Apama 10.11.3 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing EPL Plug-ins | Writing EPL Plug-ins in C++ | Creating a plug-in using C++ | Receiving events
Receiving events
Plug-ins can subscribe to receive events which are delivered to certain named channels. They will receive events sent to those channels from EPL, from external senders, from connectivity chains or from other plug-ins (see Sending events). To subscribe to events, you need to subclass the EventHandler class and implement the handleEvent() virtual method. Then you need to call registerEventHandler on the CorrelatorInterface returned by getCorrelator() with an instance of your EventHandler. registerEventHandler takes ownership of the handler object.
class MyHandler: public EventHandler
virtual void handleEvent(const char *type, data_t &&event,
const char *channel)
// do something with event
MyPlugin(): base_plugin_t("MyPlugin") {
EventHandler::subscription_t handler = getCorrelator().registerEventHandler(
MyHandler::ptr_t(new MyHandler()), "channelName",
/*mode=*/MAP_MODE, /*blocking=*/true);
registerEventHandler() parameters
registerEventHandler() has mandatory and optional parameters:
Required. The handler object which will process delivery of the events.
Required. The initial channel to subscribe to.
Optional. If set to STRING_MODE, then events are delivered in Apama string form. If set to MAP_MODE (default), events are delivered in map_t form (see Sending events).
If set to true, then this handler may block the thread. If set to false, the handler will never block (see Blocking behavior of plug-ins).
handleEvent() parameters
handleEvent() is called with the following parameters:
The name of the type of the event.
The event itself. The data_t contains a const char * if the handler was subscribed in STRING_MODE or a map_t if it was subscribed in MAP_MODE. You are given ownership of the event so you can move it for further processing without taking a copy.
The channel on which this event was delivered.
EventHandler::subscription_t methods
registerEventHandler() returns an object of type EventHandler::subscription_t, which can be used to add channels to a subscription, remove channels from a subscription, or remove the handler entirely. You must not call either of the remove methods from inside the handler object.
EventHandler::subscription_t has the following methods:
void addChannel(const char *channel)
Subscribe to an additional channel.
bool removeChannel(const char *channel)
Unsubscribe from the channel, if subscribed to it. If this reduces the subscription count to 0, then it destroys the handler. Returns true if the handler was destroyed.
void removeAllChannels()
Remove all subscriptions and destroy the handler.