Apama 10.11.3 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Graph Objects | HTML5 Bar graph
HTML5 Bar graph
HTML5 bar graph behavior
HTML5 bar graph issues
HTML5 bar graph properties
The web bar chart is a pure HTML implementation of an RTView bar chart object. In the RTView thin client, the web bar chart provides an interactive, high performance chart without requiring the Flash player or other browser plug-in.
There is no web bar chart in the Builder palette. Instead, a new property named webChartFlag has been added to the swing (obj_bargraph) bar charts. To enable the web bar chart, you must set the webChartFlag property to true (checked) on a swing bar chart instance. Then, when the display is opened in the thin client in a web compatible browser, the web bar chart appears in place of the swing bar chart. This feature is similar to the webChartFlag property that has been available on the swing trend graph objects in several prior releases.
The web bar chart supports all of the major properties available in the swing bar charts. However, several minor properties are not supported or have limited support in the web bar chart. See HTML5 bar graph properties.