Apama Documentation : Release Notes : What's New In Apama 5.3 : Killing an object now requires specification of a monitor name
Killing an object now requires specification of a monitor name
In all client APIs (Java, C++, C and .NET), killing an object now requires specification of a monitor name. In previous releases, specification of any name (for example, package name, event name, aggregate name) was allowed but the result was unpredictable. Apama 5.3 makes the behavior consistent and predictable. The APIs that now require the name of a monitor are:
DeleteOperationsInterface.killName(), killNames() and killNamesFromFile()
ICorrelatorManagement.KillName(), KillNames() and KillNamesFromFile()
Execution of the engine_delete utility with the -k option, which kills the specified object, also now requires specification of the name of at least one monitor. For example:
engine_delete -k com.mycompany.MyOrderMonitor
Execution of engine_delete with the -k option kills every instance of the specified monitor(s) whether or not the instance is processing anything. Any ondie() and onunload() actions defined in killed monitors are not executed.
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