Apama 10.11.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The Kafka Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Payload for the Kafka message
Payload for the Kafka message
As with all other transports, the translation between EPL events and Kafka payloads is based on the choice of host plug-in and codecs. See Host plug-ins and configuration and Codec Connectivity Plug-ins for further information.
The default payload for the Kafka message is a string (with conversion from the underlying bytes using the classes StringDeserializer and StringSerializer from the org.apache.kafka.common.serialization package).
The following is a simple example of a YAML configuration file where the payload of the Kafka message will be the string form of the Apama event:
transport: kafkaTransport
bootstrap.servers: "localhost:9092"
- apama.eventString:
- kafkaTransport:
You can configure alternative serializers and deserializers using the consumerConfig and producerConfig options of the Kafka connectivity plug-in (see also Configuring the connection to Kafka (dynamicChainManagers). You can use a third-party serializer/deserializer implementation or you can create your own. You just need to include the relevant classes in the same classpath of the Kafka plug-in itself so that it can locate them. See the Kafka documentation for more information about Kafka serializers and deserializers. Additional transformations (for example, from a string containing JSON to a map) can be performed after the Kafka transport using connectivity codec plug-ins.