TEST_DIR_NAME is not specified and existing tests follow the pattern PREFIX_NUMBER PySys will ") print("auto-generate a numeric test id using a free number. ") self.printAvailableTemplates()
def parseArg(self, option, value): if option in ['-t', '--template']: self.template = value return True if option in ['-s', '--skipValidation']: self.skipValidation = True return True return False
[docs] def validateTestId(self, parentDir, prefix, numericSuffix, **kwargs): """ This method can be overridden to provide customized validation of a proposed new test directory name, for example to prevent clashes with existing tests committed to version control. The default implementation of this method does nothing. If validation fails, an exception should be thrown. The method can propose a new numericSuffix that will be used instead (only if auto-generating the test id) by raising an `ProposeNewTestIdNumericSuffixException` exception. The command line option ``--skipValidation`` can be used to disable this checking, for example when disconnected from the network. :param str parentDir: The absolute path of the directory in which the test is to be created. :param str prefix: The proposed test id, excluding any numeric suffix. :param str numericSuffix: The numeric suffix (including padding), if any, or '' if this is not a numeric test id. :raises ProposeNewTestIdNumericSuffixException: If an alternative numeric suffix would be acceptable. This is used when auto-generating test ids. :raises Exception: If the specific test id is not acceptable. """ pass
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args): """ Parse the command line arguments after ``pysys make``. """ try: optlist, arguments = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, self.supportedArgs[0], self.supportedArgs[1]) except Exception: sys.stderr.write("Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.stderr.flush() self.printUsage() sys.exit(1) self.template = None self.dest = None for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage() sys.exit(0) elif not self.parseArg(option, value): sys.stderr.write("Unknown option: %s\n"%option) sys.exit(1) skipValidation = getattr(self, 'skipValidation', False) if skipValidation: print('No test id validation will be performed') splitNumericSuffix = re.compile('([^_].+_)([0-9][0-9]+)$') if len(arguments) == 1: self.dest = arguments[0] parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.dest)) try: if not skipValidation: match = splitNumericSuffix.match(os.path.basename(self.dest)) if match: self.validateTestId(,, parentdir) else: self.validateTestId(os.path.basename(self.dest), '', parentdir) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write(f'Test id "{self.dest}" was rejected by validator: {ex} (if needed, use --skipValidation to disable checking)\n') sys.exit(1) else: if len(arguments) == 0: # try to auto-generate with os.scandir(self.parentDir) as it: existingtests = [splitNumericSuffix.match( for x in it if x.is_dir()] existingtests = sorted([x for x in existingtests if x], key=lambda x: int( existingprefixes = sorted(list(set([ for x in existingtests]))) if existingprefixes: # if not, fall back to main error handler if len(existingprefixes) > 1: sys.stderr.write("When using numeric test ids you should use the same prefix for all tests in each directory, but multiple prefixes were found: %s\n"%', '.join(existingprefixes)) sys.exit(1) prefix, highestNum = existingprefixes[0], existingtests[-1].group(2) newNum = int(highestNum)+1 pad = len(highestNum) self.dest = prefix+f'{int(newNum):0{pad}}' try: if not skipValidation: self.validateTestId(prefix, f'{newNum:0{pad}}', self.parentDir) except ProposeNewTestIdNumericSuffixException as ex: newNum = int(ex.newNumericSuffix) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write(f'Auto-generated id "{self.dest}" was rejected by validator: {ex} (if needed, use --skipValidation to disable checking)\n') sys.exit(1) self.dest = prefix+f'{int(newNum):0{pad}}' return # if we didn't auto-generate a numeric one, fall back to error handler sys.stderr.write("Please specify the test id to be created.\n") self.printUsage() sys.exit(1)
[docs] def copy(self, source, dest, replace, **kwargs): """ Copies the specified source file/dir to the specified dest file/dir. Can be overridden if any advanced post-processing is required. """ if os.path.isdir(source): if os.path.basename(source) in ['__pycache__']: return # definitely not worth copying these! shutil.copytree(source, dest) self.replaceInDir(dest, replace) else: shutil.copy(source, dest) self.replaceInFile(dest, replace) # executable permission may be important, so copy it shutil.copystat(source, dest, follow_symlinks=False)
def replaceInDir(self, dir, replace): with os.scandir(dir) as it: for p in it: if p.is_dir(): self.replaceInDir(p.path, replace) else: self.replaceInFile(p.path, replace) def replaceInFile(self, file, replace): if (not replace) and not file.endswith('.py'): return # we don't know what encoding the file is in (or even if it's a text file), so read/write using bytes with open(file, 'rb') as f: contents = for regex, repl in replace: contents = re.sub(regex, repl, contents) if file.endswith('.py') and self.project.getProperty('pythonIndentationSpacesPerTab', ''): spaces = self.project.getProperty('pythonIndentationSpacesPerTab', '') if spaces.lower() == 'true': spaces = ' ' contents = re.sub(b'^(\\t+)', lambda m: len(*spaces.encode('ascii'), contents, flags=re.MULTILINE) with open(file, 'wb') as f: f.write(contents)
[docs] def makeTest(self): """ Uses the previously parsed arguments to create a new test (or related asset) on disk in ``self.dest``. Can be overridden if additional post-processing steps are required for some templates. """ templates = self.getTemplates() if self.template: tmp = [t for t in templates if t['name'] == self.template] if len(tmp) != 1: raise UserError('Cannot find a template named "%s"; available templates for this project and directory are: %s'%(self.template, ', '.join(t['name'] for t in templates))) tmp = tmp[0] else: tmp = templates[0] # pick the default log.debug('Using template: \n%s', json.dumps(tmp, indent=' ')) dest = self.dest print("Creating %s using template %s ..." % (dest, tmp['name'])) assert tmp['isTest'] # not implemented for other asset types yet if os.path.exists(dest): raise UserError('Cannot create %s as it already exists'%dest) mkdir(dest) if not tmp['replace']: # use defaults unless user explicitly defines one or more, to save user having to keep redefining the standard ones tmp['replace'] = [ ['@@DATE@@', '@{DATE}'], ['@@USERNAME@@', '@{USERNAME}'], ['@@DIR_NAME@@', '@{DIR_NAME}'], ['@@DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR@@', '@{DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR}'], ['@@DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MINIMAL@@', '@{DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MINIMAL}'], ['@@LINE_LENGTH_GUIDE@@', '@{LINE_LENGTH_GUIDE}'], ] with open(self.project.pysysTemplatesDir+'/default-test/', 'rb') as f: DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR[:DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.find(b'import')].rstrip().decode('ascii') DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.replace('@@DATE@@', '@{DATE}') DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.replace('@@USERNAME@@', '@{USERNAME}') DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.replace('@@LINE_LENGTH_GUIDE@@', '@{LINE_LENGTH_GUIDE}') DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MINIMAL = '\n'.join([l for l in DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.split('\n') if ( (l.startswith('#__pysys_skipped_reason__') or not l.startswith('#__pysys_')) )]) replace = [ (re.compile(r1.encode('ascii')), r2 # in addition to ${...} project properties, add some that are especially useful here .replace('@{DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR}', DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR.replace('\\', '\\\\')) .replace('@{DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MINIMAL}', DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_MINIMAL.replace('\\', '\\\\')) .replace('@{DATE}', self.project.startDate) .replace('@{USERNAME}', self.project.username) .replace('@{DIR_NAME}', os.path.basename(dest)) .replace('@{LINE_LENGTH_GUIDE}', self.project.getProperty("pysystestTemplateLineLengthGuide", 80*"=")) .encode('utf-8') # non-ascii chars are unlikely, but a reasonable default is to use utf-8 to match typical XML ) for (r1,r2) in tmp['replace']] log.debug('Using replacements: %s', replace) for c in tmp['copy']: target = dest+os.sep+os.path.basename(c) if os.path.basename(c) == tmp['testOutputDir']: log.debug(" Not copying dir %s"%target) continue if os.path.exists(target): raise Exception('Cannot copy to %s as it already exists'%target) self.copy(c, target, replace) print(" Copied %s%s"%(target, os.sep+'*' if os.path.isdir(target) else '')) for d in tmp['mkdir']: if os.path.isabs(d): log.debug('Skipping creation of absolute directory: %s', d) else: mkdir(dest+os.sep+d) return dest
[docs]class ProposeNewTestIdNumericSuffixException(Exception): """ This exception should be thrown by `DefaultTestMaker.validateTestId` if the specific test id cannot be used but the validator can propose an acceptable numeric suffix to use instead, typically with a higher number to avoid conflicts with tests committed to version control elsewhere. :param str reason: The error message to use if not auto-generating a new id. :param int newNumericSuffix: The new numeric suffix """ def __init__(self, reason, newNumericSuffix): super().__init__(reason) self.newNumericSuffix = newNumericSuffix
[docs]class LegacyConsoleMakeTestHelper(object): """ The legacy and deprecated implementation of `` make`` - used only by existing custom subclasses. Also known by its alias ``ConsoleMakeTestHelper``. """ TEST_TEMPLATE = '''import pysys %s %s class %s(%s): def execute(self): pass def validate(self): pass ''' # not public API, do not use DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE ='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <pysystest type="%s"> <description> <title></title> <purpose><![CDATA[ ]]></purpose> </description> <!-- uncomment this to skip the test: <skipped reason=""/> --> <classification> <groups inherit="true"> <group>%s</group> </groups> <modes inherit="true"> </modes> </classification> <data> <class name="%s" module="%s"/> </data> <traceability> <requirements> <requirement id=""/> </requirements> </traceability> </pysystest> ''' # deprecated, only used by legacy subclassers of this class def __init__(self, name=""): = name self.testId = None self.type = "auto" self.testdir = os.getcwd()
[docs] def printUsage(self): """ Print help info and exit. """ _PYSYS_SCRIPT_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if '__main__' not in sys.argv[0] else '' ####### | print(f"\nPySys System Test Framework (version {__version__}): Customized (legacy) test maker {self.__class__.__name__}") print("\nUsage: %s %s [option]+ TESTID" % (_PYSYS_SCRIPT_NAME, print(" where [option] includes:") print(" -d | --dir STRING parent directory in which to create TESTID (default is current working dir)") print(" -a | --type STRING set the test type (auto or manual, default is auto)") print(" -h | --help print this message") print("") print(" and where TESTID is the id of the new test which should consist of letters, numbers and underscores, ") print(" for example: MyApp_perf_001 (numeric style) or InvalidFooBarProducesError ('test that XXX' long string style).") sys.exit()
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args): """ Parse the command line arguments after ``pysys make``. """ try: optlist, arguments = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, 'ha:d:', ["help","type=","dir="] ) except Exception: print("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) self.printUsage() for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage() elif option in ("-a", "--type"): self.type = value if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]: log.warning("Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual") sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-d", "--dir"): self.testdir = value else: print("Unknown option: %s"%option) sys.exit(1) if arguments == []: print("A valid string test id must be supplied") self.printUsage() else: self.testId = arguments[0] return self.testId
[docs] def makeTest(self, input=None, output=None, reference=None, descriptor=None, testclass=None, module=None, group="", constantsImport=None, basetestImport=None, basetest=None, teststring=None): """ Makes a new test on disk. """ if input==None: input = DEFAULT_INPUT if output==None: output = DEFAULT_OUTPUT if reference==None: reference = DEFAULT_REFERENCE if descriptor==None: descriptor = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR[0] if testclass==None: testclass = DEFAULT_TESTCLASS if module==None: module = DEFAULT_MODULE if constantsImport ==None: constantsImport = "from pysys.constants import *" if basetestImport == None: basetestImport = "from pysys.basetest import BaseTest" if basetest == None: basetest = "BaseTest""Creating testcase %s ..." % self.testId) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId))"Created directory %s" % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId)) except OSError:"Error creating testcase " + os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId) + " - directory already exists") return else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference)) with openfile(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor), "w", encoding='utf-8') as descriptor_fp: descriptor_fp.write(self.DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE %(self.type, group, testclass, module))"Created descriptor %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor)) if not module.endswith('.py'): module += '.py' testclass_fp = openfile(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, module), "w") if teststring == None: testclass_fp.write(self.TEST_TEMPLATE % (constantsImport, basetestImport, testclass, basetest)) else: testclass_fp.write(teststring) testclass_fp.close()"Created test class module %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, module))
ConsoleMakeTestHelper = LegacyConsoleMakeTestHelper def makeTest(args): Project.findAndLoadProject() cls = Project.getInstance().makerClassname.split('.') module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(cls[:-1])) maker = getattr(module, cls[-1])("make") try: maker.parseArgs(args) maker.makeTest() except UserError as e: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(10)