Package com.apama.dataview

Event summary
DataViewAddDefinitionDefine a new DataView type.
DataViewAddItemRequest that a new Item is added to a specific DataView. Must not already exist.
DataViewAddOrUpdateItemRequest that a new Item is added to a specific DataView if it does not already exist, or is updated when it does exist.
DataViewAllItemsDeletedNotifies all interested clients that all Items within a specific DataView have been deleted.
DataViewDefinitionConfirmation that a specific DataView definition has been added.
DataViewDefinitionDeletedIndicates that a specific DataView definition is being unloaded.
DataViewDeleteAllItemsRequest that all Items within a specific DataView are deleted.
DataViewDeleteDefinitionRemove an existing DataView type.
DataViewDeleteItemRequest that a specific Item within a specific DataView is deleted.
DataViewExceptionIndicates that an exception occurred within the DataViewService, and indicates the name of the specific DataView.
DataViewFieldLookupThe helper dictionary to facilitate sequence position lookup by field name.
DataViewGetFieldLookupRequest helper dictionary to facilitate sequence position lookup by field name.
DataViewItemNotifies all interested clients that a new Item has been added to a specific DataView. The event provides the unique itemID, owner (user), and initial values for all fields.
DataViewItemDeletedNotifies all interested clients that a specific Item within a specific DataView has been deleted.
DataViewItemExceptionIndicates that an exception occurred within the DataViewService, and indicates the name of the specific DataView, and the Id of the specific Item.
DataViewServiceUnloadedIndicates that the DataView service is being unloaded.
DataViewUpdateItemContains updated DataView Item fields. Use this to update the fields.
DataViewUpdateItemDeltaContains updated DataView Item fields. Use this to update the fields.