The sample user exit 12 routine writes messages to the operator console, identified by message IDs. The following messages may occur:
Number | ID | Description |
UEX12 | dbid |
[NucID nucid] Exit 12, n xLOGs, event Log i status, next log status session sess-no, count in use DDxLOGRj status date/time |
UEX12A | dbid | Not APF-authorized |
UEX12F | dbid | All xLOG datasets full |
UEX12J | dbid | xLCOPY job submitted |
UEX12O | dbid | Error – ddname Open failed |
UEX12S | dbid | xLCOPY task started |
UEX12X | dbid | Return to ADABAS, WaitTime= delay seconds |
dbid is the database ID.
nucid is the NUCID of cluster nucleus calling UEX12 in a cluster.
n is the number of log data sets (NPLOG, NCLOG, or NALOG).
x is "P", "C" or "A" (for PLOG, CLOG, or ALOG).
event can be "nucleus start" | "nucleus end" | "log switch" | "forced switch".
i is the number of the log data set just completed.
j is the number of a non-empty log data set. There is one such line for each non-empty data set.
status can be "active" | "copying" | "free" | "full".
sess-no is the Adabas session number.
count is the number of log data sets in use (i.e., not free).
ddname is the DD-name of dataset that cannot be opened.
delay is the requested wait time in R15.
Both the core part of the message ID ("UEX12" as delivered) and the suffix characters (" " [blank], "A", "F", etc.) can be changed by a zap (cf. member UX12ZAP in the Adabas jobs library).