Apama 10.11.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Working with IAF Plug-ins | C/C++ Codec Plug-in Development | The C/C++ codec plug-in development specification | Defining the codec function tables | Registering the codec function tables
Registering the codec function tables
The encoding and decoding function tables created above need to be placed in the relevant object, AP_EventEncoder and AP_EventDecoder. These, together with the generic function table, need to be placed in an AP_EventCodec object. See the API Reference for C++ (Doxygen) for detailed information on these structures.
An AP_EventCodec object needs to be created for every plug-in within its constructor function. The encoder and decoder fields in it may be set to NULL if the codec does not implement the respective functionality, although clearly it is meaningless to have both set to NULL.