Analytics Builder 10.11.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Block Reference | Input | Measurement Input
Measurement Input
Receives Measurement objects from Cumulocity IoT and reorders them based on the timestamp.
If the Ignore Timestamp parameter is set, the block ignores the timestamp of the measurement and processes the measurements as they are received, otherwise it drops old measurements.
If using a group for input, select a device within the group to select the fragment and series, and then change to the desired group.
The parameters that define the output stream of the block are "Device or Device Group" and "Fragment and Series". If this block is configured with the same "Device or Device Group" and "Fragment and Series" parameters as a Measurement Output block in another model, then a connection between the models is formed, as each block refers to the same stream of Measurement objects.
Note: When running in simulation mode, because historical input data is used, timestamps are not ignored.
Device or Device Group
The device or device group from which the measurement has been received.
The model editor uses the current device or asset name. This is mapped internally to the inventory identifier.
Fragment and Series
The fragment for which the block will listen.
This only shows fragments and series for measurements associated with the object (device or group) selected. Any measurements on a device within a group will only be shown when a device is selected (unless there are measurements with the group as the source).
Ignore Timestamp
If selected, the timestamp of the incoming measurement is ignored. Note: When running in simulation mode, because historical input data is used, timestamps are not ignored.
Default: false
Output Port Details
The numeric value from the measurement object.