Apama 10.11.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard IAF Plug-ins | Codec IAF Plug-ins
Codec IAF Plug-ins
The String codec IAF plug-in
The Null codec IAF plug-in
The Filter codec IAF plug-in
The XML codec IAF plug-in
The CSV codec IAF plug-in
The Fixed Width codec IAF plug-in
Apama provides several standard codec IAF plug-ins for your convenience, which can be used for testing or in combination with custom plug-ins. They are described in the topics below.
The compiled binaries for all the standard plug-ins are available in the \bin and \lib directories (for the C and Java versions respectively).
Information on where to find the source code and how to build those plug-ins for which source code is available can be found in IAF samples.