Event DataViewAddItem

Request that a new Item is added to a specific DataView. Must not already exist.
See Also:
com.apama.dataview.DataViewItem - Direction: From the customer Monitor to the DataViewService.

Member summary

[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".

The unique name of the DataView.

The owner (user) of the Item.

The timestamp of the initial update (seconds since epoch). If the value given is -1.0 then the service will populate it using correlator currentTime.

Complete sequence of field values in string form.

[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.
Member detail


            string dvName
The unique name of the DataView.


[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.

To avoid collisions with keys that may be added to the product in future, all user-defined extraParams should start with a prefix identifying the application or organisation they were added for.


Complete sequence of field values in string form.


            string msgId
[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".


            string owner
The owner (user) of the Item.


            float timeStamp
The timestamp of the initial update (seconds since epoch). If the value given is -1.0 then the service will populate it using correlator currentTime.