Apama Documentation : Release Notes : What's New In Apama 9.10 : Correlator utility enhancements in 9.10
Correlator utility enhancements in 9.10
Apama 9.10 includes the following correlator utility enhancements:
*Using the compiled runtime now requires that the binutils package is installed on the Linux system. For the Linux platforms supported by Apama, this is part of the default installation.
Injection times of applications using the compiled runtime have been improved in this release. There is a performance improvement in initial injections for codebases with a large number of actions.
The correlator can also be configured to use a cache of the compiled artifacts to speed up subsequent re-injection of the same source files. For this purpose, the following new option is available for the correlator tool:
--runtime-cache dir
For more information, see Starting the correlator and Injection time of compiled runtime.
*Using the new optional ${PID} tag, you can now add the process ID to the name of a log file. This is helpful if you want to run multiple correlators with the same arguments but with separate log files. For more information, see Specifying log filenames.
*New options for log handling which were previously only available as request types of the -r option are now available with the engine_management, component_management and iaf_management tools.
The following options are available for all of the above-mentioned tools:
--setLogFile path
The following options are only available for the engine_management tool:
--setApplicationLogLevel [package=]level
--setApplicationLogFile [package=]path
--unsetApplicationLogLevel package
--unsetApplicationLogFile package
--getApplicationLogLevel package
--getApplicationLogFile package
For more information on these options, see Shutting down and managing components.
*The following new options are now available for the engine_management, component_management and iaf_management tools, which can be used to get the uptime, and the virtual and physical memory usage of the component:
-M | --getuptime
-Vm | --getvmemory
-Pm | --getpmemory
For more information on these options, see Shutting down and managing components.
Corresponding methods are also available in the Java EngineClient API.
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