Apama 10.11.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.3.0 | Correlator utility enhancements in 10.3.0
Correlator utility enhancements in 10.3.0
Apama 10.3.0 includes the following correlator utility enhancements:
*The engine_send macro in the apama-macros.xml Ant script now has an additional channel attribute which allows you send events directly to a specified delivery channel. See also About deploying Apama applications with an Ant script.
*When starting the correlator using the apama-macros.xml Ant script, a pidfile (that is, a file containing the process identifier) is now created by default. The default location and name of this pidfile is ${log.dir}/${correlator_name}.pidfile. You can override this location by modifying the corresponding entry in the build.xml file.
*The correlator.properties file, which is generated by the engine_deploy tool, now uses ${correlator.logsDir}/${correlator.name}.pidfile as the default location and name of the pidfile (instead of ${correlator.dataDir}/correlator.pid).
*As an alternative to specifying the --outputDeployDir action with the engine_deploy tool, you can now specify the shorter -d option. In addition, when the output directory or correlator deployment package already exists, it is now overwritten (rather than causing an error). See also Deploying a correlator.
*The -s (or --source) option of the epl_coverage tool can now be specified more than once to allow multiple source directories to be searched. In addition, the performance of the epl_coverage tool has been improved when using source search directories to locate the source for .mon files that are not present in the location used during the inject, or are contained within .cdp files. See also Creating code coverage reports.
*If the Java virtual machine (JVM) which is embedded in the correlator is enabled and when logging at INFO level, a new jvm=n field is now shown in the Correlator Status: line of the main correlator log file. Its value is the sum of all memory used by the JVM in megabytes (that is, the used heap memory, the used non-heap memory, and the used buffer pool memory). See also Descriptions of correlator status log fields.
*Using the new --python option of the correlator executable, you can enable and disable Python support. See also New Python EPL plug-in support in 10.3.0.
*All configured log files now create their parent directory at startup if it does not exist.