Apama 10.11.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Introduction to Dashboard Properties | Copying and pasting property values
Copying and pasting property values
Copying and pasting makes it easy to transfer property values from one object to another.
There are two options for copying object properties:
*Copy all properties: To copy all object properties, both static properties and data attachments, select an object and click the copy button on the toolbar.
*Copy single property: To copy an individual property from the Object Properties window, right-click on the property name and select Copy. To copy a property from the Edit Function dialog, right-click in a text field and select Copy.
There are four options for pasting object properties:
*Paste data attachments: To paste only data attachments, select one or more objects and click on the paste data attachments button on the toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V.
Only properties common to both objects are pasted onto the selected object or objects.
*Paste static properties: To paste only the static properties, select one or more objects and click on the paste static properties button on the toolbar.
Only properties common to both objects are pasted onto the selected object or objects.
*Paste all properties: To paste all properties, select one or more objects and click on the paste all properties button on the toolbar. This pastes all static properties as well as all data attachments.
Only properties common to both objects are pasted onto the selected object or objects.
*Paste single property: To paste an individual property into the Object Properties window, right-click on the property name and select Paste. The Paste option is enabled only if the copied attribute can be set on the selected property (data attachments, for example, cannot be pasted onto static properties). To paste a property in the Edit Function dialog, right-click in a text field and select Paste.