Package com.apama.memorystore

Event summary
FinishedSent to the application when an asynchronous activity has finished.
ForwardMemoryStoreUpdatesToRequests Scenario Service updates for an exposed MemoryStore to be forwarded to the specified Correlator context.
IteratorRepresents an iterator that can be used to step through each Row of a Table in turn, making changes or reading data from the row.
MissedRowChangesOptionally sent to the application if the driver has detected that some of the RowChanged events may have been dropped for a table the application has subscribed to.
RowRepresents an ordered and typed set of named fields in a table, with a key that uniquely identifies the row within the table.
RowChangedSent to the application on every successful row commit in tables the application has subscribed to.
SchemaRepresents the schema for a table in the store, specifying the field names, types, and other behavioural information about the table.
StorageMemoryStore factory interface for creating Store event objects.
StoreRepresents a store, which is a container for a uniquely named collection of tables.
TableRepresents a collection of rows in a store, with a defined schema.