Adabas Initialization (ADARUN Statement)

The ADARUN control statement defines and starts the Adabas operating environment. The ADARUN control statement also starts Adabas utilities.


  • loads the ADAIOR module, which performs database I/O and other functions that depend on the operating system;

  • interprets the ADARUN parameter statements, then loads and modifies the appropriate Adabas nucleus or utility modules according to the ADARUN parameter settings; and

  • transfers control to Adabas.

The ADARUN statement, normally a series of entries each specifying one or more ADARUN parameter settings, is specified in the DDDDCARD data set. For more specific job information, refer to the appropriate location in this documentation.

The ADARUN parameters described in this document apply to the standard Adabas configuration and to Adabas cluster configurations. Other ADARUN parameters must also be specified for such features as: Adabas Caching Facility, Adabas Delta Save Facility Facility, Adabas Transaction Manager. Refer to the related documentation for more information about the ADARUN parameters that may be required.

The ADARUN documentation is organized under the following headings:

ADARUN Parameter Syntax
ADARUN Parameter Directory
Setting Adabas Session Parameters
ADARUN Parameters Pertinent to Adabas Add-on Products

The ADARUN parameter directory provides a hyperlink to the description of each ADARUN parameter.