Apama 10.11.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Building Dashboard Clients | Using Dashboard Builder | Restrictions
This section lists the known restrictions of using dashboards.
*The substitution names should not contain any of the following characters:
Colon (:), pipe (|), period (.), comma (,), semi-colon (;), equals (=), brackets (< >, ( ), { }, [ ]), quotation marks (' "), ampersand (&), slashes (/ \)
*When a function is attached to the enabledFlag property of a check box, the Dashboard Viewer executes the actionCommand first and then evaluates the function. In the thin client, however, the function is evaluated first, and when the function returns 0, the actionCommand attached to the check box is never executed.
The workaround for this issue is to add two check boxes, one stacked above the other, in z-order.
The lower has objName = checkbox_enabled, enabledFlag = true, label = "Checkbox", actionCommand = "system browseUrl ...", and sets $foold = 1.
The upper has objName = checkbox_disabled, enabledFlag = false, label = "", actionCommand = "system browseUrl ...", and visFlag is attached to $foold.
So when the display is opened and $foold = "", then checkbox_disabled is invisible, and the user can click on checkbox_enabled to execute the command and set $foold = 1. That makes checkbox_disabled visible, which obscures checkbox_enabled so the user cannot click on it afterwards.