Connectivity plug-ins can be written in Java or C++, and run inside the correlator process to allow messages to be sent and received to/from external systems. Individual plug-ins are combined together to form
chains that define the path of a message, with the correlator host process at one end and an external system or library at the other, and with an optional sequence of message mapping transformations between them. A configuration file describes both the chains and the plug-ins making up each chain. The configuration file is written using the YAML markup language, and can express structured configuration (maps, lists and simple values) for plug-ins. For detailed information, see
Using Connectivity Plug-ins.
A new option,
--connectivityConfig, is available for the
correlator tool, which specifies the path to the above mentioned configuration file. See
Starting the correlator.
A new predefined annotation,
com.softwareag.connectivity.ExtraFieldsDict, is available, which can be used to place map keys that do not name fields into a dictionary. See
Adding predefined annotations.