Apama 10.11.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.1 | Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.5.1
Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.5.1
Apama 10.5.1 includes the following miscellaneous enhancements and changes:
*Apama 10.5.1 incorporates the ICU (International Components for Unicode) time-zone data update 2019c, which is the most recent update at the time of release. This will update time-zone data used by the correlator and Time Format EPL plug-in.
*The /request REST API on the correlator can now be called with a JSON payload as an alternative to the existing XML payloads. Responses can also be received in JSON. For more details, see the API Reference for Component Management REST APIs.
*The REST interfaces to all components for retrieving the environment variables of the process now replace the values of any environment variables with the names containing PASSWORD, PASSWD or CREDENTIALS with the string <redacted> for security.
*Apama now provides an apamadoc command-line tool which can be used to generate ApamaDoc. For more details, see Generating ApamaDoc from the command line.