Apama Documentation : Deploying and Managing Apama Applications : Deploying Apama Components with Command Central : Monitoring Apama from Command Central : Monitoring the KPIs for the correlator
Monitoring the KPIs for the correlator
With Command Central you can view basic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each correlator instance that is online.
To view the KPIs in the command line interface, use the following command:
sagcc get monitoring runtimestate nodeAlias runtimeComponentId
Apama supports the KPIs listed in the following table:
Input queue size of slowest context
Use this KPI to monitor the number of events on the input queue of the slowest context. This KPI is represented by the lcq field in the correlator status log. This KPI is also present in the status message Slowest context queue size returned by the engine_watch tool.
*Marginal value - 2000 events.
*Critical value - 10000 events.
*Maximum value - 20000 events.
Output queue size of slowest receiver
Use this KPI to monitor the number of events waiting to be processed by the slowest receiver. This KPI is represented by the srq field in the correlator status log. This KPI is also present in the status message Slowest receiver queue size returned by the engine_watch tool.
*Marginal value - 2000 events.
*Critical value - 5000 evens.
*Maximum value - 10000 events.
Resident memory usage
This KPI represents the resident memory in MB used by the correlator process.
*Marginal value - 75% of the maximum amount of physical memory.
*Critical value - 90% of the maximum amount of physical memory.
*Maximum value - the total amount of physical memory of the machine.
The maximum values of the input and output queue size KPIs are indicative. It is possible for the actual queue size to be larger than the maximum value specified.
For more information about the correlator runtime status, see Watching correlator runtime status.
For more information about the status log fields, see Descriptions of correlator status log fields.
Example when executing on Command Central
To retrieve the KPIs for a correlator instance with the runtime component ID "Apama-correlator-myCorrelator" in the installation with alias name "local":
sagcc get monitoring runtimestate local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
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