This document describes the utility "ADAERR".
The following topics are covered:
The ADAERR utility displays the contents of error files generated by the utilities
This utility is a single-function utility. For more information about single- and multi-function utilities, Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.
Data Set | Environment Variable/ Logical Name |
Storage Medium | Additional Information |
Error data | ERRIN | Disk (* see note) | |
Error messages | stdout / SYSOUTPUT |
(*) A named pipe can be used for
this sequential file.
The sequential file ERRIN can have multiple extents. For detailed information about sequential files with multiple extents, see Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.
The utility writes no checkpoints.
The following control parameter is available:
If NODUMP is specified, only a description (length of record, ISN of the record etc.) of each error record will be output, but not the actual record content. See the section Rejected Data Records in this section for information on the contents of the error records.
If DUMP is specified, the record content will be dumped in addition to the record description. For ADACMP, the decompressed record will be dumped, whereas for ADADCU the compressed record will be dumped.
The default is NODUMP.
$ adaerr
%ADAERR-I-STARTED, 11-OCT-2006 18:59:20, Version 6.1.1 %ADAERR-I-RECNOTF, Record NOT found for ISN 317 in file 49 %ADAERR-I-PLOGRB, from record 1 in block 6 on PLOG 1 %ADAERR-I-IOCNT, 1 IO on dataset ERRIN %ADAERR-I-TERMINATED, 11-OCT-2006 18:59:20, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Any records rejected by the following utilities are written to the error file in variable-length format.
The structure of the error records is contained as a header file iodesam.h
the subdirectory "Adabas/inc" of the installation directory on both Windows
and Linux.