Time literals
In Apama query definitions, time literals can be in within clauses. They are either float or integer literals followed by a unit. Not all units are required, but they have to be in order.
You can specify the following time literals, in the following order:
days hour/
hours min/
minutes sec/
seconds msec/
milliseconds For example:
10 hours 1.5 days 1 day 2.5 hours 10 min 4 sec 2 day 3.5 minutes A space is required between a float or integer literal and its associated time unit. A space is required between a time unit and a float or integer literal that follows it. Additional whitespace is also allowed.
You cannot specify a negative number.
Outside a query, you can use these keywords as identifiers. Inside a query, you cannot use these keywords as identifiers unless you prefix them with a hash symbol (
#). See also