ADAOPR (Operator Utility)

This document describes the utility "ADAOPR".

The following topics are covered:

Functional Overview

The DBA uses this utility to operate the Adabas nucleus.

This utility is a multi-function utility. For more information about single- and multi-function utilities, see Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.

Procedure Flow

Procedure Flow ADAOPR

Data Set Environment
Logical Name
Storage Medium Additional Information
Control statements stdin   Utilities Manual
ADAOPR messages stdout   Messages and Codes


The following table shows the nucleus requirements for each function and the checkpoint written:

Function Nucleus must be active Nucleus must NOT be active Nucleus is NOT required Checkpoint written
FEOF=PLOG x     SYNC (see note 1)


SYNC (FEOF=PLOG) (see note 1)


  1. After the FEOF=PLOG checkpoint, ADANUC writes a SYNC checkpoint for the start of the new PLOG session.
  2. Writing the checkpoint for EXT_BACKUP=PREPARE was introduced with Adabas Version 6.3 SP 4, and for Adabas Version 6.4 SP2.

Control Parameters

The following control parameters are available:


     ADD_REPLICATION [= number]
     ,FILE = number
     ,TARGET_DBID = number
     ,TARGET_FILE = number



     ,REPLICATION_ID = (number [ - number] [ , number [- number]] …

     CLEAR_FILE_STATS = (number [- number] [, number [- number] ] ... )


     CSA = string

     DBID = number

     DELETE_REPLICATION = (number [ - number] [ , number [- number]] …

     DELUI = number

     DISPLAY = (keyword [,keyword]...)

     ES_ID = number




     FEOF = (keyword [,keyword])

     FILE = number


     ID = number


     ISN = ( number [- number] [,number [- number] ] ... )

     [UN]LOCK = (number [,number]...)

     LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

     LOGIN_ID = string

     NISNHQ = number

     NODE_ID = string

     OPTIONS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

     RESET = keyword


     RESPONSE_CHECK = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

     SET_FILE_STATS = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)


     STATUS = (keyword [,keyword]...)

     STOP = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

     STOPI = number

     THREAD = number

     TNAA = number

     TNAE = number

     TNAX = number

     TT = number

     USER_ID = string

     WCHARSET = <ICU encoding>

     WRITE_LIMIT = [number]



This function terminates the Adabas session immediately. All command processing is immediately stopped. The session is terminated abnormally with a pending AUTORESTART.

ABORT causes the following files to be written to the databases's default directory:

  • The CSA dump file, which contains status information from the adabas nucleus. The name of the file is (Linux) or (Windows),where xxx is the database ID and hh:mm:ss (or hh-mm-ss) is the time at which the file was created. ADAOPR can also display the same information that you can get for a running nucleus for a CSA dump file if you specify the CSA parameter.

  • The SMP dump file, which contains some diagnostic information. The name of the file is (Linux), (Windows) , where xxx is the database ID and hh:mm:ss (or hh-mm-ss) is the time at which the file was created.


               ,FILE = number
               ,TARGET_DBID = number
               ,TARGET_FILE = number

This parameter is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas Replication.

A new Adabas - Adabas replication is defined with status Inactive. It is optional to specify a non-zero number as the replication ID.

A value may be specified in the range 1 to 524280.

This number must not be the replication ID of an existing replication. If no number is specified, a replication ID is created by Adabas. You must specify the source file for the replication, the target database, and the target file number.



This function sets the number of parallel I/O requests by a buffer flush, allowing earlier processing of concurrent I/Os from other threads. A large buffer flush, for example, can cause the I/O queue to be very busy, and other I/Os (such as buffer pool read I/Os and WORK I/Os) can be enqueued for a long time, slowing down command throughput and possibly causing applications to stall if a buffer flush is active.

If BFIO_PARALLEL_LIMIT is specified, the buffer flush sets up the specified number of I/Os and waits until these have been processed before issuing the next packet. The maximum value for ´number´ is defined by the Adabas system, If a value of 0 is specified, the number of buffer flush I/Os is unlimited.



This function terminates the Adabas session immediately. A BT command is issued for each active ET user and the session is terminated.

The communication link to the database is cut but the shared memory is still held. In this case, display functions are still possible with ADAOPR but parameter modification commands are no longer permitted.


                  , REPLICATION_ID = (number [ - number] [ , number [- number]] …

This parameter is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas Replication.

CHANGE_REPLICATION can be used to change the status of one or more replications. A replication can have one of the following status values:

Status Meaning
Inactive Currently no data are replicated to the target file, and no activities have been performed to initiate the replication.
Prepare This indicates that it is planned to perform the Initial State processing for the replication. This status is the prerequisite for creating a backup of the files to be replicated using ADABCK with the parameter REPLICATION.
Initialization This indicates that ADABCK with the parameter REPLICATION is running and creating a backup that contains the initial state of files to be replicated.
Recording Adabas is recording the update transactions within the replication command file and the replication transaction file, but currently is not replicating the update operations to the target database.
Active The replication is active; all modifications of the source file are replicated to the target file.
Error An unexpected error occurred during replication. In order to continue replication, a new initial state processing is required.

The following options can be specified to change the replication status:

Keyword Meaning

Currently no data is replicated to the target file, and it is not currently planned to start the replication. Transactions not yet replicated to the target database are deleted.


Prepare the initial state processing: the status is set to Prepare. Then normally ADABCK DUMP/EXUDUMP must be called with the parameter REPLICATION for the files to be replicated; ADABCK first sets the status to Initializing, and then during ET synchronization, when the current state in the database is the same as on the backup file, ADABCK sets the status to Recording.

Alternatively you can perform your own initial state processing and then perform ADAOPR CHANGE_REPLICATION=RECORDING.


One of the following:

  • The data of the file to be replicated have been saved without using ADABCK with the parameter REPLICATION. The replication status is set to Recording; this means that new database modifications are recorded to be replicated to the target file as soon as the copying of the data to the target file has been completed and you set the status to Active.

    Performing ADAOPR CHANGE_REPLICATION = RECORDING is not required if you use ADABCK with the parameter REPLICATION to save the data; in this case ADABCK sets the status to Recording.

  • The replication is to be stopped, and new database modifications are only recorded; they will be replicated to the target database as soon as the replication is activated again.


The replication is active; all modifications of the source file are replicated to the target file.

You must specify the replication IDs for which the status change is to be performed.


  1. If the list of replications to be modified contains a file with a referential integrity constraint, you must also specify replications for the related files and the same target database.
  2. The following matrix shows the allowed options depending on the current replication status and the resulting status changes:
Inactive Inactive Prepare - -
Prepare Inactive Prepare Recording (see note 1) -
Initialization Inactive Init - -
Recording Inactive Recording Recording Active
Active Inactive Prepare Recording (see note 2) Active
Error Inactive Prepare - -


  1. The recommended way for an initial state processing is to use ADABCK with the parameter REPLICATION. ADABCK then sets the status first to Initialization, and later to Recording, when the backup is finished. You must only set the status to Recording if you don’t use ADABCK for initial state processing, for example because you want to start the replication with an empty file.
  2. It is not necessary to set the replication to Recording if the target database is shutdown, for example, for maintenance reasons. Then the database remains at status Active and the target database is polled until it is available again. Setting the status to Recording may be useful, for example, if you want to replicate the updates at night, which were done during the day, and if your target database should contain the database state of the previous day.


CLEAR_FILE_STATS = (number [- number] [, number [- number] ] ... )

This function disables the collection of I/O statistics enabled by SET_FILE_STATS for the specified file(s).



This function changes the logging level of the cluster dynamically. The default logging level is 'INFO'.

You can set the logging level to 'WARN' to reduce the number of cluster based log entries in the nucleus log file.

Use the DISPLAY=CLUSTER command to display the current log level.


CSA = string

`string' is a file specification of a file containing status information from an Adabas nucleus, a so-called CSA dump file. This file may be created by an ADAOPR ABORT function, by an abnormal termination of Adabas, or by response check trapping (refer to the RESPONSE_CHECK function for further information).

The following naming conventions are used for the file:



(with the NORESPONSE_ABORT option set), where

  • `xxx' is the three digit database ID;

  • `yyy' is the trapped three digit response code;

  • `hh:mm:ss' is the time the file was created (Linux),

  • `hh-mm-ss' is the time the file was created (Windows)

For example, if the database ID is 5, and the file creation was initiated by a trapped response code 113, the file name will start with ADABAS.005.RSP113, and then the time of creating will be appended, e.g. ADABAS.005.RSP113.12:16:50 (Linux) or ADABAS.005.RSP113.12-16-50 (Windows).

The file will be created in the directory that is pointed to by the environment variable/logical name ADA_CSA_DUMP. The default is the directory from which the nucleus was started. If a file with the same name already exists in this directory, it will be overwritten.

The DBID and CSA parameters are mutually exclusive.


DBID = number

This parameter selects the database to which all subsequent ADAOPR commands apply. Multiple DBIDs are supported within one session.

The DBID and CSA parameters are mutually exclusive.


adaopr: dbid=1
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: dbid=2
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: dbid=3
adaopr: shutdown
adaopr: quit


DELETE_REPLICATION = (number [ - number] [ , number [- number]] …

This parameter is relevant only for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas Replication.

The replications with the specified replication IDs are stopped, if they are active, and deleted, including the commands and transactions that have not yet been replicated to the target files.


DELUI = number

Use the DELUI command to delete all users who have not executed a command during the specified number of seconds. Any open transactions of the deleted users are backed out.

This command does not delete EXF or UTI users.

If Adabas is running NOT with options = OPEN_REQUIRED (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), run the DELUI command only if you are certain that the users to be deleted are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.


DISPLAY = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter displays various information during an Adabas session.

The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning
ACTIVITY Database activities display.
BF_STATISTICS Buffer flush statistics display.
BP_STATISTICS Buffer pool statistics display.
CLUSTER Database cluster status display. For more information about this keyword and a sample output, see Adabas Cluster -> Monitoring -> Minimal Requirements: Health Check -> Health Check for Primary and Secondary Nodes.
COMMANDS Command table display.
CQ Command queue display.
DYNAMIC_PARAMETERS Dynamic nucleus parameters display.
FILE_IO File I/O display.
FP_STATISTICS Format pool statistics display.
HIGH_WATER High water marks display.
HQ Hold queue display.
ICQ Internal command queue display.
IO_TIMES Container I/O times display.
PLOG_STATISTICS Protection log statistics.
REPLICATIONS Adabas - Adabas replications.
RPL_STATS Internally-collected replication statistics.
STATIC_PARAMETERS Static nucleus parameters display.
TCPCONNECTIONS ADATCP connections display.
TT Thread table display.
UCB Utility communication block.
UQ User queue display.
UQ_FILES User file list display.
UQ_FULL Full information about user queue element.
UQ_TIME_LIMITS User time limits display.

The following examples show the information produced by the various keywords, together with explanations of the information that is displayed.

Some of the following displays include percentages. The corresponding values are always truncated. An undefined value (divided by 0) is specified with " *%" and an overflow with "***%".


adaopr: display=activity

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76           Activity          on 22-JAN-2014 13:19:30   

I/O Activity                     Total   Throwbacks                       Total
------------                     -----   ----------                       -----
Buffer Pool                      5,440   Waiting for UQ context              87
WORK Read                          728   Waiting for ISN                     53
WORK Write                         647   ET Sync                              0
PLOG Write                         194   DWP Overflow                         0
NUCTMP                           1,600
NUCSRT                             531

Pool Hit Rate                    Total   Interrupts       Current         Total
-------------                    -----   ----------       -------         -----
Buffer Pool                        99.6% WP Space Wait          0             0
Format pool                        98%   

The information has the following meaning:

  • I/O ACTIVITY shows the total numbers of:

    • physical buffer pool I/Os (physical read I/Os + physical write I/Os);

    • read and write I/Os for WORK and PLOG.

    • I/Os for NUCTMP and NUCSRT

  • INTERRUPTS shows the current and total number of workpool space waits;

  • POOL HIT RATE shows:

    • the buffer pool hit rate. This is the relationship between the logical read I/Os and the physical read I/Os. The buffer pool hit rate is calculated using the following formula:

       hit rate (in %) =  ((logical read I/Os - physical read I/Os) * 100)
           / logical read I/Os
    • the format pool hit rate. This is the relationship between the number of format buffer requests (required FBs) and the required format buffers already translated in the format pool (translated FBs). The format pool hit rate is calculated using the following formula:

       hit rate (in %) = ((translated FBs * 100) / required FBs)
  • THROWBACKS shows:

    • the number of commands waiting for session context because internal commands were running;

    • the number of commands waiting because ISNs are held by another user;

    • the number of commands waiting for ET synchronization;

    • the number of commands thrown back because of dynamic work pool overflow.


adaopr: disp=bf_statistics
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED,      18-OCT-2016 16:05:03 Version <version number>

Database 37, startup at 18-OCT-2016 16:04:40
ADANUC Version, PID 10448

                       ADANUC Version
        Database 37    Buffer Flush Statistics  on 18-OCT-2016 16:05:02

Buffer flush statistics:

Buffer flush         Write Number of Type    Size  Average IO Duration Rejected
start time           Limit    Blocks         (MB) time (msec)    (sec)    Locks
18-OCT-2016 16:04:40     2         4 DB      0.04        0.00     0.00        0
18-OCT-2016 16:04:59     2       128 DB      0.54        0.35     0.04        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:00     2       128 DB      0.53        0.96     0.12        1
18-OCT-2016 16:05:00     2         9 DB      0.06        0.00     0.00        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:00     2         5 DB      0.04        3.00     0.01        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:01     2       126 DB      0.53        0.98     0.12        1
18-OCT-2016 16:05:01     2         7 DB      0.05       11.00     0.07        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:01     2        12 DB      0.07        0.00     0.00        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:02     2       128 DB      0.54        0.85     0.10        0
18-OCT-2016 16:05:03     2       131 DB      0.55        0.10     0.01        0

Total number of flushes:        10
Explicit               :         1
Write limit            :         0
WORK limit             :         5
Space                  :         0
Emergency              :         0
Ignored blocks         :         4

This display shows the statistics of the buffer flushes; if more than 100 buffer flushes have been performed in the current nucleus session, the last 100 buffer flushes are displayed. The following information is displayed for each buffer flush:

  • The start time of the buffer flush.

  • The current write limit. The write limit for database blocks can be modified via ADAOPR WRITE_LIMIT. The write limit for temporary blocks cannot be changed.

  • The number of blocks included in the buffer flush.

  • The type of buffer flush:

    • DB means flush of database blocks

    • Temp means flush of temporary blocks

  • The size in megabytes of the blocks included in the buffer flush.

  • The average I/O time of the I/Os performed by the buffer flush in milliseconds.

  • The duration of the buffer flush in seconds.

  • The number of rejected locks is the number of blocks that were not written immediately during the buffer flush, because the block was exclusively locked when the buffer flush tried to write the block. The rejected blocks are either written after having written the other blocks - then the buffer flush waits until the lock can be granted, or by a separate ignore-blocks buffer flush.

After the table the total number of buffer flushes is displayed, and a breakdown of the reasons for the buffer flushes.


  1. The above displayed example database uses a small WORK container with the effect that the condition for a WORK limit buffer flush occurs before the write limit is exceeded. Therefore, the above example database displays WORK limit buffer flushes, but no write limit buffer flushes.
  2. It may happen that two threads determine at nearly the same time that a buffer flush is required. Then both threads set a flag that a buffer flush is required. When the first thread has set the flag, the buffer flush thread starts a buffer flush and resets the flag. Then the second thread sets the flag again. When the buffer flush is finished, a new buffer flush is started immediately. Because such unnecessary buffer flushes do not cause errors, no logic is implemented to avoid such buffer flushes. In the example, the fifth and the eighth buffer flush are such unnecessary buffer flushes. They are displayed as "Ignored blocks" buffer flushes; therefore 4 Ignored blocks buffer flushes are displayed, although only 2 blocks were ignored.


adaopr: display=bp_statistics

                       ADANUC Version  <version number>
        Database 34    Buffer Pool Statistics   on  5-JUN-2014 13:11:28

Buffer Pool Size   :   419,430,400

Pool Allocation                        RABNs present
---------------                        -------------
Current     (  7%) :    32,835,584     ASSO               :            33
Highwater   ( 10%) :    42,676,224     DATA               :             5
Internal    (  7%) :    30,770,176     WORK               :             0
Workpool    (  0%) :     1,408,000     NUCTMP             :             0
                                       NUCSRT             :             0

I/O Statistics                         Buffer Flushes
--------------                         --------------
Logical Reads      :           340     Total              :             3
Physical Reads     :            17     To Free Space      :             0
Pool Hit Rate      :            95.0%  Temporary Blocks   :             0

                                       Write Limit  (  2%):     8,388,600
Physical Writes    :            41     Modified     (  0%):       108,544

                                       Limit Temp.B.( 50%):   209,715,000
                                       Modified T.B.(  0%):             0

The information is interpreted as follows:


    • the size in bytes and percentage of the buffer pool that is currently in use;

    • the size in bytes and percentage of the buffer pool high water mark (see also the display for DISPLAY=HIGH_WATER).

  • RABNs PRESENT shows:

    "the number of ASSO, DATA and WORK RABNs currently in the buffer pool."

  • I/O STATISTICS shows:

    • the total number of logical and physical buffer pool read I/Os (both numbers are required in order to calculate the buffer pool hit rate);

    • the buffer pool hit rate (please refer to the example for DISPLAY=ACTIVITY for the buffer pool hit-rate formula);

    • the total number of physical buffer pool write I/Os.


    • the total number of buffer flushes;

    • the total number of buffer flushes that were made in order to get free space;

    • the total number of buffer flushes for temporary blocks;

    • the size and percentage of the buffer pool WRITE LIMIT for database blocks;

    • the size in bytes and percentage of modified database blocks;

    • the size and percentage of the buffer pool WRITE LIMIT for temporary blocks;

    • the size in bytes and percentage of modified temporary blocks.


adaopr: display=commands

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76           Commands          on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

ADABAS Commands:				         9,884

        A1            892         L2             553        OP            25
        BT            736         L3           1,124        RC            89
        C1             40         L4             569        RE             0
        C3              0         L5             420        RI             0
        C5             10         L6             436        S1         1,511
        CL             32         L9             456        S2            81
        E1          1,006         LF              20        S4            12
        ET             72         MC               0        S8           230
        HI              0         N1             877        S9            50
        L1            643         N2               0

This command displays the total numbers of Adabas commands issued in the current session. For MC commands, the value displayed is the number of MC calls plus the number of single Adabas commands contained in the MC calls.

A read command that is issued while the multifetch option is set is counted as a single command.

Updates made by utilities are not included in the display.

The command counts can be reset by ADAOPR RESET=COMMANDS.


adaopr: display=cq
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 2         Command Queue        on 14-NOV-2014 13:41:53

  No   Node Id  Login Id       ES Id  APU Cmd File  Status
  --   -------  --------       -----  --- --- ----  -----
   1  PC0001    miller          3316    1  RC   13  Ready to run
   2  PC0001    jones           1360    2  S8   13  Running
   3  PC0001    smith           6148    1  RC   13  Ready to run
   4  PC0001    miller          4208    1  S8   13  Running
   5  PC0001    jones           5224    2  S9   13  Ready to run
   6  PC0001    dba             7024    2  U1    0  Running
   7  PC0001    brown           3140    2  S1   13  Running
   8  PC0001    meyer           6180    2  S8   13  Running
   9  PC0001    smith           4756    1  S1   13  Running
  10  PC0001    king            1240    2  ET    0  Ready to run
  11  PC0001    meyer            836    2  RC   13  Ready to run
  12  PC0001    brown           6272    1  L6   13  Ready to run

Selected: 12, Used: 12, Queue Size: 13

This display shows the current command-queue entries:

  • NODE ID shows the node identification string.

  • LOGIN ID shows the login user identification string;

  • ES ID shows the environment-specific identification (for example, the process ID);

  • APU shows the assigned Adabas Processing Unit of the command queue entry if the nucleus parameter APU is set. If APU has not been specified, the column APU is not displayed;

  • CMD shows the command string;

  • FILE shows the file number;

  • STATUS shows the status of the command-queue entry.

The final line of the display shows how many command queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total in the command queue.

The possible status values are shown in the following table:

Status Meaning
Completed Command processing completion;
Marked For Deletion Command is marked for delete, user is no longer active;
New Command is ready to be inserted in the scheduling queue;
Ready To Run Placed in queue and ready for scheduling;
Running Running in a thread (see DISPLAY=TT);
Waiting For Complex Complex command is waiting to run;
Waiting For Et Sync Waiting for ET synchronization;
Waiting For Group Commit Waiting for group ET. No entry in thread table;
Waiting For Isn <isn> Waiting for ISN in file shown in column "File" in the display. No entry in thread table;
Waiting For Space Waiting for working space. No entry in thread table.
Waiting For Uqe Waiting for user queue entry. The required entry is locked by an active internal command;

The display may show command codes such as "U0", which are only used internally by Adabas (for example, during a utility run).
The "RUNNING" and "COMPLETED" values may differ even if the user has not specified an explicit selection criterion.


adaopr: display=dynamic_parameters

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76      Dynamic Parameters     on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

Resources:         NISNHQ    :           100    WRITE_LIMIT:           50% 

Time Slices:       TNAA      :           900    TNAX       :           900
                   TNAE      :           900    TT         :           300

Logging:           CLOG      : OFF

Read limits:       200, 10, 30

Response check with ABORT    : 84,160,164-182,243,251-252

This display shows the current values of the dynamic nucleus parameters.


adaopr: display=file_io

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76           File I/O          on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

                       Reads           Hit
    File       Logical       Physical  Rate         Writes
    ----       -------       --------  ----         ------
      11       145,341            180   99%          2,869
      12        99,070            148   99%          2,149

This display shows the logical and physical reads, their hit rate and the writes the buffer pool manager has made for every file since the file I/O statistiscs for the file in question were enabled (ADAOPR SET_FILE_STATS) - files for which the I/O statistics have not been enabled or for which no I/Os were performed are not displayed.


  1. The formula for the hit rate value is given in the description of DISPLAY=ACTIVITY.
  2. A write operation is only counted if the block was not yet marked as modified. This means that the physical write I/Os either already done in a previous buffer flush or still pending to be performed in the next buffer flush are counted.


adaopr: display=fp_statistics

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76    Format Pool Statistics   on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

Maximum Local  Pool Size:        251,656
Maximum Global Pool Size:        251,656

Pool Allocation                            Pool Contents
---------------                            -------------
Local  Current   ( 22%) :         57,540   Local  Format Buffers:         162
Local  Highwater ( 27%) :         70,000   Global Format Buffers:           1

Global Current   (  0%) :             84
Global Highwater (  0%) :             84

Pool Statistics                    Local          Global
---------------                    -----          ------
Scans                             11,780               3
Hits                              11,547               2
Hit Rate                              98%             66%

Replacements                           0               0
Overflows                              0               0

This display shows the format pool statistics:


    • the size in bytes and percentage of the local and global format pools that are currently in use;

    • the size in bytes and percentage of the local and global format pool high water marks.


    • the total number of scans and hits of valid format buffers in the format pool (both numbers are required in order to calculate the format pool hit rate);

    • the format pool hit rate (please refer to the example DISPLAY=ACTIVITY for the format pool hit-rate formula);

    • the total number of valid format buffers that are overwritten in the format pool (replacements).

    • Overflows. This is the number of times that a format buffer exceeded the format pool size, resulting each time in a response 42.

  • POOL CONTENTS shows:

    • the number of valid local format buffers in the format pool;

    • the number of valid global format buffers in the format pool.


adaopr: display=high_water
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 2        High Water Marks      on 21-NOV-2014 11:44:19

Area/Entry               Size      In Use  High Water    %      Date/Time
----------               ----      ------  ----------    -      ---------
User Queue                100          13          13   13 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
Command Queue               -          12          13    - 21-NOV-2014 11:44:19
  APU 01                    -           2          12    - 21-NOV-2014 11:44:02
  APU 02                    -          13          15    - 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
Hold Queue                  -           2           2    - 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
Client Queue              100          13          13   13 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
HQ User Limit               -           -           1    - 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
Threads                     6           4           6  100 21-NOV-2014 11:44:00
Workpool          524,288,000           0 131,072,016   25 21-NOV-2014 11:42:16
  ISN Sort         65,536,000           -     380,000    0 21-NOV-2014 11:44:04
  Complex Search   65,536,000           -           0    0
Attached Buffer     1,048,576     219,136     219,136   20 21-NOV-2014 11:44:02
ATBX       (MB)            20           0           0    0
Buffer Pool(KB)     2,048,000     957,962   1,009,978   49 21-NOV-2014 11:42:16
Protection Area       127,990
  Active Area          38,397           -           4    0 21-NOV-2014 11:44:04
Group Commit               50           1           1    2 21-NOV-2014 11:42:17
Transaction Time        3,000           -           0    0

This display shows the high water marks for the current session:

  • SIZE shows the size in bytes of pools and buffers. For queues, threads and hold queue user limit, it shows the number of entries.

  • IN USE shows the size in bytes or number of entries currently in use.

  • HIGH WATER shows the maximum quantity required simultaneously for the given area/entry.

  • % shows the relationship between the high water mark and the size. If the high water mark exceeds the size, the value in this column can be larger than 100 %. For example, this can occur if the value is decreased by ADAOPR, or if the original area has been dynamically increased. This is normal Adabas behaviour, and no changes of Adabas parameters are required.

  • DATE/TIME shows the date/time at which the high water mark occurred for the first time. There is no output in this column if the high water mark is 0.

The entries in the column AREA/ENTRY correspond to the ADANUC parameters NU (user queue), NCL (client queue), NISNHQ (hold queue user limit), NT (threads), APU (Adabas Processing Units, only displayed if the nucleus parameter APU is set), LWP (workpool), LBP (buffer pool), LAB (attached buffer), TT (transaction time). The hold queue and the command queue have no predefined size and are increased dynamically if required.

The entry "ACTIVE AREA" is the largest part of WORK part 1 that can be used by a single transaction. If a transaction's protection information spans more space than allowed by "Active Area", it receives a response 9 (LP), the nucleus displays a PLOVFL message and a value of more than 100 in the "%" column of the highwater display.

Users who have set user-specific timeout values in their OP call are not included in the values for Transaction Time.

1. Values for Attached Buffer and Command Queue are not displayed correctly if the nucleus cannot be contacted by ADAOPR (for example, if the ADAOPR parameter CSA is used.
2. Threads are used in a round-robin manner. Therefore, the high water mark for threads will be the same as the value shown in the Size column in most cases.
3. During an autorestart following an abnormal nucleus termination, user queue elements are created for those users who are active during the time interval and for who the updates must be recovered. Therefore, directly after the start of the new nucleus session, the high water mark for the user queue can be relatively high, while the number of user queue elements in use is small.


adaopr: file=11, display=hq

                     ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76          Hold Queue         on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

        Id Node Id  Login Id      ES Id User Id  File           ISN Locks  Flg
        -- -------  --------      ----- -------  ----           --- -----  ---
        15 sunxxx01 miller         6974 *adatst    11         2,222   X     M
        19 sunxxx01 smith          7056 *adatst    11             2   X

Selected: 2, Used: 8, Queue Size: 160

This display shows the current hold-queue entries:

  • ID shows the internal user identification of the user holding the ISN;

  • NODE ID shows the node identification string. The local node is represented by an empty string;

  • LOGIN ID shows the login user identification string;

  • ES ID shows the environment-specific identification (for example, process ID);

  • USER ID shows the user identification. Adabas utilities use the utility name preceded by an asterisk as the USER ID;

  • FILE shows the number of the Adabas file in which the ISN is located;

  • ISN shows the number of the ISN in hold;

  • LOCKS shows the kind of lock for the ISN, where X = exclusive lock , S = shared lock.

    S is displayed for shared locks starting with Adabas version 6.3 SP 1; in previous releases R is displayed.

  • An M for FLG indicates that the record has been modified.

The final line of the display shows how many hold queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.

Entries are displayed in unsorted sequence.


adaopr: display=icq

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76    Internal Command Queue   on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

        Id  Node Id   Login Id       ES Id  Command   Status
        --  -------   --------       -----  -------   ------
  00000002            *system     00000000  SHUT      Running

Selected: 1, Used: 1, Queue Size: 101

This display shows the internal command queue:

Command Meaning
AR Autorestart
BT Back out transaction
BTCL Back out open transaction and close user
CANCEL Cancel nucleus
DELUQE Release file list and delete user queue element
SHUT Shut down nucleus
TIMEOUT Non-activity timeout

The status of internal commands can be READY TO RUN, RUNNING, WAITING FOR ET SYNC or WAITING FOR UQE.

The final line of the display shows how many internal command queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: display=io_times

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76        IO Statistics        on 19-NOV-2014 12:16:48

                  Number of IOs       Maximum IO time      Average IO time
                  -------------       ---------------      ---------------
ASSO Read    :               735574                14397                    1
ASSO Write   :                12136                    2                    1
DATA Read    :              2023257                13910                    1
DATA Write   :                  444                    1                    1
WORK Read    :                    4                    1                    1
WORK Write   :                  660                    2                    1
NUCSRT Read  :                 4060                  940                    1
NUCSRT Write :                 4060                    1                    0
NUCTMP Read  :                   30                    1                    1
NUCTMP Write :                  896                    1                    1

The number of IOs shows the number of physical read and write I/O accesses to ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP.

The maximum IO time shows the maximum duration of a single I/O read and write access to ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP in microseconds.

The average IO time shows the average time of a single I/O access to ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP in microseconds.

Logging of I/O times is only available if ADAOPR IO_TIME is enabled..


adaopr: display=plog_statistics

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76       PLOG Statistics       on 19-JAN-2014 14:59:41

PLOG Environment
NUCPLG     (active) : /FS/fsxxxx/sag/ada6180102/ada/db076/NUCPLG

Active PLOG
Session Number      :  37
Extent              :  2

Active Since        :  19-JAN-2014 14:59:41
Duration            :              00:00:01

Allocated Space     :         24,683 KB
Used Space   (  0%) :             32 KB
Average Growth Rate :        115,200 KB/h


adaopr: display=replications
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 34         Replications        on 19-JAN-2014 09:47:48

       ID  From FNR  To DB  To FNR  Status         Remark
       --  --------  -----  ------  ------         ------
        1     111      37     111   Inactive                                    
       86      86      37      86   Active                                      

            2 transactions pending:

        To DB   Transactions
        -----   ------------
           37             2

            5 commands pending:

      From FNR     Commands
      --------     --------
           86             5
          111             0

This display shows the Adabas - Adabas replications currently defined. This is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas replication.

Replications to other replication targets, for example SQL databases, are not displayed. Such replications can only be displayed with the administration tools of the event replication.

The display shows the following information:

  • "ID" is the ID of the replication that is also used in the replication administration.

  • "From FNR" is the file number of the file to be replicated to another Adabas file.

  • "To DB" and "To FNR" are the database ID and file number of the target file for the replication.

  • "Status" can have the following values and meanings:

    Status Meaning
    Inactive Currently no data are replicated to the target file, and at the moment no activities have been made to initiate the replication.
    Prepare This status indicates that it is planned to perform the initial state processing for the replication. This status is the prerequisite for creating a backup of files to be replicated via ADABCK with parameter REPLICATION.
    Initialization This status indicates that ADABCK with parameter REPLICATION is running and creates a backup containing the initial state of files to be replicated.
    Recording Adabas is currently recording the update transactions within the replication command file and the replication transaction file, but currently does not replicate the update operations to the target database.
    Active The replication is active; all modifications of the source file are replicated to the target file.
    Error An unexpected error occurred during replication. In order to continue replication, a new initial state processing is required.
  • "Pending Transactions" is the number of transactions that have not yet been replicated to the target file.


    1. The number contains both transactions that have already been committed but not yet replicated to the target database, and transactions that are still open and which can only be replicated after an end of transaction.
    2. If a transaction contains commands to be replicated to more than one target database, the transaction is counted only once, independent of the number of target databases. Therefore the total number of pending transactions can be smaller than the sum of the transactions for the different target databases.
  • "Pending Commands" is the number of commands that have not yet replicated to the target file.


    1. The number contains both commands belonging to transactions that have already been committed but not yet replicated to the target database, and commands belonging to transactions that are still open and which can only be replicated after an end of transaction.
    2. If a file is replicated to more than one target file, database modification commands of the source file are counted only once, independent of the number of target files to which a command has to be replicated.

If ADAOPR DISPLAY=REPLICATIONS is executed in non-interactive mode, ADAOPR returns one of the following exit status values:

Value Meaning
0 At least one replication has been defined, and no replication is in status Error.
12 There is a replication in status Error.
15 Replication has not been activated, or no replication has been defined.


adaopr: start_rpl_stats
adaopr: display=rpl_stats

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 6     Replication Statistics   on 18-JUL-2016 11:24:47

Replication Statistics Summary - All Times in usec
Transact not yet Repl (Cur/Max)               0               2
Replicated Transactions                     281
Transact Repl Time (Avg/Min/Max)          3,055               9         171,013
Transact Latency (Avg/Min/Max)            3,173              14         171,021

Replicated Commands                       4,984
Command Repl Time (Avg/Min/Max)               1               1              18
Replicated A1 Commands                    1,536
A1 Repl Time (Avg/Min/Max)                    1               1              11
Replicated E1 Commands                    1,711
E1 Repl Time (Avg/Min/Max)                    1               1              12
Replicated NX Commands                    1,737
NX Repl Time (Avg/Min/Max)                    1               1              18
Command Wait Counter                          2
Command Wait Time (Avg/Min/Max)          15,518              41          30,995


  1. Before displaying the replication statistics, the replication statistics must be activated with the command START_RPL_STATISTICS.
  2. On Windows 7, the functions currently used to get the current time only have an accuracy of 1 millisecond; if the millisecond has not changed since the previous call, the time is increased by 1 microsecond. This means that the time values displayed are not very precise - if a value is significantly less than 1000, this only means that the time is less than one millisecond, but it will be probably significantly larger than the value displayed.

The display shows the following information:

Value Meaning
Transact not yet Repl

The number of replications that have been committed, but have not yet been replicated. If the values are large, this means that the system is overloaded; Adabas is not able to replicate update operations in time. An exception where large values are normal is when the target database is down; then no transactions can be replicated, and the number of transactions not yet replicated increases.

Replicated Transactions

The number of transactions that have been replicated since the replication statistics were activated.

Transact Repl Time

The time to replicate a single transaction.

Transact Latency

The time between the commit of a transaction in the source database and the commit of the replicated transaction in the target database.

When the target database is down, transactions must wait for replication until the database is up again. This means you will get large values for transaction latency.

Replicated Commands

The number of commands that have been replicated since the replication statistics were activated.

Command Repl Time

The time required to replicate one command.

Replicated A1 Commands

The number of A1 commands that have been replicated since the replication statistics were activated.

Command A1 Repl Time

The time required to replicate one A1 command.

Replicated E1 Commands

The number of E1 commands that have been replicated since the replication statistics were activated.

Command E1 Repl Time

The time required to replicate one E1 command.

Replicated NX Commands

The number of N1 or N2 commands that have been replicated since the replication statistics were activated.

Command NX Repl Time

The time required to replicate one N1 or N2 command.

Command Wait Counter

If more than one transaction is replicated at the same time, it may happen that the replication of a command must wait for the termination of the replication of another command belonging to another transaction in order to guarantee the consistency of the replication. The counter shows how often this happened since the replication statistics were activated.

Command Wait Time

The time until the replication of a command could continue when the command replication had to wait for the termination of the replication of another command belonging to another transaction.


adaopr: display=static_parameters
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 22      Static Parameters      on 21-NOV-2014 11:13:25

Resources:         LAB       :     1,048,576    NT        :             6
                   LBP       :   104,857,600    NU        :            50
                   LWP       :     1,000,000    NCL       :            50
                   LABX      :    20,971,520
                   APU       :  ( 2,  3,  2)

TCP/IP Port:       49152
TCP/IP Receiver:   4

Logging:           PLOG, BI
Options:           AUTO_EXPAND

This display shows the static nucleus parameters.

The nucleus parameter APU is only displayed if it has been specified.


adaopr: display=tcpconnections

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 100        Connections         on  5-SEP-2022 09:59:37

Connect Time         Conn ID Recv ID User ID  Remote Host                      IP Address                       Port
-------------------- ------- ------- -------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------- 
 5-SEP-2022 11:03:44       1       1 bal      Node1                                      00000
 5-SEP-2022 11:04:50       2       0 bal      Node2                                      00000

The ‘Remote Host’, also known as ‘Node Id’ in the user queue, might not be the real client’s host name. The host (node id) can be set by the client application (see also the client function lnk_set_adabas_id() in the section Command Reference > Calling Adabas). If the real host’s name is wanted, the environment variable ADATCP_DNSLOOKUP can be set to ‘YES’. The variable can be set in the section ‘ENVIRONMENT’ of the DBnnn.INI file database specific, or in the shell environment. The default value is ‘NO’. This prevents performance issues because a DNS (Domain Name Service) lookup can be very time consuming.

Output after setting the environment variable:

adaopr: display=tcpconnections

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 100        Connections         on  5-SEP-2022 09:59:37
Connect Time         Conn ID Recv ID User ID  Remote Host                      IP Address                       Port
-------------------- ------- ------- -------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------- 
 5-SEP-2022 11:08:04       1       0 bal                       36096
 5-SEP-2022 11:08:14       2       1 bal                       48454

The ‘Port’ number is the local port number of the connection which helps to identify a connection with operating system tools.


adaopr: display=tt
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 2          Thread Table        on 21-NOV-2014 11:49:38

 No  APU     Cmd Count  File  Cmd  Status
 --  ---     ---------  ----  ---  ------
  1    2       120,715    13   S9  Complex, waiting for DATA / 2785
  2    1       120,146    13   S8  Complex, waiting for TEMP / 35794
  3    2       124,364     0       Free
  4    1       122,300    13   S8  Complex, waiting for TEMP / 168654
  5    2       120,325    13   S8  Complex, active
  6    1       123,210    13   S1  Simple , active

This display shows the entries in the thread table. The number of displayed entries is simultaneously the high water mark for threads.

  • APU shows the assigned Adabas Processing Unit of the thread if the nucleus parameter APU is set. If APU has not been specified, the column APU is not displayed.

  • CMD COUNT shows the total number of Adabas commands processed from the corresponding thread context. The sum of these counts will normally differ from the sum shown by DISPLAY=COMMANDS, because internal commands are also counted.

  • FILE shows the file number of the Adabas command that is currently being processed from the corresponding thread context. The file number is 0 if the corresponding thread context is not active, or if the command is a global one which is not linked to a particular file.

  • CMD shows the command string of the Adabas command that is currently being processed from the corresponding thread context. There is no output in this column if the corresponding thread context is not active.

  • STATUS shows the command type and the status of the corresponding thread context.

Possible command types are:

  • Update

  • Simple

  • Complex

Possible entries for the thread status are shown in the following table:

Status Meaning
free available for allocation
ready ready to run
active running
waiting for io
<rabn>/<block type>
waiting for I/o completion of block
waiting for
<rabn>/<block type>
waiting for access/update synchronization of
block <rabn>
waiting for space
<size> bytes
waiting for <size> bytes of work pool
PLOG processing Log entries for PLOG and WORK are created.
Waiting for PLOG processing The thread wants to perform PLOG processing, but another thread is already performing PLOG processing - only one thread can create log entries at the same time.

The thread status entries are displayed one by one. Therefore, it can happen that for more than one thread status "PLOG processing" is displayed, or that status "Waiting for PLOG processing" is displayed for a thread, although for no other thread status "PLOG processing" is displayed.

The display of the thread status is done for one thread after another. For this reason, it can happen that status "PLOG processing" is displayed for more than one thread, or that status "Waiting for PLOG processing" is displayed, although for no other thread status "PLOG processing" is displayed.

The block type can be ASSO, DATA, WORK, FILE or PLOG.


adaopr: display=ucb

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76             UCB             on 19-JAN-2014 14:59:45   

       Date/Time        Entry Id  Utility  Mode Files
       ---------        --------  -------  ---- -----
19-JAN-2014 14:59:41          42   adaopr  UTO  13 

This display shows the utility communication block.

  • DATE/TIME shows the date and time on which the given files were locked.

  • ENTRY ID shows the allocated identification of the entry.

  • UTILITY shows the name of the utility.

  • MODE shows the mode in which the files are being accessed. The possibilities are:

    • ACC open for access

    • UPD open for update

    • EXU open for exclusive update (parallel access allowed)

    • UTO open for utilities only

    • UTI open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)

  • Files shows the file numbers of the files that are locked.


adaopr: display=uq

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76         User Queue          on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

        Id  Node Id   Login Id       ES Id   User Id    Type    Status
        --  -------   --------       -----   -------    ----    ------
        26  sunxxx01  dba             4473   *adaopr    UT            
        23  sunxxx01  smith           3075              ET          E  
        20  sunxxx01  jones           3178              ET         I   
        19  sunxxx01  jones           1946              ET         IE  
        18  sunxxx01  smith           4689              ET            
        16  sunxxx01  smith           4661              ET            
        17  sunxxx01  jones           4638   ########             T   
        14  sunxxx01  miller          4379              ET      R     
        13  sunxxx01  dba             3967   *adatst    AC            
        12  sunxxx01  dba             3651   *adatst    EX,ET      E  
        11  sunxxx01  dba             4025   DBADMIN    EX      RU    

Selected: 11, Used: 11, Queue Size: 100

This display shows the current user queue entries.

  • ID shows the internal user identification;

  • NODE ID shows the node identification string;

  • LOGIN ID shows the login identification string;

  • ES ID is the process ID of the client process;

    ES ID means "Environment Specific ID". This term was used, because in previous Adabas versions on Windows, instead of the process ID, a random number was used as the ES ID in order to avoid double usage of the same Adabas session ID - this was because on Windows, the process IDs could be reused after a short time. After adding a timestamp to the Adabas session ID, reusage of the same Adabas session ID can no longer happen, therefore the process ID can also be used as the ES ID on Windows. The timestamp is displayed only with ADAOPR DISPLAY=UQ_FULL.

  • USER ID shows the user identification specified in Additions 1 in the Open command for the current Adabas session;

    If you don't use the nucleus option OPEN_REQUIRED, the USER ID information is deleted following a non-activity timeout. When this happens, the USER ID is displayed as "########". If the nucleus option OPEN_REQUIRED is used, not only the user information, but also the complete user queue element is deleted; this means that DISPLAY=UQ no longer displays such user queue elements.

  • TYPE shows the user type:

    • AC access only user

    • ET ET user

    • EX exclusive update user

    • EX,ET exclusive update user with ET logic

    • UT utility user.

  • STATUS shows the status of the user:

    • E user at ET status

    • I user session started with an implicit OPEN

    • R restricted file list

    • T user has received a time-out

    • U user specific timeout interval value

The description for the components of the Adabas session ID (Node ID, Login ID, ES ID and the timestamp not displayed by ADAOPR DISPLAY=UQ) is only correct if the function lnk_set_adabas_id is not used (see Command Reference). This function lets you define your own Adabas session IDs.

The final line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: display=uq_files

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76         User Files          on 19-JAN-2014 14:58:10   

        Id  Type   Mode Files
        --  ----   ---- -----
        26  UT         
        23  ET     UPD  11-12
        20  ET     UPD  11-12
        19  ET     UPD  11-12
        18  ET     UPD  11-12
        16  ET     UPD  11-12
        14  ET     UPD  11-12
        13  AC         
        12  EX,ET EXU   14 
        11  EX     ACC  11
                   EXU  13 

Selected: 10, Used: 11, Queue Size: 100

This display shows the file lists for active users.

  • ID shows the internal user identification;

  • TYPE shows the user type (please refer to the DISPLAY=UQ example for more information).

  • MODE shows the mode in which the files are being accessed:

    • ACC open for access

    • EXF open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)

    • EXU open for exclusive update (parallel access allowed)

    • UPD open for update

    • UTI open for exclusive access (no parallel access or update allowed)

    • UTO open for utilities only

  • FILES shows the Adabas file list of the user entry. If the list is too large to be displayed in one line, several lines will be used: file numbers are not omitted.

The final line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


adaopr: disp=uq_full
                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 36     Full User Queue Entry   on  3-SEP-2014 17:12:24

User Entry:  Id            :  8              ES Id        :  17937
             Node Id       :  sunada05       Login Id     :  smith
             User Id       :  *adaopr
             Timestamp Id  :   3-SEP-2014 17:12:18:182,671

             User Type     :  UT             User Status  :

Time Stamps: Session Start :  3-SEP-2014 17:12:17
             Trans. Start  :
             Last Activity :

Time Limits: TT            :             0   TNA          :             0

Resources:   ISN Lists     :             0   ISNs Held    :             0
             Open Files    :             0

Activity:    ADABAS Calls  :             1   Transactions :             0

Settings:    User Encoding :  UTF-8

User Entry:  Id            :  6              ES Id        :  15808
             Node Id       :  sunada05       Login Id     :  jones
             User Id       :  JONES001
             Timestamp Id  :   3-SEP-2014 17:11:32:113,750

             User Type     :  ET             User Status  :

Time Stamps: Session Start :  3-SEP-2014 17:11:31
             Trans. Start  :  3-SEP-2014 17:11:56
             Last Activity :  3-SEP-2014 17:11:56

Time Limits: TT            :           300   TNA          :           300

Resources:   ISN Lists     :             0   ISNs Held    :             1
             Open Files    :             1

Activity:    ADABAS Calls  :             3   Transactions :             1

Settings:    User Encoding :  UTF-8

This display shows detailed information about user queue elements.

Additionally to the information shown by ADAOPR DISPLAY=UQ, the following information is shown:

  • TIMESTAMP ID shows the timestamp added to the Adabas session ID to guarantee the uniquenes of the Adabas session ID;

  • The timestamps show when the current Adabas user session was started, when the last transaction of the session was started, and when the last activity for the session was performed.;

  • The time limits show the transaction time limit and the non-activity time limit defined for the Adabas user session;

    Normally the time limits are the default values defined via ADANUC parameters, but it is possible to override these default values in the Open command of the Adabas user session.

  • Resources shows the number of ISN lists currently active for the Adabas user session, the number of ISNs in the hold queue for the session, and the number of Adabas files in use in the session;

  • Activity displays the number of Adabas calls and the number of transactions performed in the Adabas user session.

  • Settings displays the default user encoding for W fields used in the current Adabas sessions as specified in the Open command of the session. If nothing was specified, the default UTF8 is used.


adaopr: display=uq_time_limits

                       ADANUC Version <version number>
        Database 76       User Time Limits      on 19-JAN-2010 14:58:10   

TNAA Interval   :             00:15:00  TNAX Interval   :             00:15:00
TNAE Interval   :             00:15:00  TT   Interval   :             00:05:00

        Id St Limit   Timeout Interval     Remaining Time     Start Date/Time
        -- -- -----   ----------------     --------------     ---------------
        23    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00
        22    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00
        21    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00           00:05:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
        20    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00           00:05:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
        19    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00
        18    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00           00:04:50  19-JAN-2014 14:58:00
        17    TNAA            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
        16    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00           00:05:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
        14    TNAE            00:15:00           00:15:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
              TT              00:05:00           00:05:00  19-JAN-2014 14:58:10
        13    TNAA            00:15:00           00:10:01  19-JAN-2014 14:53:11
        12    TNAE            00:15:00           00:10:01  19-JAN-2014 14:53:11
              TT              00:05:00
        11  U TNAX            00:40:00           00:34:57  19-JAN-2014 14:53:07

Selected: 12, Used: 14, Queue Size: 100

This display shows the current timeout limits for the user queue entries.

  • ID shows the internal user identification;

  • ST shows the status of the entry. Possible values are:

    • U user specific timeout value

    • T a timeout is pending, response 9 has not been collected yet by the client.

  • LIMIT describes the timeout type;

  • TIMEOUT INTERVAL shows the current active timeout intervals.

  • REMAINING TIME shows the amount of time remaining until the next timeout mark.

  • START DATE/TIME shows the starting date and time of the entry.

The final line of the display shows how many user queue entries were selected according to the currently active selection criteria, and how many entries are used in total.


ES_ID = number

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL, UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries with the specified environment-specific ID are displayed.



This option controls the behaviour of the FEOF=PLOG function. It must be specified before specifying FEOF=PLOG. Refer to the FEOF=PLOG function for more information.

The default is NOET_SYNC.



This starts and stops the Adabas Event Analytics for a running adanuc process. The adanuc process will start to generate events based on the Adabas Event Analytics configuration in the database INI file. If Adabas Event Analytics is configured to send the events to the Analytics Server, please make sure that the Analytics Server is started.

If Adabas Event Analytics is not configured, the default events will be written to a NUCELG file located in the database directory.

The default is NOEVENTING.



This function is used to backup a database using an external backup system, which can be considerably faster with very large databases than using ADABCK.

The keyword PREPARE prepares the database for backup. During this phase, the following restrictions apply:

  • new transactions will be stalled

  • no updating utility functions (e.g. ADADBM) can be started

  • the functions SHUTDOWN, CANCEL, LOCK, STOPUSER, UNLOCK and FEOF=PLOG are not permitted once the EXT_BACKUP = PREPARE call has finished processing

  • all non-activity timeout checks are disabled

The keyword CONTINUE is used to resume normal database operations following completion of the external backup. The following actions are performed:

  • open a new PLOG with a new session number

  • re-enable non-activity timeout checks

  • re-enable update utilities

  • wake up all waiting users (start of new transactions)

The keyword ABORT is used to abort an external backup for which a PREPARE has already been issued. In this case, the PLOG isn't switched and no checkpoint is written.

Take care to ensure that your external restore does not overwrite the protection logs created after the external backup. Without the protection logs, you cannot re-apply the changes perforrmed after the external backup with ADAREC REGENERATE.


The following scenario shows a backup and restore using a third-party backup tool (tar is not a real alternative, and is used for demonstration purposes only):

Dumping the database

adaopr db=37 ext_backup=prepare
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED,      13-DEC-2023 03:29:10, Version (Linux 64Bit)

Database 37, startup at 13-DEC-2023 03:29:07
ADANUC Version, PID 2079603

%ADAOPR-I-EXTBPREP, preparing for external backup, 13-DEC-2023 03:29:10

%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED,   13-DEC-2023 03:29:10, elapsed time: 00:00:00

adaopr db=37 ext_backup=continue
%ADAOPR-I-STARTED,      13-DEC-2023 03:31:24, Version (Linux 64Bit)

Database 37, startup at 13-DEC-2023 03:29:07
ADANUC Version, PID 2079603
During ET Sync (phase 2), for external backup

%ADAOPR-I-EXTBCONT, continue from external backup, 13-DEC-2023 03:31:24

%ADAOPR-I-TERMINATED,   13-DEC-2023 03:31:24, elapsed time: 00:00:00

%ADAREP-I-STARTED,      13-DEC-2023 03:34:24, Version (Linux 64Bit)
adarep: dbid=37
%ADAREP-I-DBON, database 37 accessed online
adarep: checkpoints=(12-dec-2023,14-dec-2023)

Name        Date/Time        Session   User Id / Function
----        ---------        -------   ------------------
SYNP   13-DEC-2023 03:27:57        1   ADAORD IMPORT=9
SYNP   13-DEC-2023 03:27:57        1   ADAORD IMPORT=14
SYNP   13-DEC-2023 03:27:57        1   ADAORD IMPORT=12
SYNP   13-DEC-2023 03:27:57        1   ADAORD IMPORT=11
SYNP   13-DEC-2023 03:27:57        1   ADAORD IMPORT=13
SYNC   13-DEC-2023 03:29:07        1   ADANUC
SYNX   13-DEC-2023 03:29:10        1   ADAOPR EXT_BACKUP STARTED
SYNX   13-DEC-2023 03:31:24        1   ADAOPR EXT_BACKUP

Restoring and recovering the database

% tar xvf $BACKUPDIR/backup.tar # external restore
% mv $ADADIR/db037/plog.0096 .  # Assume current directory is not $ADADIR/db037
% adastart 37
% adarep
adarep: checkpoints=(12-dec-2023,14-dec-2023)

Name        Date/Time        Session   User Id / Function
----        ---------        -------   ------------------
SYNC   13-DEC-2023 03:29:07        1   ADANUC
SYNX   13-DEC-2023 03:29:10        1   ADAOPR EXT_BACKUP STARTED
SYNX   13-DEC-2023 03:31:24        1   ADAOPR EXT_BACKUP
SYNC   13-DEC-2023 03:39:58        1   ADANUC CANCEL
SYNC   13-DEC-2023 03:40:12        2   ADANUC
adarep: q
%ADAREP-I-TERMINATED,   13-DEC-2023 03:48:50, elapsed time: 00:08:34
% setenv RECPLG plog.0096 # Set RECPLG for ADAREC (C shell)
% adarec dbid=37 regenerate=\* plog=96

After the restore, the checkpoint file contains the EXT_BACKUP STARTED checkpoint written by EXT_BACKUP=PREPARE, but not the checkpoints written by EXT_BACKUP=CONTINUE. The session number displayed for the current nucleus session is the number of the first PLOG that must be used for ADAREC REGENERATE for re-applying the changes done after the external backup.

The external backup is logged in the ADANUC log file

%ADANUC-I-DBSTART, Database 37, session 16 started, 14-NOV-2012 16:17:10
%ADANUC-I-EXTBPREP, preparing for external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:30
%ADANUC-I-DBSTART, Database 37, session 17 started, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45
%ADANUC-I-PLOGCRE, plog NUCPLG, file 'plogs/plog.0017' created
%ADANUC-I-EXTBCONT, continue from external backup, 14-NOV-2012 16:18:45


FEOF = (keyword [,keyword])

In accordance with the keywords specified, the log file(s) are closed and a new log file is created.

Keyword Meaning

closes command log file.


closes protection log file.

This depends on the [NO]ET_SYNC option:

If ET_SYNC is specified:
The current protection log file (PLOG) will be closed when all currently active ET logic users have come to ET status, and a new PLOG is created with the next higher PLOG number.
If ET_SYNC is not specified:
As soon as the last block of the current PLOG extent is full, a new PLOG extent is created. The last block is moved to the new extent.

The protection log files are chained together with a "continuation pattern" to ensure they are processed in the correct order. Creating a new extent means: The current extent file will be extended with chaining information and at the same time creating the new extent file, leading to two extent files with the same modification date. See Adabas Basics > Locations of Database Containers, Backup Files, and Protection Logs for specific notes on protection logs.


closes event log file.

The ELOG-keyword is only applicable if Adabas Analytics for LUW (EAL) is installed.


Close NUCADT log file.

The FEOF command will be rejected if the keyword PLOG is used while running ADAREC REGENERATE = * (see ADAREC for more detailed information).


FILE = number

This influences the output of the DISPLAY options HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries related to the specified file number are displayed.



Normally, obsolete entries in the client queue are released automatically when the client queue is full. With ADAOPR FREE_CLQ, you can enforce the client queue cleanup before the client queue becomes full.


ID = number

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries related to the specified internal ID are displayed.



The parameter IO_TIME enables logging of the I/O times for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, NUCSRT and NUCTMP containers. The times are given in microseconds.

If logging of I/O times is already enabled, enabling it again resets all I/O time and I/O counter statistics.

The default is NOIO_TIME.


ISN = ( number [- number] [,number [- number] ] ... )

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY option HQ. Only entries related to the specified ISNs are displayed.


[UN]LOCK = (number [,number]...)

The file(s) specified by the file number(s) are locked or unlocked. The specified files are locked for all non-utility use; Adabas utilities can use the file(s) normally. Specifying 0 means lock/unlock the complete database.

For users who have one or more files to be locked in their open file list, a STOP <user-ID> command is issued internally. Refer to the description of the ADAOPR STOP parameter for more details.


  1. You can also lock non-existent file numbers; if you subsequently create files with these numbers, the files are locked.
  2. Locking a LOB file does not prevent users from storing LOB data in the LOB file; disabling the access to LOB data in the LOB file is part of locking the corresponding base file. Locking a LOB file is only useful if you plan to use this file number for a base file at some time in the future.
  3. LOCK=0 is equivalent to OPTIONS=UTILITIES_ONLY plus stopping all users; UNLOCK=0 is equivalent to OPTIONS=NOUTILITIES_ONLY.
  4. If files were locked on the file level, they must also be unlocked on the file level; UNLOCK=0 does NOT unlock such files.
  5. If LOCK=() is used, it is equivalent to LOCK=0, which means that the full database will be locked. Empty brackets are considered to be equivalent to 0. If you use brackets, you should also use a file number.


LOGGING = (keyword [,keyword]...)

This parameter starts command logging for the buffers specified in the list of keywords.

The following keywords can be used:

Keyword Meaning
CB Enables logging of control block
FB Enables logging of format buffers
RB Enables logging of record buffers
SB Enables logging of search buffer
VB Enables logging of value buffer
IB Enables logging of ISN buffer
ABD Enables logging of Adabas buffer descriptions
IO Enables I/O list logging
NAT Enables logging of Natural information (Requires additional configuration in NATPARM module. Please refer to the Natural documentation for further information.)
OFF Stops logging of all buffers, but keeps the command log file open

If the nucleus was started with LOGGING=OFF and buffer logging is requested, then the CLOG file will be created.


LOGIN_ID = string

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries with a login ID that begin with the specified string will be selected. Please note that the string specification must be case sensitive. If you want to select explicitly a login ID shorter than 8 characters, but not other login IDs beginning with this login ID, you must add "^ " (Windows platforms) or "\ " (non-Windows platforms) to the login ID.


NISNHQ = number

This parameter specifies the maximum number of records that can be placed into hold at any time by a single user.

If the specified value is less than the corresponding high-water value, a warning is issued.

The minimum value is 0, where 0 means unlimited.


NODE_ID = string

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_FULL and UQ_TIME_LIMITS. Only entries with a node ID that begin with the specified string will be selected. Please note that the string specification must be case sensitive. If you want to select explicitly a node ID shorter than 8 characters, but not other node IDs beginning with this node ID, you must add "^ " (Windows platforms) or "\ " (non-Windows platforms) to the node ID.


OPTIONS = (keyword[,keyword])

The available keywords are:

Keyword Meaning

If LOCAL_UTILITIES is specified, the nucleus rejects all remote utility calls, i.e. the Adabas utilities cannot be run from a remote node across a network.


If UTILITIES_ONLY is selected, all calls other than for utilities will be rejected. Note, however, that this restriction only applies to new users; users who were already active when OPTIONS=UTILITIES_ONLY was specified can continue processing normally. If you want exclusive utility control over files or the entire database, use the LOCK function of ADAOPR instead.

These options can be disabled using the prefix `NO', e.g. OPTIONS=NOUTILITIES_ONLY.


RESET = keyword

RESET=HIGH_WATER resets the high water mark values to the value currently in use.

RESET=COMMANDS resets the command counts displayed by ADAOPR DISPLAY=COMMANDS.

RESET=RPL_STATS resets the replication statistic counters for all replicator threads, or in combination with the THREAD parameter for a specific thread only.This keyword is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas Replication.



If response checking is enabled with the RESPONSE_CHECK parameter of ADAOPR, the RESPONSE_ABORT option determines whether the nucleus aborts when one of the specified responses occurs (RESPONSE_ABORT), or whether the nucleus resumes operation and a database section file is written to disk (NORESPONSE_ABORT).

The setting of the [NO]RESPONSE_ABORT option can only be changed before the RESPONSE_CHECK parameter.

The default is NORESPONSE_ABORT.

Refer to the RESPONSE_CHECK parameter for further information.


RESPONSE_CHECK = [(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)]

This function enables the DBA to gather information if one of a list of Adabas response codes occurs. The information written may be used to analyze possible problems in the database's operation. If a response check for an Adabas response code is enabled, the database section file is written to disk if this response code occurs.

Depending on the setting of the RESPONSE_ABORT option, the nucleus either aborts or continues operation:

  • if the RESPONSE_ABORT option is set, the database section file ( [Linux], or [Windows]) is written to the database's default directory. The database section file is also called the CSA dump file. See ADANUC and the environment variable ADA_CSA_DUMP for more information.

    When the CSA dump file is written, the SMP dump file is also written (Linux platforms only); the name of the SMP dump file is SMPPOS.APP:hh:mm:ss.

  • if the NORESPONSE_ABORT option is set (default setting), the nucleus continues running and the database section file ( [Linux], or [Windows]) is written to the database's default directory. See ADANUC and the environment variable ADA_CSA_DUMP for more information. Only one dump is generated for one response code; if a response code occurs, the RESPONSE_CHECK option is deactivated for that response code, but if it has been activated for other response codes, it remains active for the other response codes.

Refer to the RESPONSE_ABORT action for further information.

By default, no response is trapped and the nucleus continues operation.

To disable response trapping, use "RESPONSE_CHECK =" without arguments.


SET_FILE_STATS = [(number[-number][,number[-number]]...)]

This function enables the file level I/O statistics for the specified files. Only these files will be displayed by DISPLAY = FILE_IO.



This function terminates the Adabas session normally. No new users are accepted. ET-user updating is continued until the end of the current transaction for each user. When all update activity has ended as described above, the Adabas session is terminated.

The communication link to the database is cut but the shared memory is still held. In this case, display functions are still possible with ADAOPR but parameter modification commands are no longer permitted.


STATUS = (keyword [,keyword] ,... )

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY parameter options HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_TIME_LIMITS, UQ_FULL. Only entries in the specified state will be displayed.

The valid keywords are:

Keyword Meaning
[NO]TIMEOUT User without or with "T" status.
[NO]ET_STATUS Users at "ET" status with open transactions.
[NO]PENDING_ET Users without or with "P" status.


STOP = (number[-number][,number[-number]]...)

This parameter terminates the user with the specified ID (internal identification). The ID can be retrieved with DISPLAY = UQ.

The message "Stop handling started for n users" is displayed, where "n" is the number of users who will be stopped.

Utilities cannot always be stopped in this way.

The actions that Adabas takes when a user is stopped depend on the user type, and also whether the nucleus requires an explicit OP (open) command at the start of a user session, as shown in the following table.

The abbreviation SUQE used in the table means "Stop user queue element", and consists of the following actions: release all Command IDs, scratch the file list, scratch the user ID, scratch the user type, set response 9 for the next call.


For ID user: SUQE

For non-ID user: session closed

session closed
ET, ET Status

For ID user: SUQE

For non-ID user: session closed

session closed
ET, no ET Status Backout transaction, SUQE Backout transaction, session closed
EX SUQE, CLSE checkpoint session closed
EX, ET with ET status SUQE, CLSE checkpoint session closed
EX, ET, no ET status Backout transaction, SUQE, CLSE checkpoint Backout transaction, session closed
UT session closed session closed

If a STOP command is issued for a user while running


it will be rejected (see ADAREC in this manual for more information).


STOPI = number

Use the STOPI command to stop all users who have not executed a command during the specified number of seconds. Any open transactions of the stopped users will be backed out. A stopped user who returns (by sending a command) will receive response code 9.

This command does not stop EXF or UTI users.


THREAD = number

This parameter is only relevant for customers who are using the Adabas Event Replicator with Adabas - Adabas Replication.

If you specify the parameter is before DISPLAY=RPL_STATS, the replication statistics are displayed only for the replicator thread specified. Thread numbering starts with 1. If you specify "THREAD=" without a number, the subsequent DISPLAY=RPL_STATS will display the statistics for all threads and the summary of all threads.


TNAA = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for access-only users who have not explicitly specified a TNAA value in the OP command (see Command Reference, OP command).

Note that the figure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance, the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


TNAE = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for ET logic users who have not explicitly specified a TNAE value in the OP command (see Command Reference, OP command).

Note that the figure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance, the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


TNAX = number

This parameter sets the non-activity time limit (in seconds) for EXU and EXF users who have not explicitly specified a TNAX value in the OP command (see Command Reference, OP command).

Note that the figure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance, the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


TT = number

This parameter sets the transaction time limit for ET logic users who have not explicitly specified a TT value in the OP command (see Command Reference, OP command).

If the specified value is less than the corresponding high-water value, a warning is issued.

Note that the figure you specify for this parameter is only approximate. In any particular instance, the actual amount of time can vary from this value by up to 10 seconds.

The minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 2592000.


USER_ID = string

This function influences the output of the DISPLAY parameter options CQ, HQ, ICQ, UQ, UQ_FILES, UQ_TIME_LIMITS, UQ_FULL. Only entries with a user ID that begin with the specified string will be selected. Please note that the string specification must be case sensitive. If you want to select explicitly a user ID shorter than 8 characters, but not other user IDs beginning with this user ID, you must add "^ " (Windows platforms) or "\ " (non-Windows platforms) to the user ID.


WCHARSET = <ICU encoding>

This parameter specifies the default encoding for W fields for user sessions. This encoding is used if no other encoding is specified in the record buffer of the OP call, or in the format buffer of L or A/N calls.


adanuc: wcharset=utf-16be


WRITE_LIMIT = [number]

This parameter specifies the percentage of modified blocks permitted in the buffer pool before an implicit buffer flush is taken.

Note that "WRITE_LIMIT=" (keeping the equals sign but omitting the number) is equivalent to "WRITE_LIMIT=0".

Supported values are 1-50; the default value is 50. For compatibility reasons, values of 0 and 51-70 are also allowed - they are equivalent to 50.

For further information on WRITE_LIMIT and data-at-rest encryption, see Database Monitoring and Tuning, Buffer Pool Manager, Buffer Pool Configuration > WRITE_LIMIT