Apama 10.11.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Function Reference | Tabular Functions | Filter By Time Range
Filter By Time Range
Returns a copy of a specified table that contains only those rows in which the value of a specified column falls within a specified time range.
The function has the following arguments:
*Table: Table whose rows are to be copied.
*Date/Time Column Name: Text string that specifies a column of Table that contains a timestamp. If this argument is not supplied, the first column of Table is assumed to contain a timestamp.
*Time Range Start: Text string that specifies the start of the desired time range. If this argument is not supplied, the time range is unbounded at the lower end.
*Time Range End: Text string that specifies the end of the desired time range. The time range itself does not include this value, but does include a value that is one second less than Time Range End. If this argument is not supplied, the time range is unbounded at the upper end.
This function returns a table.