Apama Documentation : Connecting Apama Applications to External Components : Standard IAF Plug-ins : The Database Connector IAF Adapter (ADBC) : Adding an ADBC adapter to an Apama project
Adding an ADBC adapter to an Apama project
When you add an ADBC adapter to an Apama project in Software AG Designer, all the resources associated with the adapter such as service monitors and configuration files are automatically included.
ADBC adapters are available for three different data sources:
*JDBC Adapter (Apama database connector for JDBC)
*ODBC Adapter (Apama database connector for ODBC)
*Sim File Adapter (Apama database connector for Sim files)
To add an adapter to a project
1. There are two ways of adding an ADBC adapter to a project.
*If you are creating a new Apama project:
i. From the File menu, choose New > Apama Project.
ii. Give the project a name, and click Next.
*If you are adding an ADBC adapter to an existing project:
i. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the project and select Apama > Add Connectivity and Adapters.
ii. Enter a new name for the adapter instance or accept the default instance name. Software AG Designer prevents you from using a name that is already in use.
2. In the New Apama Project dialog, select the ADBC adapter bundle that is appropriate to the kind of data source your application will use. Click Finish or OK, depending on the dialog that is currently shown.
When you add a data source-specific adapter, the ADBC Adapter (Common Apama database connector adapter) bundle will be added to the project automatically.
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