Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Model Editor | Working with groups | Moving blocks into a group
Moving blocks into a group
You can move one or more blocks from the canvas into an existing group. All existing wires are retained.
You can also drag a block from the palette into an existing group. See Adding a block.
You can only move/drag blocks into a group when its contents are visible, that is, when the group is currently expanded. See also Collapsing and expanding a group.
*To move blocks into a group
1. Make sure that the group into which you want to move the blocks is not collapsed.
2. On the canvas of the model editor, select the blocks that you want to move into the group (see also Selecting blocks and wires). You need not select the wires between the blocks; they are automatically moved together with the blocks.
3. Do one of the following:
*Drag the selection into the group and drop it there.
*Or select the group into which you want to move the blocks. Then click in the toolbar of the model editor, or press Ctrl+G.