This document describes the utility "ADAELA".
The following topics are covered:
The administration utility ADAELA configures the Event Analytics add-on. It does not require the Adabas nucleus to be active, but if changes are made to the configuration, the nucleus must be restarted in order to make them active.
More than one event type can be added or removed during a single run
of the utility. It is also possible to both add and remove event types during a
single run. If more than one add_eventtype,…
statement is issued, each statement must be
finished with the keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE
If there is already a configuration present, it will be
This utility is a multi-function utility. For more information about single- and multi-function utilities, see Adabas Basics, Using Utilities.
Data Set | Environment Variable/ Logical Name |
Storage Medium |
Additional Information |
Database configuration | DBnnn.ini | ||
Event types store | eventtypes.txt | ||
Control statements | stdin | see section Control Parameters | |
ADAELA messages | stdout | Messages and Codes |
The utility writes no checkpoints.
The following control parameters are available:
ADD_SERVER [ ,server_keywords] ADD_NUCELG [ ,nucelg_keywords] ADD_EVENTTYPE [ ,eventtype_keywords] ADD_FILTER [ ,filter_keywords] M DBID = number DISABLE DISPLAY = CONFIGURATION | EVENTTYPES ENABLE REMOVE = SERVER | NUCELG | EVENTTYPE, NAME=string | FILTER
ADD_SERVER D [,HOST=string] D [,PORT=number] D [,RECONNECT_TIMEOUT=number] D [,RETRY=number] D [,ON_ERROR=keyword]
This parameter adds the Analytics Server configuration to the DBnnn.INI file. It is not possible to use the Analytics Server in parallel to writing events into a file (see NUCELG). If there is already a configuration for the NUCELG file present, it will be deleted.
The hostname where the Analytics Server is running. The default is localhost, which assumes that the server will run on the same host as the Adabas nucleus for the best performance.
The TCP/IP listen port number of the Analytics Server. The default value is 6521. The port number must match the port number configured in the Analytics Server.
If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the time (in seconds) that the Adabas nucleus waits between reconnect attempts to the Analytics Server. The default is 1.
Reconnect attempts are time consuming and have a negative
impact on the Adabas performance.
If the connection between the Adabas nucleus and the Analytics Server is lost, this parameter specifies the number of reconnect attempts. The default is 0, which means "try continuously".
If the maximum number of attempts is not 0, and if the maximum
number of reconnect attempts is reached without reconnecting successfully,
event logging will be deactivated.
This parameter defines the behavior of the Adabas nucleus in case an error occurs with the Analytics Server. The default is IGNORE. ‘keyword’ can take one of the following values:
Keyword | Meaning |
ABORT | The Adabas nucleus will abort on any error condition with the Analytics Server. |
IGNORE | The Adabas nucleus will attempt to reconnect to the Analytics Server. |
This parameter adds the configuration for writing events to a file. It is not possible to use the Analytics Server in parallel to writing events into a file. If there is already a configuration for the Analytics Server present, it will be deleted.
The time (in seconds) that elapses before starting a new log file. The default value is 0, which means that the log file is never switched after a given time.
The number of events that have to occur before starting a new log file. The default value is 0, which means that the log file is never switched after a given number of events.
The fully-qualified path name for the log file. The default is $ADADATADIR/dbnnn/NUCELG or %ADADATADIR%\dbnnn\NUCELG. A numbering suffix will be added automatically.
ADD_EVENTTYPE ,NAME=string ,AREA=keyword ,FIELDS=(keyword [,keyword] …) D [,FILE=path] D [,END_OF_EVENTTYPE]
This parameter adds an event-type definition to the event types file.
The name of the event type.
The fully-qualified path name to the file which stores the event types.
The area where the event will be created. keyword can take one of the following values:
Keyword | Meaning |
The event is based on the Adabas Control Block. After a regular Adabas command has been processed, an event that depends on the command code will be sent. The area defines also which fields are available for the event. |
A list of the fields for the event type. The following fields are available:
Keyword | Area | Type, Length | Meaning |
event_timestamp | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Timestamp when the event was generated |
Dbid | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Database ID |
file_number | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Adabas file number |
command_code | POST_COMMAND | String, 2 | Adabas command code |
response_code | POST_COMMAND | Integer,4 | Nucleus response code |
Pid | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Process ID |
Isn | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | ISN |
hostname | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Host name |
user_id | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | User ID |
Tsid | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Unique identifier |
natapplication | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural application name |
natprogram | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural program name |
natlevel | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Natural call level |
natcount | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Number of Adabas calls since last IO |
natexec | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Number of times a Natural object has been executed |
natuser | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural user ID |
natstatement | POST_COMMAND | String, 4 | Natural statement number |
Natlib | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural library name |
natrpcclientuid | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural RPC client user ID |
natrpcid | POST_COMMAND | String, 16 | Natural RPC ID |
natrpcconvid | POST_COMMAND | String, 16 | Natural RPC conversation ID |
natsecgroup | POST_COMMAND | String, 8 | Natural security group |
additions1 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Additions 1 field |
duration | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Command duration in microseconds |
command_opt1 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Command option 1 field |
command_opt2 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Command option 2 field |
asso_io_count | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Number of the I/O read or writes to the ASSO container |
data_io_count | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Number of the I/O read or writes to the DATA container |
work_io_count | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Number of the I/O read or writes to the WORK container |
compressed_rec_lng | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Compressed record length returned by READ or a FIND command stored in the database |
decompressed_rec_lng | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Decompressed record length stored in the database after command completes |
descriptor_count | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Counter for updated descriptor per Adabas call stored in database |
cq_wait_duration | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Duration in microseconds for a command in command queue before dispatching into an Adabas thread |
isn_lower_limit | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Adabas ISN Lower Limit |
isn_quantity | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 4 | Adabas ISN Quantity |
command_opt3 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 3 of the processed call |
command_opt4 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 4 of the processed call |
command_opt5 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 5 of the processed call |
command_opt6 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 6 of the processed call |
command_opt7 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 7 of the processed call |
command_opt8 | POST_COMMAND | Character, 2 | Contains the value of command option 8 of the processed call |
additions2 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 4 | Contains the additions2 field of the issued call |
additions3 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Contains the additions3 field of the issued call |
additions4 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Contains the additions4 field of the issued call |
additions5 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Contains the additions5 field of the issued call |
additions6 | POST_COMMAND | Binary, 8 | Contains the additions6 field of the issued call |
Error_offset | POST_COMMAND | Integer, 8 | Error offset in buffer |
Error_field | POST_COMMAND | String, 2 | Error character field |
The keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE must be specified if more than one event type is added, or if an event type is added and one or more event types are removed.
ADD_FILTER D [ ,filter_keywords]
This parameter adds filter keywords to a file.
DBID = number
This parameter selects the database to be used.
This parameter disables the event logging feature.
This parameter display information about the event logging. The following keywords can be specified:
Keyword | Meaning |
CONFIGURATION | Displays the configuration of the event logging. The information is taken from the DBnnn.INI file. |
EVENTTYPES | Displays all configured event types. |
This parameter enables the event logging feature.
This parameter removes the server configuration. The section TARGET_SERVER will be removed from the DBnnn.INI file.
This parameter removes the NUCELG configuration.
This parameter removes an event type with the specified name from the event types file.
The keyword END_OF_EVENTTYPE must be specified if more than one event type is removed, or if an event type is removed and one or more event types are added.