Sample EPL
Below sample EPL describes how to subscribe and receive DIP measurements, DIP events and DIP devices.
package com.apama.dip.sample;
using com.apama.dip.Device;
using com.apama.dip.Measurement;
using com.apama.dip.Event;
monitor SampleApplication {
com.apama.dip.Measurement m;
com.apama.dip.Event e;
com.apama.dip.Device d;
action onload() {
// Subscribe to receive all the devices from device integration platform
// Consume all the devices from device integration platform
on all com.apama.dip.Device() as d {
log d.toString() at INFO;
// Subscribe to receive all the measurement published from
device integration platform
// Consume all the measurements from device integration platform
on all com.apama.dip.Measurement() as m{
log m.toString() at INFO;
// Consume all the events from device integration platform
on all com.apama.dip.Event() as e{
log e.toString() at INFO;