Apama Documentation : Using Apama with Software AG Designer : Launching Projects : Running Apama projects : Adding a correlator : Correlator arguments
Correlator arguments
The Correlator Arguments tab specifies the options and arguments that Software AG Designer uses to start the correlator.
You can accept the default values or change one or more arguments. You can also add arguments. In addition, you can also control the behavior with the following options:
*Hostnamelocalhost. The name of the correlator host machine.
*Port — This is the port on which the correlator listens for monitoring and management requests.
*Log level — Default is INFO.
*Log to file — Default is ${LAUNCH_CONFIG_NAME}_${CORRELATOR_NAME}.output.log. This is the correlator status log.
*Input log — Default is Correlator_1_${START_TIME}_${ID}.input.log. This log contains all incoming messages. See Replaying an input log to diagnose problems.
*Configuration — Select this option to provide additional configurations to the correlator using the CorrelatorConfig.yaml file at projectdir\config\ directory. For example, per-package logging settings. See Configuring the correlator.
*Reuse correlator — Select this option to use an already running correlator.
*Clear correlator — Select this option to delete all the correlator contents when the launch starts.
*Java support — Select this option to provide Java support for JMon applications. Normally this is automatically selected when a JMon application is created in Software AG Designer.
*UM messaging — Select this option to inject the project's UM-config.properties file, which is in the project's config folder. This is equivalent to specifying the -UMconfig option when starting a correlator. Uncheck this box if you want to run the project without using Universal Messaging. If the project does not contain a Universal Messaging configuration properties file, this option is disabled. See Legacy Universal Messaging integration .
This option is now deprecated. It applies to the old Universal Messaging integration which will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you use the new Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in. See Adding the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project.
*JMS support — Select this option to provide JMS support for correlator-integrated messaging. Normally this is automatically selected when the correlator-integrated adapter for JMS is added to an Apama application.
*Distributed MemoryStore support — Select this option to provide support for distributed MemoryStore. With the distributed MemoryStore, you can create distributed stores that provide access to data that will be shared among Apama applications running in separate correlators.
*Maximum Java heap size in Mb (-Xmx). Default is 512.
*Maximum Java off-heap storage in Mb (-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize). Default is 16384.
*Extra command line arguments. Specify any additional arguments for starting the correlator. See Starting the correlator.
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