The Adabas installation package includes a set of sub-products or add-ons. In order to be able to use the sub-products they must be licensed and the corresponding product license file must be provided with the nucleus or utility execution.
From Adabas Version 8.6 SP1 onward, MLC Version 1.3.8 or higher is required.
The error ADANLA occurs if an incompatibility is detected between the Adabas version and the version of the Mainframe License Check (MLC) component.
License file version checking is only done at the version level and not at the release or SM-level. This means that you must have a valid license file(s) for the version of Adabas you are installing. Regardless of whether you are installing a new Adabas version, release, SM-level, or upgrading to a new MLC version, Software AG strongly recommends that you perform an early validation check of your license file(s) to avoid any possible interruption to your install/upgrade plans. If your license file(s) appear incompatible with your product upgrades, contact Software AG and request an updated license file.
For complete information about the licensing process for Software AG mainframe products, read Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.
The following table describes for a product the member name of the license load module created with LICUTIL and the DD name for the license file.
Product | Product Code | Load Module | DD Name |
Adabas | ADA | ADALIC | DDLIC |
Adabas Replication for ZIIP | AZPRP | AZPRPLIC | DDLAZPRP |
Adabas Caching Facility | ACF | ACFLIC | DDLACF |
Adabas Delta Save | ADE | ADELIC | DDLADE |
Adabas Encryption | AEZ | AEZLIC | DDLAEZ |
Adabas Auditing | ALA | ALALIC | DDLALA |
Adabas Cluster Services | ALS | ALSLIC | DDLALS |
Adabas Parallel Services | ASM | ASMLIC | DDLASM |
Adabas Online Services | AOS | AOSLIC | DDLAOS |
Adabas Replication Facility | ARF | ARFLIC | DDLARF |
Adabas SAF Security | AAF | AAFLIC | DDLAAF |
The following add-on products are included in the ADAvrs.LOAD library:
Component | Modules |
Adabas Caching Facility (ACF) |
Adabas Cluster Services (ALS) |
Adabas Delta Save Facility (ADE) |
Adabas Online System (AOS) |
Adabas Encryption (AEZ) | |
Adabas Parallel Services (ASM) |
When applying zaps to the add-on products in the table above, the SYSLIB DD in the IMASPZAP job must point to the ADAvrs load library.
The zap identifiers remain unchanged (AHvrsnnn for ACF,
APvrsnnn for ALS, ALvrsnnn for
ADE, ASvrsnnn for ASM).
Users installing products via SMA should refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation.
To use the various add-on products which are delivered with ADAvrs, it is necessary for users to install a valid product license for the component. For information on installing product licenses, please refer to Adabas and Add-on Licenses and the description given in Installing an Adabas Database.