Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Model Manager | Filtering the models
Filtering the models
The model manager offers several ways to reduce the number of shown cards, thus letting you quickly locate the models that you are looking for.
Filtering also works in combination with a model name that you specify in the Model name search box which is explained in The model manager user interface.
*To filter the models
1. In the toolbar of the model manager, click More filters.
2. In the resulting dialog, select one or more filters.
You can filter the models according to the following criteria:
You can show only the models that are in a specific mode. For example, if you only want to see the models that are in simulation and test mode, select the corresponding check boxes.
You can show only the models that are in either the Active or Inactive state. For example, if you only want to see active models, select the corresponding check box.
*Device or device group
You can show only the models that use specific devices in their input blocks and output blocks, specific device groups in their input blocks, or even specific assets. Open the Filter by device or device group name drop-down list box, select one or more devices, device groups, and/or assets and click Apply.
*Data point
You can show only the models that use specific data points, such as c8y_TemperatureMeasurement. This requires that at least one device has been selected in the Filter by device or device group name drop-down list box. Open the Filter by data points drop-down list box, select one or more data points, and click Apply.
You can show only the models for which specific tags have been defined in the Model Configuration dialog box, which is shown when you add a new model or when you invoke that dialog box from the model editor (see also Adding a new model and Changing the name, description, and tags of a model). Open the Filter by tag drop-down list box, select one or more tags, and click Apply.
All of the above-mentioned drop-down list boxes include a Filter search box that you can use to reduce the number of items that are offered for selection. You can enter a name or part of a name. For example, enter the word "test" to show only the items that have this word in their names. The characters that you type in may be contained at any position within the name. These filter criteria are not case-sensitive. Clicking the All check box selects all items that are currently shown in the drop-down list box, depending on the contents of the Filter search box.
You can combine several types of filters, for example, to show only active models in production mode that use a specific device.
3. Click Apply filters.
The toolbar of the model manager now shows the types of filters that are currently applied. For example:
Click Clear filters in the toolbar if you want to clear these filters. Or to clear a specific filter, click on the that is shown in a filter icon, or click the filter name in the icon and deselect that filter (and other filters if required) in the resulting dialog box. Clicking Reset filters in that dialog box clears all filters.