Adabas Data Set Compatibility

Generally, Adabas utilities accept sequential input data sets that were produced as output data sets by utilities of the same version. Utilities of Adabas 8.6 also accept input data sets produced by utilities of versions prior to Adabas 8.6. However, utilities for versions prior to Adabas 8.6 cannot generally work with input data sets produced by Adabas 8.6 utilities.

This document covers the following topics:

Importing Files

A file cannot be imported (loaded, stored, or restored) into a database running with an earlier Adabas version if it uses features that are supported only in a later Adabas version.

Save Data Sets

Generally, restoring a whole database is possible only with the same Adabas release used for creating the save data set. Restoring individual files is possible with the same or any later Adabas release used for creating the save data set.

Using the ADASAV utility of Adabas 8.6, you can restore files into an Adabas 8.6 database from a database save or file save data set created with the ADASAV utility from any prior Adabas version. Likewise, using the ADAREP or ADAULD utilities of Adabas 8.6, you can print a report or unload a file from a database save or file save data set created with the ADASAV utility from any prior Adabas version.

You can restore files from an Adabas 8.6 database save or file save data set into a database running with Adabas 8.5, using the RESTORE function for an offline save (or file save with UTYPE=EXU) or the RESTONL function and the corresponding sequential PLOG dataset for an online save.

Using the ADASAV utility of Adabas 8.6 for Delta SAVE MERGE, at least one DELTA save must be created by Adabas 8.6 for the MERGE to work correctly.

You cannot use an ADAREP or ADAULD utility from an Adabas version prior to Adabas 8.6 to print a report or unload a file from a save data set created by the ADASAV utility of Adabas 8.6.

Unload Data Sets

Using the ADALOD utility of Adabas 8.6, you can load a file from an unload data set created using the ADAULD or ADACMP utilities from any prior Adabas version.

Using the ADALOD utility of Adabas 8.5, you can load a file that was unloaded from an Adabas 8.6 database into a database running with Adabas 8.5 as long as the file does not use features supported only in version 8.6.


Using the ADAORD utility of Adabas 8.6, you can store files (STORE function) from a DDFILEA data set created using the ADAORD REDB or REF functions from any prior Adabas version.

Using the ADAORD utility of Adabas 8.5, you can store files (STORE function) from a DDFILEA data set created using the ADAORD REDB or REF functions in Adabas 8.6 into a database running with Adabas 8.5, as long as the files do not use features supported only in version 8.6.

Sequential Protection Logs

Any sequential protection log (PLOG) used for the ADACDC utility or ADARES COPY in Adabas 8.6 must have been created with Adabas 8.6. Generally, using a sequential PLOG created with an older Adabas version for utilities is fine as long as the PLOG was created with the following version or later:

Utility/Utility Function PLOG created with or after
ADARES (REPAIR) Version 7.1.
ADAPLP, ADARPL and ADAREP No restrictions.

However, the PLOG written during an online save operation in a version prior to Adabas 8.6 may be used, together with the save data set, for an ADASAV RESTONL FILE or FMOVE operation in Adabas 8.6 (see Save Data Sets).