Temporary Working Space

If the Adabas nucleus or utilities need temporary working space on disk, the TEMP and SORT containers may be used, or space is allocated and subsequently released in temporary working locations. Temporary working locations are directories that should contain sufficient free space for the required working space.

Temporary working space on disks is accessed according to the following rules:

  • Only the TEMP container, which must have been defined with the utility ADAFRM, can be used as temporary working space for the intermediate storage of descriptor values in the utilities ADAINV and ADAMUP.

    The search stategy for finding the TEMP containers is as follows:

    1. Check for the environment variables TEMP1, TEMP2 etc. If such an environment variable exists, it must contain the file name of the TEMP container.

    2. Search for the corresponding entries in the DBnnn.INI file. If such an entry exists, it must contain the file name of the TEMP container. Refer to the Adabas Extended Operation documentation for further information about the DBnnn.INI files.

    3. Search for the file TEMPx.nnn in the database directory (Linux: $ADADATADIR/dbnnn, Windows: %ADADATADIR%\dbnnn), where x is the extent number and nnn is the 3 digit database ID.

  • The search strategy for finding sort working space in the utilities ADAINV and ADAMUP is as follows:

    1. Check for the environment variables SORT1, SORT2 etc. If such an environment variable exists, it must contain the file name of the SORT container. SORT can have up to 50 extents. Unlike the case with TEMP containers (only files previously created with ADAFRM can be used), files that do not currently exist will be directly created by ADAINV/ADAMUP.

    2. Search for the corresponding entries in the DBnnn.INI file. If such an entry exists, it must contain the file name of the SORT container. Refer to the Adabas Extended Operation documentation for further information about the DBnnn.INI files. Unlike the case with TEMP containers (only files previously created with ADAFRM can be used), files that do not currently exist will be directly created by ADAINV/ADAMUP.

    3. Check for the environment variables TEMPLOC1, TEMPLOC2. If the environment variables exist, they must contain the names of directories in which the utilities try to create the SORT containers. The file names will be SORTpid.dbid. The sort files will be deleted when the utility finishes processing.

    4. Search for the corresponding entries (TEMPORARY_LOCATION) in the DBnnn.INI file. If such entries exist, they must contain the name of the directories in which the utilities try to create the SORT containers. Refer to the Adabas Extended Operation documentation for further information about the DBnnn.INI files. The file names will be SORTpid.dbid.

    5. Try to create a file in the database directory (Linux: $ADADATADIR/dbnnn, Windows: %ADADATADIR%\dbnnn). The file names will be SORTpid.dbid.

      Sort files created by the utilities will be deleted when the utility finishes processing. ADAINV and ADAMUP also include cleanup processing, which deletes sort files that could not be deleted as a result of a utiltity terminating abnormally.

  • The search strategy for finding the file names for creating TEMP and SORT containers with ADAFRM corresponds to steps 1 - 3 of the search strategy for ADAINV/ADAMUP.

  • Sort and other temporary working space required by ADANUC is created directly by ADANUC itself according to the following search strategy:

    1. Check for the environment variables TEMPLOC1, TEMPLOC2. If the environment variables exist, they must contain the names of directories or raw sections in which ADANUC tries to create the temporary containers.

    2. Search for the corresponding entries (TEMPORARY_LOCATION) in the DBnnn.INI file. If such entries exist, they must contain the name of directories where ADANUC tries to create the temporary containers. Refer to the Adabas Extended Operation documentation for further information about the DBnnn.INI files.

    3. Try to create the files in the database directory (Linux: $ADADATADIR/dbnnn, Windows: %ADADATADIR%\dbnnn) - this applies only if ADANUC is not started in read-only mode.

    The file names will beNUCSRTx.dbid and NUCTMPx.dbid. The files will be deleted again during the shutdown processing of ADANUC.

Do not specify raw sections for temporary locations for utilities (Linux platforms only). In order to make the created file name unique, the PID is added to the file name for the created files in the temporary locations, and this is not possible in raw sections. If you want to use raw sections for temporary working space, create the TEMP and SORT containers in a raw section with ADAFRM and assign them to the SORTn and or TEMPn environment variables. You must take care to ensure that the SORT and TEMP containers are used only by one utility at a time.