Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Instance Editor | Deploying an instance
Deploying an instance
You can activate (that is, deploy) each instance separately. For example, one instance can be in production mode and another in test mode. See Deploying a model for more information on the different modes; that information applies to both regular models and template models.
When you activate an instance, all changes for that instance are first saved and the instance is then activated.
When an instance is activated, the template parameter values, where supplied, are taken and applied to those block parameters in the model which use a template parameter binding. If no template parameter value is provided, then a default value for that template parameter is used, if there is one. If no template parameter value is supplied in the case of a required template parameter, then the instance will fail to activate.
Once an instance is active, you cannot modify the template parameter values or mode without deactivating the instance first. If any instances are active, then the model is read-only and cannot be modified until all instances are deactivated.
*To deploy an instance
1. In the Run Mode column of the instance editor, click the drop-down menu for the instance that you want to deploy and select one of Production, Test or Simulation.
You cannot activate instances that are in draft mode.
2. If you have selected simulation mode, click the calendar icon which is now shown, specify the time span that is to be used, and click Apply. See also Simulation parameters.
3. When the toggle button in the Status column currently shows Inactive, click this button to change the state to Active. For simulation mode, you can only set the state to Active when a valid time range has been defined.
In the case of an error, an error icon is shown at the right of the table and the instance cannot be activated. Click the error icon to get more information.