UEX12* - Messages Written by the Sample User Exit 12

The sample user exit 12 routine writes messages to the operator console, identified by message IDs. The following messages may occur:

Number ID Description
UEX12 dbid
[NucID nucid] Exit 12, n xLOGs, event
                  Log i status, next log status session sess-no, count in use
                  DDxLOGRj status date/time 
UEX12A dbid Not APF-authorized
UEX12F dbid All xLOG datasets full
UEX12J dbid xLCOPY job submitted
UEX12O dbid Error – ddname Open failed
UEX12S dbid xLCOPY task started
UEX12X dbid Return to ADABAS, WaitTime= delay seconds


  • dbid is the database ID.

  • nucid is the NUCID of cluster nucleus calling UEX12 in a cluster.

  • n is the number of log data sets (NPLOG, NCLOG, or NALOG).

  • x is "P", "C" or "A" (for PLOG, CLOG, or ALOG).

  • event can be "nucleus start" | "nucleus end" | "log switch" | "forced switch".

  • i is the number of the log data set just completed.

  • j is the number of a non-empty log data set. There is one such line for each non-empty data set.

  • status can be "active" | "copying" | "free" | "full".

  • sess-no is the Adabas session number.

  • count is the number of log data sets in use (i.e., not free).

  • ddname is the DD-name of dataset that cannot be opened.

  • delay is the requested wait time in R15.

Both the core part of the message ID ("UEX12" as delivered) and the suffix characters (" " [blank], "A", "F", etc.) can be changed by a zap (cf. member UX12ZAP in the Adabas jobs library).