Apama enhancements in Software AG Designer 9.9
As of version 9.9, Apama's main tool for implementing Apama applications runs in Software AG Designer, which is based on Eclipse, and is no longer called "Apama Studio".
New Apama features in Software AG Designer include:
Completion proposals - completion proposals are now enabled in several parts of the Query Designer editor. This includes completion proposals in places where text editing is possible in dialogs of Filter (Where), Time From (Within), Exclusion (Without), Calculation (Select) and Filter (Having). The completion proposals are ordered by groups (variables, actions, etc.) and the items within the groups are sorted in alphabetical order.
Send Event action - the channel name and the field values of the events can now be edited in a rich-text-enabled format. The string values can be edited using a mix of text and expression. The field values can now be edited in a dialog. It is now possible to add variables for expressions using a context menu.
Input section - you can now configure timestamps in the Input section dialog. In the
Design tab, the Input section table has been enhanced (additional columns for new features in this version, icon-based representation and improved tooltips), and validation markers are now shown in the corresponding parts of the dialog.
Error markers in table rows - in addition to showing errors at the section level, the error markers are now shown at the row level.
Configure dialog - the configure dialog allows you to manage the package (namespace) of the query and its name.
Dashboards for queries - the Dashboard Generation editor can now take query files to generate the dashboard pages.
The location of the folder from which the
.ste files are picked up has been changed to
The launch configuration dialog for a correlator has an additional entry for referencing the Xconfig file. This supports variables in paths.
The ANT export action no longer copies the
apama-macros.xml file. The
build.xml file, which is generated from the ANT export action, now references the
apama-macros.xml file in