Apama 10.11.3 | Connecting Apama Applications to External Components | Standard Connectivity Plug-ins | The Cumulocity IoT Transport Connectivity Plug-in | Monitoring status for Cumulocity IoT
Monitoring status for Cumulocity IoT
The Cumulocity IoT component provides status values via the user status mechanism. It provides the following metrics (where prefix is user-CumulocityIoTGenericChain.cumulocityCodec):
Maximum request latency observed during the last hour, in milliseconds.
Details of the maximum latency request. Consists of a tab-separated string containing the following:
*ISO format timestamp in UTC,
*method, path and parameters truncated to 100 characters (in URL format), and
*an optional count of the number of objects if this is a batched request (only com.apama.cumulocity.Measurement requests can be batched).
Details of the most recent slow request. A request is slow if the request-response multiplied by the number of pages (or 1) is above CUMULOCITY_LATENCY_SLOW_THRESHOLD_SECS (see Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport). Consists of a tab-separated string containing the following:
*ISO format timestamp in UTC,
*method, path and parameters truncated to 100 characters (in URL format), and
*an optional count of the number of objects if this is a batched request (only com.apama.cumulocity.Measurement requests can be batched).
A quickly-evolving exponentially-weighted moving average of request latencies, in milliseconds. Uses 0.5 as the weight to calculate this. This puts more importance on recent latencies than requestLatencyEWMALongMillis.
A longer-term exponentially-weighted moving average of request latencies, in milliseconds. Uses 0.1 as the weight to calculate this.
For more information about monitor status information published by the correlator, see Managing and Monitoring over REST and Watching correlator runtime status.
When using Software AG Command Central to manage your correlator, see also Monitoring the KPIs for EPL applications and connectivity plug-ins.