ADAPRI (Print Adabas Blocks)

This document describes the utility "ADAPRI".

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The ADAPRI utility prints the contents of a block (or range of blocks) in the Associator, Data Storage, WORK, TEMP, or SORT for maintenance or auditing purposes.

The output is in hexadecimal and ASCII format. Subsequent identical lines and blocks are suppressed.

This utility is a multi-function utility. For more information about single- and multi-function utilities, see Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.

Procedure Flow

Procedure Flow ADAPLP

Data Set Environment
Logical Name
Additional Information
Associator ASSOx Disk  
Data storage DATAx Disk  
Sort storage SORTx Disk  
Control statements stdin   Utilities Manual
ADAPRI output stdout    
Temporary storage TEMPx Disk  
Work storage WORK1 Disk  

Assignments to the ASSO container files are required in order to be able to process the DATA or WORK container files.


The utility writes no checkpoints.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:

DATASET = keyword

DBID = number

RABN = number [- number]


DATASET = keyword

This parameter specifies the part of the database to be dumped. Valid keywords are:

Keyword Meaning
ASSO Associator
DATA Data Storage
SORT Sort Area
TEMP Temporary Area
WORK Work Area


adapri: dataset = asso, rabn = 123 - 321

The Associator is dumped from RABN 123 to RABN 321


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to be used.

This parameter is not required if DATASET = TEMP or SORT.


RABN = number [- number]

This parameter specifies one RABN or a range of RABNs to be dumped.


adapri: dbid = 1, dataset = data, rabn = 123

DATA RABN 123 of database 1 is to be dumped.

adapri: dataset = sort, rabn = 123 - 129

The RABNs from 123 to 129 on the data set SORT are to be dumped.