Apama Documentation : Release Notes : What's New In Apama 9.12 : Connectivity API changes in
Connectivity API changes in
Version introduces a new signature for the constructor of a C++ or Java connectivity plug-in, which passes in a TransportConstructorParameters or CodecConstructorParameters object instead of a list of individual parameters.
For Java, there is a new logger field that uses the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) instead of the Log4J LOGGER available in earlier versions.
For C++, there is a new logger field to match the Java field, but the behavior is identical to LOGGER although we recommend to use the new name where possible for consistency.
In C++ only, there are the following new macros which must be used for classes with the new constructor:
The previous legacy constructors, macros and logger are still available but will be deprecated in a future release. Therefore, we recommend migrating to the new ones when possible, especially for any newly created plug-ins.
To migrate from the old C++ transport constructor and macro to the new one, change the following:
class MyPlugin: public AbstractSimpleTransport
MyPlugin(const std::string &name, const std::string &chainId,
const map_t &config)
: AbstractSimpleTransport(name, chainId, config)
// do stuff with config here
// use "LOGGER" for logging
class MyPlugin: public AbstractSimpleTransport
MyPlugin(const TransportConstructorParameters &params)
: AbstractSimpleTransport(params)
// do stuff with params.getConfig() (or the config class member) here
// recommended to use "logger" for logging instead of "LOGGER"
// use new macro for declaring the class
The same applies to the C++ codecs, just replace "transport" with "codec".
To migrate from the old Java transport constructor and logger to the new one, change the following:
public MyTransport(Map<String, Object> config, String chainId,
org.apache.log4j.Logger log4jLogger) throws Exception {
super(config, chainId, log4jLogger);
// do stuff with params.getConfig() (or the config class member) here
LOGGER.info("Transport was created correctly with config: "+config);
public MyTransport(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
TransportConstructorParameters params) throws Exception {
super(logger, params);
logger.info("Transport was created correctly with config: "
The same applies to the Java codecs, just replace "transport" with "codec".
Be sure to change all uses of the legacy "LOGGER" to the new "logger" in your Java plug-ins. Most of the logger methods are identical (except that the new logger does not permit logging an exception without an accompanying string message).
See Requirements of a plug-in class for more information about plug-in constructors.
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